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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 22 MAY 2011 41 RECIPE OF THE WEEK Leeks Once dubbed "poor-man's asparagus", the leek needs only some slow braising or gentle grilling to bring out its sweet yet complex fla- vour that is also a great detoxifier. Leeks work well as an add-in to soups, pies and omelettes, but also stand up very well on their own in a variety of side dishes. The leek is the part of the onion family, sci- entifically known as Alliums porrum. How- ever its flavours are much more subtle and sweeter, making it an ideal accompaniment for seafood dishes. Try a leek stuffed salmon fillet with fresh dill, which is as tasty warm as it is cold. Wild leeks, known as ramps, are much smaller in size, but have a stronger, more in- tense flavour. They are available for a short period of time each year and are often widely sought out at farmers' markets when they are in season. Leeks can be traced right back to antiquity and are thought to be native to Central Asia. Leeks were prized by the ancient Greeks and Romans and were especially revered for their beneficial effect upon the throat. The Greek philosopher Aristotle credited the clear voice of the partridge to a diet of leeks, while the Roman emperor Nero supposedly ate leeks everyday to make his voice stronger. Today, leeks are an important vegetable in many northern European cuisines and are grown in many European countries. They are available throughout the year, though in sea- son between autumn and early spring when they are at their best. Detoxification Leeks are used for detoxification because they contain potassium, folic acid, and vi- tamin C. They also help reduce cholesterol levels and can help rid the body of uric acid, which the body creates after ingesting certain foods. Too much uric acid in the body can cause health complications such as gout and kidney stones. Leek broth can be made with or without additional ingredients. Some basic recipes involve only the greens and bulbs of leeks with water, while other recipes include other ingredients found to have additional health benefits. Such ingredients may include on- ions, ginger, lemon or herbs. The ingredients generally add minimal cal- ories to the broth and are sometimes tailored to meet the specific health needs of the user. Once the broth is made, those detoxing of- ten use it for two to three days. During the detoxification process, it is the only thing ingested so that users can avoid adding addi- tional contaminants to the body. Broth can be ingested warm as a vegetable "tea" or cold. Selection, storage and preparation Leeks should be firm and straight with dark green leaves and white necks. Look for small- er leeks as the larger the leek the more fibrous they tend to be in texture. Try to purchase leeks that are of similar size so as to ensure more consistent cooking if you are planning on cooking the leeks whole. Fresh leeks should be stored unwashed and untrimmed in the refrigerator, where they will keep fresh for between one and two weeks. Wrapping them loosely in a plastic bag will help them to retain moisture. Cooked leeks are highly perishable, and even when kept in the refrigerator, will only stay fresh for about two days. Cut off green tops of leeks and remove outer tough leaves. Cut off root and cut leeks in half lengthwise. Fan out the leeks and rinse well under running water, to remove grit from between the layers but leaving them intact. Cut leeks into 2-inch lengths. Holding the leek sections cut side up, cut lengthwise so that you end up with thin strips, known as the chiffonade cut, slicing until you reach the green portion. Make sure slices are cut very thin to shorten cooking time. Let leeks sit for at least 5 minutes before cooking. Serving ideas • Healthy sauté leeks and fennel. Garnish with fresh lemon juice and thyme. • Add finely chopped leeks to salads. • Make vichyssoise, a cold soup made from puréed cooked leeks and potatoes. • Add leeks to broth and stews for extra fla- vouring. • Braised leeks sprinkled with fennel or mustard seeds make a wonderful side dish for fish, poultry or steak. • Add sliced leeks to your favourite ome- lette or frittata recipe. maltatoday, SUNDAY, 30 MARCH 2014 FINE FOOD OF THE WEEK Spring a leek and get rid of toxins However you spell it - barbeque, barbecue, BBQ, Barbie-Q -homemade BBQ sauce will wow your friends. Just keep how easy it re- ally is to make a secret. Ingredients • 175g flour • 85g chilled butter, coarsely grated • 50g mature cheddar, grated • 1 tsp coarse grain mustard For the filling • 500g skinless boneless chicken breasts, cut in chunks • 25g butter • 2 tbsp sunflower oil • 2 leeks, thickly sliced • 350ml hot chicken stock • 1 tbsp flour • 85g watercress, chopped • 4 tbsp crème fraîche • 1 tbsp milk for glazing Method 1. Mix the flour, a pinch of salt and the butter in a bowl, then stir in the cheese. 2. Blend 2 tbsp cold water with the mus- tard and stir in. Form into a dough. Wrap and chill for 30 mins. 3. Fry the chicken in the hot butter and oil for 5 mins until golden. Add the leeks and fry for 2-3 mins until softened. Add the stock, bring to the boil then cover and simmer gently for 15 mins. 4. Preheat the oven to 200°C. 5. Transfer the chicken and leeks to a 1.2 litre pie dish with a slotted spoon – leave the stock in the pan. 6. Make a paste with the flour and 1 tb- sp cold water. Thin with 2 tbsp stock then add to the pan and stir on the heat non-stop until thickened. 7. Take off the heat, stir in the water- cress and crème fraîche, season and pour over the chicken and leeks. Cool. 8. Roll out the pastry between 2 pieces of cling film until just larger than the dish. Remove the top piece of film and lift the pastry onto a rolling pin with the cling film underneath. 9. Lay pastry-side down over the filling. Peel away the film, then trim around the rim. 10. Make a small hole in the centre. Brush the pastry with milk. 11. Bake for 25-30 mins until golden. Chicken and leek pie High in potassium, folic acid and vitamin C, leeks help in the removal of uric acid from the body making it an ideal detox food

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