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15 NEWS maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 15 MAY 2024 HERITAGE Malta has renewed its partnership with Friends of Villa Frere by signing a Mem- orandum of Understanding that extends their existing agreement for another five years. This renewal allows the non-governmental organisation to continue administering the villa with the support of Herit- age Malta, building on its signif- icant achievements. Over the past five years, Friends of Villa Frere has suc- cessfully started to revive this villa which had been left in a state of neglect and abandon- ment. Villa Frere is not only a site with two hundred years of history; it has also hosted philanthropic events, promot- ed the Maltese language, and showcased exceptional gar- dening skills that led to Villa Frere's gardens being featured in Country Life, a prestigious international publication, in 1930. Built in the early 19th century in Tal-Pietà, Villa Frere became the residence of British diplo- mat, poet, scholar, and philan- thropist John Hookham Frere. After his wife's demise in 1831, he built extensive terraced gar- dens at the rear of the proper- ty, from where he enjoyed wide open views spanning from Mdi- na to Valletta. Restoration works during the past few years have focused on Villa Hay, one of the buildings in the gardens, which was used as a retreat for John Hookham Frere's wife. Restoration and re- building was also carried out in the Gardeners Cottage, a quaint sun terrace which also served as a plant nursery shaded by a stone veranda and a belvedere on the roof. Reconstruction of a lofty wall which separates Villa Frere from a neighbour- ing property is also under- way. Many of the works were carried out by the volunteers themselves, with materials and specialised interventions being sponsored by private individ- uals and commercial entities, together with Heritage Malta. The Superintendence of Cul- tural Heritage monitors all in- terventions. Heritage Malta's Chief Exec- utive Officer, Noel Zammit, re- marked that, "The work of the volunteers at this site has been truly extraordinary, and continues to enhance Heritage Malta's appre- ciation of the invaluable role of volunteers in our society." He added that, "This recognition is precisely why the recently launched patronage scheme al- so accommodates volunteers, as Heritage Malta believes they too can contribute significantly to the preservation of our country's cultural heritage." In recent years, Heritage Mal- ta became the official owner of Villa Frere, but in 2019 it hand- ed over the administration to Friends of Villa Frere, which is directly helping to protect the place. Additionally, in 2020 Vil- la Frere and its gardens were scheduled as a Grade 1 property by the Planning Authority. This, together with the regular open- ing of the gardens to the public, has helped to raise awareness of the historical and cultural im- portance of Villa Frere. Heritage Malta and Friends of Villa Frere renew agreement for another five years Julian Marley ICOM-Malta and Heritage Malta host seminar on digital tools for collections documentation SEVERAL local and interna- tional pioneers in the use of digital tools for cultural herit- age will headline an enlighten- ing seminar focusing on collec- tions documentation, organised by the International Council of Museums (ICOM)-Malta in col- laboration with Heritage Malta, taking place on Friday 17 May. Titled 'Documenting Muse- ums and Private Collections Using Digital Tools', this event is organised in line with this year's International Museum Day, whose theme highlights the role of museums as dynamic institutions fostering learning, discovery and cultural under- standing. The seminar will be held at the Malta Maritime Mu- seum and streamed live online, offering accessibility to a global audience. The seminar is aimed at muse- um professionals, including cu- rators, conservators, and private collectors. A well-documented collection is integral to preserv- ing cultural heritage and making it accessible both to profession- als and to the public. Through presentations and demonstra- tions, participants will gain in- sights into new developments in collections documentation, innovative solutions to shared challenges, and expert guidance on best practices. The seminar will feature es- teemed speakers such as Joseph Schirò, President of ICOM-Mal- ta, and Kenneth Gambin, Chief Operating Officer at Heritage Malta. Presentations by experts from the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage and Heritage Malta's Digitisation Unit will of- fer valuable perspectives on the transformative potential of dig- ital technologies in collections documentation. Additionally, Krystle Farrugia will discuss Heritage Malta's education- al digital project funded by the Getty Foundation's 'The Paper Project', focusing on MUŻA's collection of Old Master draw- ings. Participation in the seminar is free, but registration for the on- site event at the Malta Maritime Museum is required on: https:// For those unable to attend in person, the live stream will be available on Heritage Malta's Facebook page. Further details on the speak- ers and the topics to be covered may be found on maltamari- t i m e m u s e u m . m t / d o c u m e n t - ing-museums-and-private-col- lections-using-digital-tools/.

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