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GOZOTODAY 5 July 2024

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5 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 5 JULY 2024 OPINION SUMMER in Gozo offers a splendid es- cape. Sun and sea but not just that. Vis- itors who choose Gozo as their holiday destination are in for a treat, as Gozo presents a unique blend of beautiful land- scape, history, and modern facilities. Undoubtedly, one of the primary at- tractions of Gozo in the summer re- mains its Mediterranean coastline, boasting some fine beaches and swim- ming spots. Tourists can enjoy the sun on the iconic red sands of Ramla Bay or explore other beaches that offer clear and turquoise waters, perfect for swimming, snorkelling, and other water sports. Another good example of such spots is the Blue Hole in Dwejra, which over the years has become a must-visit for diving enthusiasts. This natural marine for- mation offers an underwater spectacle with its rich biodiversity and dramatic submerged arch, making it one of the premier diving spots in the world. Di- vers can look forward to experience this underwater world, eager to explore the vibrant marine life and the mesmerising underwater landscapes. Gozo's history is as captivating as its natural beauty, with a plethora of ar- chaeological sites, ancient structures, and cultural festivals that intrigue vis- itors. Tourists expect to delve into the island's rich past, starting with the Ġgantija Temples. These megalith- ic temples, older than the pyramids of Egypt, are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and offer a fascinating glimpse into prehistoric Malta. Visitors often marvel at the ingenuity of ancient builders and the mysteries surrounding these an- cient structures. The Citadel, a Regiostar Award win- ner in Victoria, Gozo's capital, is anoth- er historical highlight. This old fortified Ċittadella offers panoramic views of the island. It also hosts several museums that narrate Gozo's history. Walking through its narrow streets, uncovering stories of past is an experience in itself. One cannot mention Gozo without mentioning its culinary heritage. Food is a significant part of the Gozitan expe- rience, and visitors should look forward to it. The island's cuisine is a delightful fusion of Mediterranean flavours, with an emphasis on fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Traditional dishes like "ft- ira" (a type of Gozitan pizza) and "pas- tizzi" (savoury pastries) are must-tries. Seafood lovers anticipate feasting on the freshest catches brought to our ta- bles by our dedicated fishermen. Local farmers' markets are also a draw for food enthusiasts, offering a taste of Gozo's agricultural bounty. The sum- mer months see an abundance of fresh produce, including tomatoes, zucchini, and melons, which form the basis of many Gozitan dishes. Grab the oppor- tunity to sample these fresh ingredients, either through restaurant dishes or by visiting these vibrant markets them- selves. Gozitan summers are synonymous with vibrant festivals and events that reflect the island's rich cultural tapes- try. Visitors are invited to participate in or witness these lively celebrations. The Feast of Santa Marija, held in mid-August, is one of the most antici- pated events. This religious festival in- cludes processions, fireworks, and band marches that captivate both locals and visitors. This year, the Cultural Herit- age Directorate within the Ministry for Gozo and Planning is organising more than 130 cultural activities spread over 13 weeks. Tourists looking for cultural immersion expect to be delighted by these artistic showcases, which high- light both local talent and international collaborations. For those that seek something more personal in their experience can opt to hiking and cycling, immersing in- to Gozo's natural beauty at their own pace. For those of a more adventurous outlook, Gozo's rugged landscape is perfect for activities such as rock climb- ing and abseiling. The island's diverse terrain ensures that there is something for every level of adventurer, from gen- tle walks through scenic paths to more challenging climbs and treks. Above all, visitors expect the warmth and hospitality that we, the Gozitans, are renowned for. The island's slower pace of life offers a relaxing contrast to the hustle and bustle of urban cen- tres, making it an ideal destination for those looking to unwind. Whether it's through staying in charming farmhous- es or simply enjoying the pace of vil- lage life, visitors will surely enjoy the Gozitan way of living. Indeed, summer in Gozo promises a multifaceted experience for all its visi- tors, blending natural beauty, historical richness, culinary delights, and cultural vibrancy. I wish you a pleasant stay in this Med- iterranean jewel named Gozo, which we are blessed to call home. Gozo: A Mediterranean gem Clint Camileri is Minister for Gozo and Planning Clint Camilleri Gozo's history is as captivating as its natural beauty, with a plethora of archaeological sites, ancient structures, and cultural festivals that intrigue visitors

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