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MT 6 July 2014

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 6 JULY 2014 15 Busuttil had argued that a series of political actions, mainly the ap- pointment of Peter Paul Zammit as Police Commissioner and the reap- pointment of the team investigating the Dalli case, led him to deduce that there had been political inter- ference in the case. However, OLAF director Giovan- ni Kessler said that on 7 August that Zammit informed him that the in- vestigation had not been closed. New case In a letter he sent this week to Speaker of the House Anglu Far- rugia, Kessler pointed out that on three occasions OLAF asked former police commissioner Peter Paul Zammit to collaborate on a new investigation concerning Dalli but OLAF had not received any replies. "On three separate occasions (on 22 October, 2013, 31 March, 2014, and 6 May, 2014) OLAF requested Mr Peter Paul Zammit to collabo- rate on a new Olaf investigation concerning Mr Dalli. To this date, and despite the reminders, OLAF has not received any answer by Mr Zammit, although Malta is required by law to cooperate and supply the information required by OLAF," Kessler said. It is not clear what case Kessler is referring to, however the only other known investigation involving Dalli is that concerning his trip to the Ba- hamas in the summer 2012: a case in which Dalli, as commissioner, would have flown to the Caribbean island and back to Europe without touching ground, to organise a mul- ti-million transfer while Dalli was under investigation on the bribery allegation. Those are the allegations of Barry Connor, the Bahamas resident who rented out a villa to Dalli on a sec- ond visit: Connor alleged that Dalli had told him that he was planning to transfer large amounts of money for an unspecified venture. Dalli claimed his first trip to the Bahamas, where he travelled by private jet overnight and returned to Brussels after landing in Nas- sau, was to discuss the financing of a philanthropic venture with Africa as its target continent. He later flew to the Bahamas where he stayed in Connor's villa to meet various en- trepreneurs who were organising or providing finance for this African venture. Dalli denied holding any accounts in the Bahamas, and said that his work on the project was gratis, later telling the New York Times that he was not involved in the charitable project. No closure Peter Paul Zammit, now the out- going police commissioner after the government announced this week it will replace him with Ray Zammit, as well as his predecessor John Riz- zo, seem largely to blame over the way investigations were carried out in the Dalligate affair. In the first instance, Rizzo seemed unwilling to charge Dalli under the excuse of his medical condition. In reality, the Nationalist government was under pressure by the end of January when MaltaToday broke the stunning news of the kickbacks that had been paid in fuel procure- ment supplies from Trafigura to En- emalta, that eventually led to seven men being charged on corruption and bribery in court. In retrospect, it looks like that under the weight of the embarrass- ing revelations, arraigning Dalli at the height of the Enemalta scandal would have been tantamount to a vile political smokescreen. Even Sil- vio Zammit was arraigned the day after the PN government fell when rebel MP Franco Debono voted against the government's budget. But then again, questions are still raised as to why Rizzo only chose to arraign Zammit and not Gayle Kimberley, the Swedish Match lob- byist whom OLAF pinpointed as a possible accomplice to the bribe. This still represents one of the great holes in the Dalligate police inves- tigation, which Peter Paul Zammit did little to seal when he reviewed the investigation in mid-2013. Despite his assertions in the me- dia that no charges would be lodged against Dalli, Zammit was left in the dock to face the charge of a bribe that did not take place; while Kim- berley herself was used as a witness against Zammit. Matters were only made worse last week when OLAF's Giovanni Kes- sler said Zammit was not cooperat- ing on his new inquiries into Dalli; giving Opposition leader Simon Busuttil more fuel for his allega- tions that the 'politically manipu- lated' police commissioner might be protecting Dalli, now a government consultant. News Dalligate: A tale of incongruities (and confusion) Reporting directly to the Board of Directors, a new vacancy has arisen for the role of Corporate Legal Counsel & Managing Director Assistant to support the business activities within the Group. e role aims at providing legal advice, ascertaining operational compliance whilst facilitating business strategy developments. e main responsibilities include: q1SPWJEFUIFSFRVJSFEFYQFSUJTFBOETUSBUFHJDDPNNFSDJBMBEWJDFUPTFOJPSNBOBHFNFOU q%FBMXJUIFYUFSOBMQBSUJFTBOEESBGUSFWJFXDPOUSBDUTUPTBGFHVBSEUIFCVTJOFTTPCKFDUJWFT q4FUJOUFSOBMHPWFSOBODFQPMJDJFTBOEFWBMVBUFSJTLBTTFTTNFOUTPGCVTJOFTTEFDJTJPOTJODMVEJOH UIFSFTQFDUJWFDPVSTFPGBDUJPO q*EFOUJGZQSPBDUJWFTPMVUJPOTUPFMJNJOBUFPSNJUJHBUFSJTLT q"DUJOHBTB$PNQBOZ4FDSFUBSZ.BOBHJOH%JSFDUPS"TTJTUBOUBDDPSEJOHUPCVTJOFTT SFRVJSFNFOUT e ideal candidate should possess the following: q"-BXEFHSFFGSPNBOBDDSFEJUFEJOTUJUVUJPO q"UMFBTUZFBSTQPTURVBMJǠDBUJPOFYQFSJFODFJOBOPQFSBUJPOBM FOWJSPONFOU q4USPOHDPNNVOJDBUJPOTLJMMTJO.BMUFTFBOE&OHMJTIQSFGFSBCMZJO *UBMJBO q)JHIEFHSFFPGQSPGFTTJPOBMFUIJDTBOEJOUFHSJUZ q&YDFMMFOUKVEHNFOUBOEBOBMZUJDBMTLJMMT CORPORATE LEGAL COUNSEL & MANAGING DIRECTOR ASSISTANT "OVNCFSPGDBSFFSPQQPSUVOJUJFTIBWFBSJTFOXJUIJOUIF'BNBMDP(SPVQBTQBSUPGJUTCVTJOFTTEFWFMPQNFOUQMBOTBOEPOHPJOHHSPXUI ŁSPVHIJUTTVCTJEJBSZDPNQBOJFT'BNBMDPPQFSBUFTJOWBSJPVTCVTJOFTTTFDUPSTJODMVEJOHGSFJHIUGPSXBSEJOHGSVJUUSBEJOHQSPQFSUZ BVUPNPUJWFEFBMFSTIJQFYDBWBUJPOBOEEFNPMJUJPOXPSLTSFBMFTUBUFTFSWJDFTBOEFOFSHZ Seeking new talent to fuel our future If you possess the right competencies and you are condent to full our expectations, we would like to hear from you. Please send your application and cv at or by post to: The HR Department, Famalco Group, Triq il-Pitkali, Attard, ATD2214 Malta by not later than 31st July 2014. For a full list of vacancies please visit or like our facebook page to stay updated with new career opportunities within the Group. VACANCIES VACANCIES VACANCIES VACANCIES VACANCIES VACANCIES Reporting directly to the Financial Controller, s/he will be responsible for the accounting of some subsidiary companies within the Group whilst coordinating and cascading duties to the staff according to exigencies. e main responsibilities include: q1FSGPSNJOHDMPTJOHQSPDFEVSFTJOTVQQPSUPGNPOUIFOEHFOFSBMMFEHFSDMPTFTVDIBT QSFQBSJOHKPVSOBMFOUSJFTSFDPODJMJOHCBOLBOEHFOFSBMMFEHFSBDDPVOUT q"TTJTUXJUIBOBMZTJOHǠOBODJBMTUBUFNFOUTPOBNPOUIMZCBTJTBOESFQPSUPOWBSJBODFT q"TTJTUXJUIǠOBODJBMBOEUBYBVEJUT q1SFQBSJOH7"5SFUVSOTBOEPUIFSSFHVMBUPSZSFRVJSFNFOUT q4VQQPSUJOHUIF'JOBODJBM$POUSPMMFSUPFOTVSFBMMJOUFSOBMBOETUBUVUPSZEFBEMJOFTBSF NFUBOEQSFQBSJOHGPSBOEBTTJTUJOHXJUIUIFBOOVBMBVEJU e ideal candidate should possess the following: q"EFHSFFJOBDDPVOUBODZ "$$"PSFRVJWBMFOU q1SFWJPVTFYQFSJFODFJOBTJNJMBSSPMFJEFBMMZXJUIJOBOPQFSBUJPOBM GBTUQBDFEFOWJSPONFOU q)JHIMZEFUBJMPSJFOUFEBOEPSHBOJ[FEJOXPSL q&YDFMMFOUDPNNVOJDBUJPOBOEJOUFSQFSTPOBMTLJMMT q4USPOHMFBEFSTIJQTLJMMTBCMFUPMFBEPOFPGUIFǠOBODFGVODUJPOT XJUIJOUIF(SPVQ QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT ACCOUNTANT Reporting directly to the Head of Business Development, we are looking for a candidate who is able to draw up marketing plans for a diversified portfolio of products and services, foster innovative and creative ideas, and be familiar with social media applications. S/he shall contribute in drafting and submitting business plans on assigned projects. e main responsibilities include: q"TTJTUJOUIFQMBOOJOHPGNBSLFUJOHTUSBUFHJFTCZJEFOUJGZJOHDPNNVOJDBUJPOOFFETCBTFEPO SFMFWBOUSFTFBSDI q1SPQPTFBOEQSFTFOUBIPMJTUJDNBSLFUJOHQMBOBDDPSEJOHUPQSPKFDUTBTTJHOFEFOUBJMJOHSFTFBSDI BOBMZTJTUBSHFUTFUUJOHBOEPUIFSQSPKFDUSFMBUFEBTQFDUT q&YFDVUJOHBOEBENJOJTUSBUJOHBCSPBESBOHFPGNBSLFUJOHBOEDPNNVOJDBUJPOQSPKFDUT BDDPSEJOHUPFTUBCMJTIFEUBSHFUFEHPBMTBOEPCKFDUJWFT q.POJUPSJOEVTUSZNBSLFUUSFOETBOEDPOEJUJPOTXIJMTUFOTVSJOHUIBUQSPNPUJPOBMDBNQBJHOTBSF FǜFDUJWFBOEBSFSFBDIJOHUIFUBSHFUFEBVEJFODF q$PPSEJOBUFUIFQSPEVDUJPOPGNBSLFUJOHDPNNVOJDBUJPOTJOWBSJPVTNFEJBJODMVEJOHQSJOU FMFDUSPOJDBOEFNFSHJOHNFEJB q%SBGUBOETVCNJUQFSJPEJDBOESFWJFXSFQPSUT e ideal candidate should possess the following: q"EFHSFFJONBSLFUJOHDPNNVOJDBUJPOTPSPUIFSSFMBUFEǠFME q&ǜFDUJWFPSBMXSJUUFOBOEJOUFSQFSTPOBMDPNNVOJDBUJPOTLJMMT q"CJMJUZUPQSJPSJUJ[FBOEIBOEMFNVMUJQMFQSPKFDUTTJNVMUBOFPVTMZ q&YDFMMFOUBOBMZUJDBMTLJMMTBCMFUPXPSLJOEFQFOEFOUMZBOEJOHSPVQT q'BNJMJBSXJUITPDJBMNFEJBDBNQBJHOTJOUFSOFUBQQMJDBUJPOTBOEEJHJUBM NBSLFUJOHQMBUGPSNT MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS EXECUTIVE ACCOUNTANT Reporting directly to the Financial Controller, s/he will be forming part of the Credit Control Division within the Finance team. e main responsibilities include: q&OTVSFUIBUEFCUTBSFQBJEJOBUJNFMZNBOOFSBTQFSUFSNTBHSFFE q$IBTFPWFSEVFJOWPJDFTUISPVHIWBSJPVTDPNNVOJDBUJPODIBOOFMT q1SPDFTTJOHBOEQPTUJOHPGQBZNFOUTJODMVEJOHSFDPODJMJOH q1SFQBSFQFSJPEJDBOEBEIPDSFQPSUT q)BOEMJOHPGEFQPTJUTBOETVQQPSUUIFBDDPVOUJOHGVODUJPOBDDPSEJOHUPOFFET e ideal candidate should possess the following: q"O"MFWFMTUBOEBSEPGFEVDBUJPOQSFGFSBCMZ"DDPVOUTLOPXMFEHFBCMF q"UMFBTUZFBSTnFYQFSJFODFJOBDSFEJUDPOUSPMXPSLJOHFOWJSPONFOU q(PPEDPNNBOEPG&OHMJTIBOE*UBMJBOCPUIWFSCBMMZBOEJOXSJUJOH q$BQBCMFUPXPSLJOEFQFOEFOUMZVOEFSQSFTTVSFXJUINJOJNBM TVQFSWJTJPO q1PTTFTTJOHFYDFMMFOUDPNNVOJDBUJPOTLJMMTBOEBTTFSUJWFXIFOEFBMJOH XJUIEFCUPST CREDIT CONTROLLER Reporting directly to the Board of Directors, we are seeking the services of an HR Development and Training Manager to lead and develop a high talented workforce, enabling the sustainment of the Group's continued success. e main responsibilities include: q%FWFMPQBOEJNQMFNFOUBUBMFOUNBOBHFNFOUTUSBUFHZCZJODPSQPSBUJOHWBSJPVTUPPMTTVDIBT QFSGPSNBODFNBOBHFNFOUTZTUFNBOETVDDFTTJPOQMBOOJOH q8PSLDMPTFMZXJUITFOJPSNBOBHFNFOUUPEFUFSNJOFHVJEFBOEBMJHOUSBJOJOHBOEEFWFMPQNFOU JOJUJBUJWFTBDDPSEJOHUPCVTJOFTTHPBMT q%SBGUBOEJNQMFNFOU)3QPMJDJFTBOEQSPDFEVSFTFOTVSJOHMFHBMDPNQMJBODFBOEJODPOGPSNBODF XJUIJOUFSOBMQSBDUJDFT q3FTQPOTJCMFGPSTPVSDJOHTDSFFOJOHBOEIJSJOHIJHIUBMFOUFEJOEJWJEVBMTBDSPTTUIF(SPVQ q%FWFMPQJOHBOEMFBEJOH)3QSBDUJDFTBJNJOHBUDSFBUJOHBIJHIQFSGPSNJOHFOWJSPONFOU FNQIBTJTJOHPORVBMJUZHPBMBUUBJONFOUBOEPOHPJOHEFWFMPQNFOU e ideal candidate should possess the following: q"EFHSFFJO)VNBO3FTPVSDF.BOBHFNFOUBOE%FWFMPQNFOUPS FRVJWBMFOU q"NJOJNVNPGZFBSTnFYQFSJFODFJOBO)3NBOBHFSJBMSPMF q&YDFMMFOUWFSCBMBOEXSJUUFODPNNVOJDBUJPOBOEJOUFSQFSTPOBMTLJMMT q,OPXMFEHFBCMFBOEDBQBCMFUPFYFDVUF5%UFDIOJRVFTBUNBDSPBOE NJDSPMFWFM q"HSBTQDPODFQUPGXIBUFOUBJMTBUBMFOUNBOBHFNFOUQIJMPTPQIZXJUIJOB GBTUQBDFEFOWJSPONFOU HR DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING MANAGER Reporting directly to the Board of Directors, a career opportunity has arisen for an HSE Manager to develop, lead and sustain an HSE management approach in the various business sectors which the Group operates in. e main responsibilities include: q3FTQPOTJCMFUPPWFSTFFUIFEFWFMPQNFOUJNQMFNFOUBUJPOBOENBJOUFOBODFPG)4& NBOBHFNFOUTZTUFNTBTQFSJOUFSOBMBOESFHVMBUPSZSFRVJSFNFOUT q"ENJOJTUFSJOUFSOBMBVEJUQSPHSBNNFTJODMVEJOHSJTLNBOBHFNFOUNFDIBOJTNT q&TUBCMJTIJOH)4&TUBOEBSEPQFSBUJOHQSPDFEVSFTQPMJDJFTBOEQSBDUJDFT q%FWFMPQUSBDLBOESFQPSU)4&NFUSJDTBTQFS,1*TFTUBCMJTIFECZUIFDPNQBOZ q'PTUFSJOHBTBGFDVMUVSFBDSPTTUIF(SPVQnTPQFSBUJPOTQSPWJEJOHUIFSFRVJSFEHVJEBODFBOE USBJOJOHEVSJOHUIFEBJMZDIPSFTBOEUISPVHITQFDJǠDDBNQBJHOT e ideal candidate should possess the following: q"#BDIFMPSnTEFHSFFBOEQSFGFSBCMZ/)DFSUJǠFE q"NJOJNVNPGZFBSTSFMFWBOU)4&NBOBHFNFOUFYQFSJFODF q"QSPWFOUSBDLSFDPSEJOUIFJNQMFNFOUBUJPOPG)4&QSPHSBNTJO BDDPSEBODFXJUI*40TUBOEBSETBOE&6.BMUFTFMFHJTMBUJPO q&YDFMMFOUDPNNVOJDBUJPOBOEJOǢVFODJOHTLJMMTCFSFTVMUPSJFOUBUFE BOEUFOBDJPVT q"CJMJUZUPQSJPSJUJ[FBOEIBOEMFNVMUJQMFQSPKFDUTTJNVMUBOFPVTMZ HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT MANAGER Famalco-Various-Vacancies_July-2014.indd 1 02/07/2014 17:32

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