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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 6 APRIL 2014 3 News Compilation of evidence in Zahra death starts tomorrow THE compilation of evidence on the charges of murder and assisted suicide against Erin Tanti, 23, is ex- pected to start tomorrow. Tanti, a supply teacher of drama, was charged on Thursday with the murder and assisted suicide of Lisa Maria Zahra, 15, and of defiling her when she was in his care as a teacher, participating in sexual acts with her when she was a vulnerable person, and abusing his position of trust as a teacher. Tanti is pleaded not guilty to the charges. He was rescued by Civil Protec- tion Department personnel on 19 March at a point at Ta' Zuta, be- neath Dingli cliffs, where it was believed he had attempted to take his life. Lisa Maria Zahra was found dead from a fall some distance away. A substantial quantity of cash – over €2,500 was also found in the car – as well as three BOV and HSBC cheques made out to Tanti's name from three separate compa- nies, including St Michael Founda- tion, the school that enrolled Tanti as a supply teacher for drama stud- ies. Tanti was also a drama tutor for the Masquerade theatre company. Police found a bottle of whisky in Tanti's car as well as a substantial mount of aspirin tablets. Police were also said to be probing two written messages left by Zahra and Tanti at their home, prior to the tragic incident. Tanti's defence counsel, Michael Sciriha, requested the court to have his client kept under medical at- tention at the Mount Carmel Hos- pital's forensic unit. He said that Tanti had in the past requested assistance from the Appogg Agency for both him and Zahra several times before, but his requests had gone unheeded. Lawyers Joe Giglio, Giannella de Marco, Steve Tonna Lowell and Reuben Farrugia are appearing in parte civile for the Zahra family. Lawyers Michael and Lucio Sciriha are appearing for Erin Tanti. The family of Lisa Maria Zahra released a statement in the after- math of the murder charges, in which they said the 15-year-old was "looking forward to her future and the life ahead of her." "She was excited about finishing her exams and enjoying the sum- mer ahead. She was busy plan- ning what subjects to study in Sixth Form, and excited about her progress in the arts. She had every- thing to live for and we would like to remember her for all her won- derful traits," Winston Zahra jnr, the hotelier, and nephew of Lisa Maria's father Anthony Zahra, said in a press conference. In the printed statement he read out, and distributed to the press, Zahra said the charges against Tanti were "clear and unequivo- cal". "He has been charged with the voluntary homicide of Lisa Mar- ia apart from a number of other charges. I will not elaborate on the charges of any of the evidence, as the place for this to happen is in the courts and the family will not comment in any way, either now, or while the process runs its course. "Despite the enormous pain cause by the loss of Lisa Maria, we will patiently wait for the justice system to work in the months ahead." Zahra said Lisa Maria was a "bright, intelligent and talented younger girl… shy but confident. She always spoke her mind but did so respectfully." He said the teenager was "occa- sionally rebellious", anxious about her exams, but also vulnerable. Compilation of evidence in Zahra death starts tomorrow PHOTOGRAPHY BY RAY ATTARD Brian May rocks St George's Square Queen guitarist Brian May performed to a 4,000 strong crowd at St George's Square, Valletta yesterday evening. The legendary musician, who was joined by singer Kerry Ellis and preceded by local band Winter Moods on the stage, performed songs by The Beatles, Kansas and – as expected – Queen… while also making a plea against spring hunting in Malta. The concert forms part of a cluster of activities being held this year in commemoration of Malta's 50th anniversary of independence, 40th anniversary of Republic Day, 35th anniversary of Freedom Day and 10th anniversary of Malta's membership in the European Union Erin Tanti

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