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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 6 JULY 2014 8 News JAMES DEBONO ENTREPRENEURS Saviour El- lul and Adrian Buttigieg, who are already partners in the National Aquarium in Qawra, have teamed up in a new company, Land Recla- mation Limited, and submitted an expression of interest in answer to a government call. Contacted by MaltaToday, Ellul, of developers Elbros, confirmed that the company is among the 17 companies which submitted 21 land reclamation bids in the recently issued call for ex- pressions of interest. Ellul did not reveal the site identi- fied for this purpose or whether the development consists of an artificial island or an extension of the coast. "It is up to the government to pub- lish the bids and we await the govern- ment's directions on which sites will be considered and what sort of devel- opment will be allowed," he said. Ellul excluded any connection be- tween the National Aquarium and the land reclamation project, insist- ing that these are separate business ventures. Asked about the viability of land reclamation, Ellul replied that this depends on what kind of "return" is offered by the development. "It all depends on where the project will be located and what kind of de- velopments would be allowed on it." Saviour Ellul is a prominent busi- nessmen involved in Elbros and EBCON, a major construction com- pany involved in tuna penning, con- struction, the importation of cement, and the running of the MCP car parks in Floriana and Hamrun. Adrian Buttigieg is a property de- veloper whose companies include the La Salita hotel in Mellieha and MEN- FI limited, a property development involved in the Hal Saghtrija devel- opment project in Zebbug, Gozo whose shareholders include Gozitan developer Joseph Portelli, St James Hospital and former parliamentary secretary Franco Mercieca. Buttigieg and Ellul are involved in Marine Aquatic Limited, the com- pany which runs the popular national aquarium. 21 land reclamation proposals are currently being assessed by a govern- ment committee evaluating a new se- ries of mega-projects that range from a motor sport racing track, to floating villages, business centres and hotel resorts. Bidders for land reclamation projects have signed a confidentiality agreement in which they acknowl- edge the government's discretion as to whether or not it issues a competi- tive tender after the initial bids are analysed by the Government Prop- erty Division. Bidders had to pay a €5,000 fee for the expression of interest, and were bound by a confidentiality agree- ment not to disclose to third parties any information contained in the EOI documents, for the next three years. Last month MaltaToday revealed that the construction of an artificial island along the coast road opposite Qalet Marku is one of the preferred options among the 21 land reclama- tion proposals made, which are cur- rently being considered by govern- ment officials. No policy currently exists to regu- late land reclamation but the new Strategic Plan for the Environment and Development (SPED), which is set to replace the structure plan, in- cludes a reference to land reclama- tion. This area was excluded in previous studies conducted by the previous government because of the ecologi- cal impact on protected posidonia meadows. The Scott Wilson report concluded that land reclamation is not a viable way to dispose of con- struction waste and that land recla- mation could only become financially viable if accompanied by real estate development. TEODOR RELJIC THE chairman of the National Book Council has called into ques- tion the decision to relocate the Central Public Library from its current location in Belt is-Sebh, Floriana to Valletta, expressing concerns about the site which is set to serve as the new premises for Malta's main lending library. In an article published in today's edition (see page 21) the Book Council's executive chairman Mark Camilleri writes that the pro- posed venue at 8, Old Mint Street, Valletta may be too small to host a substantial lending library. Camilleri says that according to a Malta Libraries report, the shelv- ing available at the envisioned new space will be of around 500 metres squared, "less than the actual area covered by exhibitors at the Na- tional Book Festival, which gener- ally takes up around 600 metres squared". Pointing out that "one of the main concepts behind the management of a healthy library, is that it should be continuous and regular in its expansion," Camilleri added that the new venue would not be able to accommodate such development "due to strict MEPA regulations which regulate development in the capital city". A recently published report by the National Statistics Office re- vealed that book loans from public libraries are on the decline, with loans amounting to 767,548 last year (down by 9.5% from 2012), while new memberships among adult readers also suffered a dip, amounting to 2,058. In comments to MaltaToday, Malta Libraries CEO Oliver Mamo said that innovations like ebooks may have been responsible for the sudden dip, adding that steps are being taken to enhance the pro- gramme of events in a number of libraries to make them more at- tractive to older visitors. However, Camilleri cautioned that focusing on ebooks and other technological developments which should not be the key priority at this stage. "For example, books purchased by local councils for their local li- braries are taking more than a year to be processed, and we are doing our best to pressure Malta Librar- ies to address this situation as soon as possible," Camilleri said. Aquarium partners behind land reclamation bid Public library relocation raises questions from Book Council 17 years in court for libel... and counting TIM ATTARD MONTALTO A case dating back to April 1997 is just one of 185 cases of defamation that are still pending the Maltese law courts, minister of justice Owen Bonnici revealed in parliament this week. A holistic reform of the justice system has been one of the govern- ment's main priorities since gain- ing power in March last year: one recommendation from the Justice Reform Commission, which was charged with proposing the neces- sary changes to the legal framework, has focused on speeding up court cases to significantly reduce proce- dural time-frames, waiting periods between hearings, as well as fast- tracking appeals. But a cursory look at the number of pending libel cases reveals just how extensive a reform is needed. The figure of 185 pending libel cases was issued this week in parliament by Bonnici in response to a question by Nationalist MP Censu Galea. The minister was also asked how long the cases had been ongoing, including those which had been appealed. V a c a n c y : R e a s e a r c h a n d I n n o v a t i o n A u d i t o r The Malta Council for Science and Technology requires the services of a full-time R&I Auditor to audit R&I projects. The selected candidate will monitor a number of assigned projects to ensure compliance with nancial regulations of the funding source and relevant grant agreements. The ideal candidate should be in possession of ACCA or a recognised appropriate MQF 6 comparable qualication in nance and/or accounting, and a minimum of four years relevant work experience in nancial auditing. Good knowledge and administration of EU projects and R&I projects will be considered an asset. Applications including a Europass C.V. will be received until Wednesday 16th July 2014 and should be addressed to ETC Permit No. 111/2014 The Malta Council For Science And Technology, Villa Bighi, Kalkara KKR 1320, Malta R and I Auditor.indd 2 02/07/2014 11:00:09 The Central Public Library in Belt-is- Sebh, Floriana is set to be relocated to 8, Mint Street, Valletta (pictured)

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