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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 6 APRIL 2014 9 MATTHEW VELLA A Court of Appeal has once again postponed a decision whether to up- hold the eviction of the Mediterranean Film Studios company, to return their land to the government after ground rent was not paid for several years, in breach of their 65-year emphyteutical grant contract. The case was instituted by the Di- rector of Lands against Mediterra- nean Film Studios, which has held the Rinella land which hosts the water tanks used for filming since 1995. The company had already been or- dered to pay arrears of ground rent of €803,000, accumulated over some 12 years of non-payment. According to court documents, the film studios were €5.4 million in debt as early as 2006. As company records presented in court show, the company is wracked with banking debt: the court itself be- lieves it will be unable to generate the kind of business necessary to pay its dues. The studio owner Jost Merten claims there is interest from investors to se- cure the studios' future – a Russian company with various interests in filming, based in Malta, is known to be interested in the company, but Medi- terranean Film Studios is prohibited by the emphyteutical concession to just sell off. On its part, the govern- ment wants the next operator of the studios to be chosen by a competitive process. And unlike the operators of the Café Premier, the Valletta coffee house that went bust and could not pay its gov- ernment arrears and taxes, Merten's Mediterranean Film Studios will not get a 'bailout' like Cities Entertainment Ltd did. The Lands Department had made it clear as much in its reply to Merten's appeal, saying the emphyteutical con- tract gives government the right to reclaim the land when ground-rent is not paid for two years. The bill now has accumulated to some €1.5 million with interest. "There is little chance that this money will be paid, when in the cur- rent circumstances the land can be put to better use so as to give government an income," the department said in its appeal. Even in its first decision, the Civil Court said that it was "more than evi- dent" that Mediterranean Film Studi- os was not generating enough work to be economically strong to honour its commitments. "To this court it is unacceptable that the emphyteuta can just sit on a fence without honouring its principal obli- gation to pay its emphyteusis with the excuse that other potential investors were waiting for the outcome of this case alone," the first court said. On his part, Mediterranean Film Studios owner Jost Merten claims the government wanted to evict the com- pany due to plans for the construction of Smart City in the adjacent Ricasoli estate. Merten said that in 2005, the Lands Department started refusing its pay- ments, and that investments minister Austin Gatt was refusing to entertain the prospect of new investors in the studios. "The government did not evict the company over the non-payment of the emphyteutical dues, but because it was refusing to accept the payments in the first place." Merten and the Lands Department had agreed to a payment schedule as early as 2002, when it was made clear that Mediterranean Film Studios was unable to pay its annual rent. Merten claimed MFS's debts were inherited losses from previous government ad- ministrations, incurred due to exces- sive staffing and a slump in film busi- ness during the 1990s. Merten said he "accepted an invita- tion" to acquire MFS's majority share- holding in 1999. But by 2003, the company was fac- ing over Lm2 million (€4.6 million) in banking debts, and finance minister John Dalli refused to have the studios shut down "because the government was committed to incentivise the film industry". Merten claims he poured over €1.1 million of his own resources into the company. "There are still investors, to this day, who are ready to pay all ar- rears to the government, as long as the emphyteusis does not get rescinded." News No eviction for studio owners as court postpones appeal Mediterranean Film Studios had already been ordered to pay arrears of ground rent for €803,000

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