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MaltaToday 10 July 2024 MIDWEEK

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6 maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 10 JULY 2024 NEWS JAMES DEBONO Crash barrier proposed to deter off- roading in Has Saptan valley AMBJENT Malta has pre- sented plans to erect a tim- ber-clad crash barrier and a shallow rubble wall to deter off-roading from the exist- ing public road down into the valley at Has Saptan in B' Bugia. The area which is designat- ed as a Site of Community Importance and includes a Tree Protection Area, is no- torious for off roading bikes which scar the landscape trample on vegetation and contribute to soil erosion. A masterplan for the Ghar Dalam National Park issued by Heritage Malta in 2019 has listed off-roading as one of the threats facing the envi- ronment in the area. The crash barrier to be erected along Triq Has Saptan will be built using 'Douglas fir wood' to ensure it blends well with surroundings. The proposed rubble wall will be limited to a height of 60 cm. Off-roading is defined in the law as all forms of driving, manoeuvring and parking of motor vehicles which is not related to agriculture which is carried out off public roads. Off-roading activities may only occur in sites licensed as such by the competent au- thorities. These sites must be clearly marked with the appropriate signage and there must be clearly defined lanes. In 2021, the PA had ap- proved an application to turn a quarry in Aħrax into Mal- ta's first official track for off roading hobbyists. People breaching off road- ing regulations are liable to a fine of between €116.47 and €1,164.69, which may increase to between €232.94 and €2,329.37 for repeat of- fences. Area is notorious for vehicles causing evironmental havoc by trampling on vegetation and soil The area is designated as a Site of Community Importance and includes a Tree Protection Area Abigail Agius Mamo to step down from Malta Chamber of SMEs leadership THE Malta Chamber of SMEs has announced that its CEO, Abigail Agius Mamo, will be stepping down from her position. On Tuesday, the chamber said that Agius Mamo has been a vital part of the SME Chamber for the past 17 years and has served as CEO for the last 10 years. One of the major achieve- ments during her time as CEO was navigating the or- ganisation through the Cov- id-19 pandemic. "The or- ganisation's gold standard handling of the Covid-19 re- percussions gained EU-wide recognition, being award- ed the EU's Civil Solidarity prize." Agius Mamo was last inter- viewed by MaltaToday last February. Among other sub- jects, she had been vocal on issues such as reducing VAT to 15.5%, government inter- ventions in the free market, and energy subsidies. The chamber said, "As CEO, Ms Agius Mamo performed her role with passion, inspir- ing the team she built to work for the continued growth and evolution of the organisation building trust, and giving a very credible voice to Malta's SMEs to shape opinions and policies effectively." The President, Council, and staff of the Malta Chamber of SMEs expressed their grati- tude to Agius Mamo for her exceptional service and lead- ership, and extended their best wishes for her future en- deavors. Abigail Agius Mamo (Photo: James Bianchi/MaltaToday)

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