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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 MARCH 2014 20 Letters Send your letters to: The Editor, MaltaToday, MediaToday Ltd. Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann SGN 9016 | Fax: (356) 21 385075 E-mail: Letters to the Editor should be concise. No pen names are accepted. Lawrence Gonzi's first Cabi- net is characterised by the fact that all ministers have been retained, one has been given a larger ministry and two others lost certain re- sponsibilities within the same ministry. The Cabinet has one minister less while there are two additional Parliamen- tary Secretaries. The most surprising choice remains the Prime Minister's decision to include the finance portfolio under his responsibilities. His publicly stated reason, to give priority to financial matters, is far from convincing. His choice, which carries political risks for both Government and himself, was clearly conditioned by the declared reluctance of the former finance minister to retain the portfolio after a tenure of ten years. We firmly believe that the former finance minister, who took many a hard and difficult decision to put into place the necessary structures that allow Government to collect and to enforce tax collection, should have been persuaded to accept this portfolio. A seasoned and magnanimous leader would have amalgamated the finance minister with the deputy leadership post. This would have made the party look more united, as it would have prized the minority within the party and allowed for the necessary continuity within the finance ministry. We remain astounded by the impulsive refusal of Josef Bonnici not to accept to serve as a PS in the Prime Ministers office. This refusal, while understandable as it smacked of a demotion for the former minister, was impolitic and spells political suicide as he has now placed himself outside the political loop. On the contrary, we note Michael Frendo, who although worthy of ministerial rank agreed to yet again start climbing up the political ladder. We are however somewhat surprised that, with his reasoning, the Prime Minister did not give Michael Frendo a ministry especially when Lawrence Gonzi himself always acknowledged that his decision to contest an election was motivated by the ruthless treatment meted out to Michael Frendo by Alfred Sant. The appointment of a new Prime Minister offers the Government a golden opportunity to start afresh. There inevitably is much goodwill in the first days of a new government as the Prime Minister is given a chance to show his mettle. This honeymoon period is a time to set the priorities, the objectives, the targets, something that he has already done. It is also a time to build bridges with vested interested groups who may have felt short-changed by the previous government. Lawrence Gonzi must take advantage of all the initial good will and benefit of the doubt he inevitably deserves in his first days. These concessions are most likely to be short lived especially if an already difficult economic situation worsens. The next election will be fought on the economic battlefield. He will be well advised to consider appointing a financial technocrat as finance minister. He has this golden opportunity with the casual election opportunity arising from the resignations of both Joe Borg and Eddie Fenech Adami. We have little doubt that no advantage will be taken of these two opportunities, as there will be reluctance on the part of the candidates to give up their chances to be elected to parliament. The worsening financial situation, the refusal of the former finance minister and the lack of availability of a top-notch finance minister from among his parliamentary colleagues make this form of lateral thinking worth considering. His self-appointment shows that from his very first days, circumstances are dictating his choices. This is not a good omen. Not a good omen In the light of all the contro- versy surrounding the continued destruction of trees in the Maltese Islands, it is saddening to discover that Qala council has applied to MEPA to remove the 32 mature trees that adorn one of Gozo's most popular squares. The usual cries of root damage and bird droppings are to be heard, but these were not enough to down the trees in Victoria's Independ- ence Square, nor should they be in Qala Square. As with both squares, root damage although present was not significant, and bird drop- pings can easily be mitigated by constructing simple shelters over the seats as done in Naxxar, and occasional cleaning by the council. The debate is raging even though the cement and sand foundation for the new paving has already been laid. It is impossible that even if given permission, they could uproot the trees without damaging the existing balustrade surround- ing the church parvis, or the new paving - therefore the next call will be that they have to be chopped down. The centre of Qala is an Urban Conservation Area (UCA). The Planning Authority is meant to give "trees within UCA's a high priority for protection, particularly if there is a perceived threat to the trees or if the Authority considers that the removal of the trees will be detrimental to the overall visual appearance of the UCA". Policy RCO4 in the Structure Plan states: "The Planning Author- ity will not permit the develop- ment of any structure or activity which in the view of the Authority would adversely affect scenic value because it would: ...adversely affect existing trees or shrubs" The Planning Authority's outlook towards existing trees is clearly aimed at their conservation, so what is happening here? The recently formed 'Save Qala's Trees' Facebook page (https://www.face- informs us that the church were against the removal of the trees from their land, meanwhile another FB post- ing says the council is awaiting permission from Mepa to remove the trees. So much for eco-Gozo, which talks of 'improvement of air quality being fundamental to the eco-Gozo vision', and of planting trees, not destroying them. Jane Carr Qala, Gozo Will MEPA condone the removal of Qala's trees? EDITORIAL - MARCH 28 2004 Wrong perceptions With reference to J. Guillaum- ier's letter ('An art auction at the Vatican' – 16 March 2014), he has my modest reply in another paper, if it sees the light of day, because the same letter has been published elsewhere. Recently Bishop Mario Grech said that spirituality in the media would better contribute towards the common good. Fr. P. Pace S.J. decried that intellectuals and academics are keeping a deafening silence. But there is another reason why the plight of our rich Chris- tian heritage has sunk so low. It is amazing how fast and furi- ous letters from a brace of cynics and agnostics are published in certain papers, while the others are ignored and their letters left in the drawer. Guillaumier's persistence and systematic under-estimation of the Pope's words and deeds, complimenting the alacrity with which two English-language papers welcome his letters, are for me the eighth wonder of the world. The archaic and arcane editing is an open secret now. I don't think the Vatican has a right to denude its Museum of precious works of art, especially if the place is classified as a World Heritage site. Besides, if the main attractions are taken away, less people will turn up at the turnstiles of the museum, which generates a substantial share of the mini-state's revenue. About 4,500 employees earn their living at the Vatican and the cost of state administration must be astronomical these days. Would not any zoo take pride in exhibiting its tigers, lions and white pandas? Would the Louvre Museum dispose of its Mona Lisa? To attribute the Pope's commit- ment towards poverty as just token gestures and lofty speeches is indeed a highly prejudiced opinion of a blindfolded man, who not only lost his eyesight temporarily but even his vision. His "animus", a drop in the ocean really, is radically opposed to the universal acclaim this Pope is effectively inculcating. In April last year, the bonus of all the Vatican's employees was stopped and the money transferred to the Pope's personal charity fund. A Harley Davidson motorcycle, belonging to Francis, fetched €241,500 in an auction sale. All the proceeds were given to char- ity. These gestures may be just a pittance compared to the fortunes one could obtain from the selling of art treasures, but I am sure the Pope can devise more ingenuous means how to boost the already existing immeasurable timeless fi- nancial aid in favour of charity. He was already doing so as Cardinal, in his native Argentina. Imagine him now what he can do in his new position, as head of the Catholic Church. The "Hand of God" can work wonders. I feel that everyone should have his due. Philanthropic, health care, educational and humanitarian work carried out by the Church's missionary outposts is also charity at its best, conveniently overlooked by Mr. Guillaumier. Who can ever gauge the extent of this benevo- lence? John Azzopardi Zabbar YOUR FIRST CLICK OF THE DAY 'Salvu' on the road to Damascus It was through tears of cynical joy that I read Saviour Balzan's column last Sunday. I vividly remember the scorn he poured on all of us who dared to wear the T-shirt advocating the 'no' vote against EU member- ship, and informing him and his cronies that the terms offered were not good enough. We told you Salvu. And we were right! His "letter of Salvu to the Mal- tesers" is worth a few quotes: "The whole decision-making process is in the Council and rests with the president – not even the Commissioners." "The whole project is one big failure." "I feel that at the end of the day, Europe has let us all down." Of course it has. The whole thing, although founded on high ideals, was hijacked early on by the cynical machinations of the French civil service who saw it as a vehicle for a Francophile 'Euro- pean Empire'. It was set up along the lines of the old USSR, with domination planned by a spoiled and privileged few. We produced a comparison study between the Constitution of the USSR and that proposed by Valery Giscard d'Estaing for the EU, to show how closely the French aristocrat had followed the guidelines for dominance created by the Soviets. Personally I still believe in a loosely united and co-operative Europe based on the Plan Mon- net, but without the 19th century empire building. I probably bore people to death on Facebook by pointing out the regular idiocies of the Brussels desk jockeys and calling for reform, again and again. However the EU will not be reformed or become effective or give proper returns on the huge cost by refusing to vote. I advocate that everyone should vote but only for the candidates who have minds of their own and are not party animals, who get in there and speak up for Malta and its people, and for the people of Europe, who are all treated with contempt by Brussels. Michael John Turner San Gwann

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