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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 6 JULY 2014 6 News JURGEN BALZAN THE Palestine Solidarity Network yesterday described Malta's support for Israel's bid for a seat on the United Nations Security Council in 2018 as "shocking." Spokesperson Andre Callus said it was "ironic" that Malta, which historically cham- pioned the Palestinian cause, is now backing Israel to sit on the Security Council while ig- noring over 70 UN resolutions. Such a decision, he said, "legitimises the Is- raeli oppression of Palestinians and sends the wrong message to a state that has repeatedly and shamelessly ignored UN resolutions." Last week, MaltaToday revealed that a re- cent visit by a delegation of Israeli MPs and a vague inclination of Maltese support for Is- rael's bid to win a seat for the first time ever on the United Nations Security Council has exposed tensions between diverging camps within the government. Foreign affairs minister George Vella, a long-time champion of the Palestinian cause, is thought to be opposed to any move to sup- port the Israeli bid. However, it seems that Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and other members of the gov- ernment have no qualms in supporting that bid, especially after recent developments in Malta's relationship with Israel, which culmi- nated in Muscat's visit to Israel late last year. Addressing a news conference in Valletta, Callus said that the recent unrest in the Middle East "is not about a conflict between two par- ties, but about the perennial Israeli oppression of Palestinians." This week, violence escalated after Israel bombed the Gaza Strip in retaliation for the murder of three Israeli settlers. Moreover, East Jerusalem witnessed violent clashes after a Palestinian teen was abducted and murdered. Some 600 Palestinians were arrested and de- tained without charges and six Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces. Describing the situation as "tragic," Callus likened the situation to apartheid South Af- rica. Calling for sanctions against companies in- NGO slams Malta's 'shocking' support for Israel CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Owned by Ian and Robert Pellicano, APCO Ltd won the bid for the implementation and administration of the system in 2000 and started operating in Feb- ruary 2001. Initially awarded for a three-year period, APCO's contract was extended by another four years up to 2007. Informed sources claim that no official record of any fur- ther extension by the Department of Contracts could be traced. MaltaToday is informed that while APCO Ltd's original con- tract amounted to approximately €67,000, the first payments the company received in 2001 amount- ed to €88,925, which more than doubled to €179,792 in 2012. Over and above this fee, APCO Ltd also receives almost 2% of the purchase value of items bought with the smart card. Between 2009 and 2012, the government allocat- ed over €87.5 million in stipends. Maintenance grants make up ap- proximately 40% of this allocation, which means that some €35 million were put in smart cards for stu- dents' consumption. With a 1.9% company charge to suppliers, the contractor is esti- mated to have raked in €665,000 in three years just from the purchases students made. To date there are 1,000 outlets – approved by the Students Mainte- nance Grants Board – that accept smart cards. Retail outlets process smart cards through a point of sale machine, costing around €500, bought from APCO Ltd as well. Auditor General's report A report by the Auditor General revealed that almost €1 million were spent on sportswear and shoes in 2010 – equivalent to 15% of all payments made to retailers under the smart card scheme for univer- sity students. The Auditor General had raised questions on the way university stu- dents are allowed to spend their an- nual €400 in cash under the smart card scheme, with 300 outlets that accept the smart card selling eve- rything from fitness equipment to CDs. "It is unclear whether a number of retail outlets participating in the Smart Card Scheme, some of which were paid substantial amounts during 2010, stock any items con- sidered to be of an educational na- ture," the National Audit Office had remarked in its annual report. The NAO said that retail out- lets also include car hire firms and pharmacies, adding that the nature of some of the businesses "sheds doubt on [their] eligibility to par- ticipate in the scheme." The NAO had also flagged non- compliance by retailers. For exam- ple, out of the 38 outlets claimed as visited in April, 2011, inspectors reported they had purchased 15 non-educational items, including mobile top-up cards, fitness equip- ment, CDs, magazines and a toy. According to the University of Malta's website, "the Smart Card is available only to students in receipt of a stipend and is intended to part- ly cover expenses related to educa- tional material and equipment." Students enrolled in diploma courses receive a sum of €465.87 per academic year. "General" de- gree courses students receive a one-time grant of €465.87, and a sum of €465.87 per academic year, while "prescribed" degree course students receive a one-time grant of €698.81, and a sum of €698.81 per academic year. Payments processor takes 1.9% on every single purchase The Malta Council for Science and Technology will commission a reputable rm or individual to provide for the Provision of Digital media services for the International Conference of the IMaGenX under Italia-Malta 2007-2013 Programme scheduled to be held in Syracuse on 18 and 19 September 2014. Interested bidders may download conditions and relevant documentation from the Malta Council for Science and Technology's website. Bidders are to submit a proposal clearly marked as 'MCST/Q10/2014 - Quotation for the Provision of Services to generate Digital Media for the IMaGenX Project'. Quotations are to be sent by email totenders.mcst@gov.mtby not later than, 10.00 am (CEST) of Tuesday, 15th July 2014. Late submissions will not be considered. The Malta Council For Science And Technology, Villa Bighi, Kalkara KKR 1320, Malta MCST/Q10/2014 - Call for Quotations for the Provision of Services to generate Digital Media for an International Scientic Conference Untitled-2.indd 3 02/07/2014 11:26:34 volved in the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements, Callus said that Israel has "colonised Palestinian land since 1948." Another spokesperson from the Palestine Solidarity Network, Samu- ela Galea, said that between 2000 and 2013, Israeli forces killed 1,518 Palestinian children, however "we heard very little political statements condemning such killings." Also present for the protest was AD's secretary general, Ralph Cassar, who said the spiral of violence in the Middle East was an obvious conse- quence of the Israeli military occupa- tion of Palestine. "The killing of three Israeli students and the consequent revenge through the killing of a Palestinian youth is a disgrace. This, however, can never justify Israel's policy of collective punishment. The Israeli occupation, the repeated use of collective punish- ment, the daily humiliation and mur- der of Palestinians and the land theft by Israeli settlers will only continue to make a long lasting solution to this conflict improbable," Cassar said. "The deep sense of injustice and frustration felt by the people of Pales- tine because of the harsh realities of the occupation of Palestine by Israel needs resolution and the attention of the international community, which has turned its back on the plight of Palestinians for too long." Palestine Solidarity Network spokesperson Andre Callus said it was "ironic" that Malta is now backing Israel

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