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MALTATODAY 2 June 2024

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maltatoday | SUNDAY • 2 JUNE 2024 3 BOOKS Echos of Malta's Past - Linda Peek 's new book explores family resilience during W WII BRITISH author Linda Peek is in Malta to launch her book "Malta: A Childhood Under Siege'', a compelling memoir of the childhood of her mother, Margaret Staples, in war-torn Malta during World War II. On Wednesday, Linda in- troduced her book to Maltese readers, in a poignant event supported by Fundazzjioni Wirt Artna and the High Commis- sion of Malta in Canberra, at the Lascaris War Rooms, in Vallet- ta. This historic site was specif- ically chosen for this event as it was there that her grandfather Sam Staples, as Garrison Engineer, oversaw construction works. On Thurs- day 30 May at 6pm, the author is inviting the public to another literary evening about her book at the Chamber of Commerce, Republic Street, Valletta. Tick- ets can either be purchased at the door or online: https://tick- The book vividly portrays the relentless bombardment and siege that Malta endured due to its strategic position in the Mediterranean, Linda's narra- tive skillfully interweaves his- torical events with personal sto- ries, shedding light on the daily challenges, fears, and triumphs of the Maltese people, showcas- ing their incredible resilience and unity. Synopsis of "Malta: A Child- hood Under Siege" Through the lens of her moth- er's vivid memories, Linda cap- tures the essence of Maltese life during one of its most challeng- ing periods. From the deafen- ing sounds of air raids to the scarcity of daily necessities, the book provides readers with a firsthand account of the indom- itable will of the Maltese people. The narrative pays tribute to the courage shown by civilians in wartime, especially the wom- en and children who faced un- imaginable hardship. During the event, Linda shared, "Although my grand- parents were not Maltese, they developed a connection with the people and the island itself. Their bond was so strong that when my grandfather suggested we evacuate to Egypt or South Africa, as many others were do- ing, my grandmother stood firm and refused to leave. She said, 'If the Maltese can take it, so can we.'" About the Author Linda Peek, born in the UK and having lived across the globe due to her husband's work as an Australian Diplomat, brings a rich tapestry of experience to her writing. With prior roles as a Food Editor in Chile and as a blogger through her site Cafe Cat, Linda has continuously en- gaged with diverse cultures and history. Her global connections enriched her latest work, high- lighting her family's survival and Malta's enduring spirit.

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