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maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 26 NOVEMBER 2014 2 Busuttil slams Muscat's 'theatrics' CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 "This was borne out by the Opposition leader's inability to uphold his own criti- cism," the government said, add- ing that Busuttil is refusing to talk about what is making a real differ- ence in people's lives. The government reiterated that Busuttil is trying to be "judge, jury and prosecutor" in the case involv- ing Mallia's driver. "He's not inter- ested in the truth and he's only play- ing a futile political game." Yesterday evening Mallia in parlia- ment insisted that he had not writ- ten or read the statement that was issued by his ministry on Wednes- day evening last week, reporting that "warning shots" had been fired. In reality, the police constable who was Mallia's security, Paul Sheehan, had fired two shots, hitting a car. "I wasn't consulted or informed of the details of that statement. But I didn't write it, nor did I read it," Mallia told Parliament, adding that at the time of the incident he was attending a dinner at the police headquarters as guest of the Acting Commissioner, along with a number of foreigners who were in Malta for a conference. He explained that the initial in- formation he was given by the com- missioner was that his own car had been shot at. Busuttil said that if the Prime Minister was not ready to take ac- tion, the Opposition would not re- main impassive. "People are angry and disgusted over the shooting incident and how the Prime Minister has reacted to it. People expect political responsibil- ity to be shouldered." According to the PN leader, the argument of a cover up was further reinforced by the fact that Sheehan has not been arraigned in court. Sheehan was yesterday afternoon hospitalised suffering from chest pain following a commotion at his residence. Questions sent by Mal- taToday on the alleged commotion have remained unanswered. In reaction to Muscat's claim that he is disgusted by Sheehan's actions, the PN leader said "Mallia's case is the one people are most disgusted at. Who is the real Prime Minister? Is Muscat just a hostage of Mallia?" He went on to criticise how the minister's driver, Paul Sheehan has not yet been charged in court and how Arthur Azzopardi, a lawyer working for Mallia's legal firm, is going to represent Sheehan. Busuttil also criticised Muscat for not providing an economic vision and for not setting new deadlines for the construction of a gas fired power station. He also hit out at Muscat for not referring to a study carried out by Caritas that shows that a weekly shopping trip for an elderly couple costs 81 euros, a sharp increase from the 50 euros it used to cost in 2012. He once again criticised Muscat for "placing a stigma" on non-abus- ers of social benefits, such as single mothers. "Obviously everyone agrees with him that social benefit abuse needs to be clamped down, as previous governments fought against that. However, the way he's speaking about people on benefits paints them all with the same brush." Replying to the Prime Minister's claim about the non-return of the €500 honoraria increase, Busuttil denied, saying it had all been re- turned. When asked about Muscat's state- ment that the public debt increased by 30% of the EU average under the current government when com- pared to 50% under the previous one, Busuttil cited NSO and Euro- stat data as showing that, between March 2013 and June 2014, Malta's public debt increased at the highest rate since Malta joined the EU. "When I criticise, I base it on facts and table the statistics I'm referring to in parliament," Busuttil said. He also denied that his call for trimming public sector jobs in- volved the culling of public sector jobs in health and education. "The government has a lot of ad- ministrative workers, such as gov- ernment cleaners and within the water services," he said. News Call for Project Proposals Expression of Interest for the development of informal educational activities for children and adolescents. The President's Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society invites interested parties to propose informal educational activities for children and adolescents. These may include but are not limited to: drama, dance, music, arts, UHDGLQJDQGFUHDWLYHZULWLQJJDUGHQLQJDQLPDOFDUHSK\VLFDOH[HUFLVHFUDIWVQDWXUHVFLHQWLͤFDQGPXOWLVHQVRU\ activities leading to wellbeing. All activities will be held in a garden and must be sensitive to the environment. These activities will take place during weekends and public holidays and the project should be designed to cover a period of not less than six months and not more than one year. Proposals should incorporate activities which help in the social, cultural and artistic development of children and adolescents, making special reference to intergenerational relationships where appropriate. The application must include: 1. The proposed aims and outcomes of the project. 2. A clear timeline for all activities which make up the project. 3. 7KHQDPHDQGRIͤFLDODGGUHVVRIWKHRUJDQLVDWLRQDQGWKHGHWDLOVRIRQHSHUVRQUHVSRQVLEOHIRUOHDGLQJWKHSURMHFW $FFHSWHGSURMHFWVZLOOEHH[SHFWHGWRVKDUHWKHLUͤQGLQJVDQGLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHSURFHVVGXULQJDSXEOLFHYHQW during 2015. All applications should be addressed to the Executive Secretary and sent to the Foundation email address or by conventional mail to The President's Foundation for the Wellbeing of Society, The Palace, San Anton, Attard by Wednesday, 3rd December 2014. Mallia's case is the one people are most disgusted at. Who is the real Prime Minister? Is Muscat just a hostage of Mallia? Simon Busuttil

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