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MT 30 March 2014

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 MARCH 2014 38 THIS WEEK Classical music concert in aid of refugees THE German evangelical-ecumen- ical Andreas Gemeinde Malta will be organising two concerts with the choir of St Marien-Klosterkirche Lehnin and the instrumental group of the Kapernaum Chamber Orches- tra Berlin-Wedding on April 5 and 6. The first of the concerts will be held at the Mdina Cathedral on April 5 at 19:00, with a programme including works by Giovanni Perlugi da Palest- rina, Francisco de Peraza, Michael Praetorious, Johann Sebastian Bach and Franz Schubert. The second concert will be held on April 6 at 18:30 and will take place at the St Andrew's Scots Church in Val- letta, with a programme including Heinrich Schutz, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Hugo Distler, Felix Men- delssohn-Bartholdy and Johannes Brahms. The concerts bring together mu- sical church groups with members of the two parishes – the Andreas Gemeinde and the St Barbara Ge- meinde. The encounter will culmi- nate in the ecumenical service on April 6 at 10:00, at St Andrew's Scots Church. Entrance to both concerts is free, but any donations will go towards ecumenical refugee work in Malta. The event is sponsored by the Ger- man Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Music and Steel Festival takes over Shipbuilding tonight DURING a press conference this week, Fondazzjoni Ċelebrazzjonijiet Nazzjonali (FCN) said that the 'Music and Steel Festival' – which will be taking place tonight at the Malta Shipbuilding in Marsa – is part of the foundation's artistic programme which encompasses more than 60 events. FCN representative Marc Muscat described the festival as a "feast of rock, ska, tribal, new folk and pop performed by some of the best bands in Malta". The line-up for the event includes The New Victorians, The Crowns, Red Electrick, The Rifffs, Airport Impression and Tribali. Minister for the Economy, Invest- ment and Small Business Chris Cardona said that the chosen venue itself deserves attention, given how this will be the last time the evoca- tive – and previously described as 'grungy' ¬– Malta Shipbuilding location will be in use for such an event, which will then go in for de- velopment. The event begins at 19:30. En- trance is free.

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