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11 EDITORIAL maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 10 JULY 2024 JOHANN Grech wanted his 60 seconds of fame, appear- ing in a speaking part alongside David Walliams for a 10-minute short film publicising the Mediterrane Film Festival awards. This cameo appearance was Grech's act- ing debut. The production was intended to showcase Malta's past link with the Knights of St John and the rich heritage from that period. It was supposed to serve as an advert of sorts for foreign filmmakers. Whether the latter aim was ably reached is debateable but instead of discussing the actual production people have ended up talking about Grech and his follies. Grech is no ordinary individual; he is Malta's Film Commissioner, appointed by the government to further the film industry. And herein lies the problem. When the subject of con- troversy, public ridicule and concern becomes the Film Commissioner himself, you realise something is wrong. We know the film industry is all about glamour and out of the box thinking that can cost money with intangible immediate benefits. Holding a film festival to showcase the island to foreign producers and at the same time en- courage home-grown talent to flourish is one of these expenses. The marketing value of such events should not be understated. However, there is one big caveat to be made. The mon- ey administered by the Film Commission comes from taxpayers and thus every cent spent should be put to ju- dicious use. Unfortunately, Grech has been allowed to create his own unchecked fiefdom at the Film Commission. His latest cameo appearance in the short film was the culmi- nation of bad taste and with an estimated conservative price tag of €500,000, a matter of bad spending as well. If he wanted his 60 seconds of fame, Grech shouldn't have done so at taxpayer expense. Had all this happened in an environment where the film industry is running at full throttle and home-grown tal- ent is being helped to produce films and series' that are worthy exports, many would have probably closed an eye to the extravagance. But there is a growing disconnect between Grech and Maltese producers, actors and others who ply their trade in the sector despite the much-vaunt- ed economic contribution the industry has made over recent years. Grech's appearance in a 10-minute feature film is not simply a misstep as Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo implied. It is symptomatic of a prima donna who believes taxpayer funds are his to use as he pleases. But the situation became even more problematic over the weekend when a respectable actor like Lara Azzopar- di came out all guns blazing, accusing Grech of acting like a bully. Others followed with claims they were left unpaid for services rendered to the industry despite pledges by the commission to safeguard incomes. The situation now is one that goes beyond one man's follies. There is something deeply unsettling when somebody like Azzopardi decides to stand up and air her grievance in public. She is no ordinary individual but somebody who has a lot to lose in an industry that can be very fickle and where fragile egos get hurt easily. Her outburst is a warning signal that the government cannot ignore. At the very least, Grech should be called in and asked for an explanation by Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo. At the most, an investigation by people unconnected to the ministry should be carried out to as- certain the facts and make recommendations to change the situation. The allegations of bullying should not be swept under the carpet even if Bartolo believes Grech has been suc- cessful at his job. Unfortunately, the Bartolo-Grech tandem has proved to be anything but salutary. Grech continues to do as he pleases and in these circumstances the Prime Minister should transfer the portfolio out of Bartolo's hands. Really and truly, the film industry is an economic sector that has little to do with tourism and more to do with investment and job creation in the creative arts. That it serves as an advert for Malta is ancillary and should be re- flected in the manner by which incentives are drawn up. It appears that the Prime Minister did clip the Film Commission's wings when funding for Maltese produc- tions was taken out of its hands sometime this year. This move was unbeknown to many until Grech spilled the beans about it in comments he gave to sister newspaper Illum last week. The move must have been a subtle admission that something was not right at the Film Commission and that Grech's attitude towards Maltese producers had cre- ated unnecessary friction. Grech's tenure at the Film Commission appears to be causing more harm and controversy at this stage than creating value added to the industry and the people with- in it. The sector needs someone who has knowledge of the industry with all its unorthodoxy, can market Malta abroad, is able to foster a healthy dialogue with Maltese producers and filmmakers but comes with less drama and egocentric follies. Maybe it is time for change at the top. His 60 seconds of fame at our expense maltatoday MaltaToday, MediaToday Co. Ltd, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 9016 MANAGING EDITOR: SAVIOUR BALZAN EXECUTIVE EDITOR: KURT SANSONE EDITOR: PAUL COCKS Tel: (356) 21 382741-3, 21 382745-6 Website: E-mail: heaval, very little is likely to change with regard to French foreign policy, regardless of the government that will emerge in the coming days or weeks. This is because although the National Rally has increased its MPs in the house – a small victory within a bigger defeat – the other parties are gen- erally pro-European and pro- Ukraine. They are divided on internal politics, but much less so on foreign policy. French sovereignty, nuclear deter- rence, multilateralism will re- main keystones of French for- eign policy. One notable difference with the former Macron govern- ment is that with a larger left in the lower house, pressure on Israel to stop the war in Gaza is likely to increase. A democracy in crisis? These elections have clear- ly shown that the French are unhappy with their political class, despairing of unrespon- sive centralised state services that seem to work for forms and permits rather than for the people, tired of waiting weeks and sometimes months to get a doctor's appointment in rural areas, tired of restrictive green legislation they are not con- sulted about. The yellow vest movement was a violent erup- tion of frustrations that are now being voiced at the polling booth. France's type of democracy is in crisis and its next gov- ernment is unlikely to resolve structural issues and practical problems that plague French peoples' everyday life, because such issues cannot be fixed overnight. Within a month, the French have voted three times. Never before has the far right done so well despite its ultimate defeat. Whether this was a vote sanc- tion (a vote used to protest, rather than to show support to a political program) or a genu- ine move toward the far right, these results remain a warning that the French are longing for change.

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