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MW 26 November 2014

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maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 26 NOVEMBER 2014 17 Events YOUR FIRST CLICK OF THE DAY Emirates to increase its services to New York JFK EMIRATES, a global connector of people, places and economies has announced it is to launch a fourth daily service from its home and hub, Dubai International Airport to John F. Kennedy International Air- port (JFK) in New York commenc- ing 8th March 2015. "This new service will allow pas- sengers the convenience of an af- ternoon departure from both Dubai and New York, to complement the existing morning and evening de- partures of our existing three serv- ices", said Emirates' Hubert Frach, Divisional Senior Vice President, Commercial Operations - West. "New York is one of our busi- est and most popular routes in the United States. Adding this fourth service will give our passengers even more choice of connectivity when f lying from any part of our global network, in particular the Far East and South Asia. Once in the US, our partnership with JetB- lue adds even more seamless con- nectivity onto their network of 65 destinations from JFK." Thanks to Emirates' code-share agreement with JetBlue Airways (B6) the new fourth daily service will allow good connectivity with JetBlue f lights to points across the United States and Caribbean. At JFK, JetBlue operates from its highly acclaimed Terminal 5, while Emir- ates operates from the adjacent Ter- minal 4, allowing for fast and easy connections between f lights. Members of Skywards, Emirates' frequent f lyer programme, can earn miles on JetBlue-operated f lights and also redeem miles for f lights to any of JetBlue's 86 destinations throughout North, Central and South America. Similarly, members of JetBlue's TrueBlue loyalty pro- gramme can earn points for Emir- ates-operated f lights worldwide. The fourth JFK service will be op- erated with one of Emirates' f leet of A380 aircraft featuring 14 First Class Private Suites, 76 Business Class lie-f lat beds and 399 Econo- my Class seats on the main deck. Its upper deck features Emirates' iconic On-Board lounge for pre- mium passengers and two unique Shower Spas for First Class pas- sengers. All passengers on-board can enjoy access to up to 1,800 channels of films, TV shows, music and games through ice, the airline's award-winning inf light entertain- ment system. Emirates first f lew to New York in June 2004 and since then has f lown over 4.5 million passengers on the route. It currently operates two other non-stop services between DXB and JFK operated by A380 air- craft, and one service which routes via Milan, operated by a US-built Boeing 777. Passengers travelling in First Class and Business Class on Emirates-operated f lights, as well as Skywards Platinum and Gold members, have access to the Emir- ates Lounge at JFK. Emirates operates a daily sched- uled f light between Malta and Du- bai via Larnaka, Cyprus. REFERENCE is made to the press conference held on 12 No- vember 2014, wherein the Finance Minister outlined the intention to implement a system whereby a Government engaged Perit would be sent to evaluate a property fol- lowing a transaction only in cases where abuse was suspected. The Kamra tal-Periti wishes to express its satisfaction at this an- nouncement which corresponds with the Kamra's long-held posi- tion that Government should have more faith in the integrity of pro- fessionals in the execution of their practice. Moreover, the Kamra notes that the previous system had often re- sulted in distortion of property values and subjected buyers to unjust fines and an additional tax burden resulting from valuations which were often not based on any rational or standard system of as- sessment. Indeed, it had been noted that several past assessments were based on arbitrary assumptions or even the list prices shown in prop- erty adverts. The Kamra augurs that Govern- ment recognises its efforts in this field through the publication of the Valuations Standards handbook based on the European TEGOVA standards and the associated CPD courses, held periodically for mem- bers of the profession. The Kamra also wishes to extend its invitation to Government to consult and discuss the establish- ment of the necessary instruments and standards referred to by the Minister, in order to facilitate a homogenous approach. THE CSAF (Carers for Stray and Abandoned Felines) is currently undertaking an initiative to raise funds for CSAF in order to meet its current and future expenses. Their Candy Cat Calendar fea- tures some of their most charm- ing feline rescues and is currently available for purchase online. The campaign is meant to reach a wider audience and appeal to animal lovers the world over. CSAF is a voluntary organisa- tion whose mission statement is to rescue, care, neuter and home stray cats in the South of Malta. The organisation is currently in charge of nearly 300 stray cats. CSAF can be contacted through its Facebook page or directly at their cat sanctuary in Cospicua. More information on the cam- paign may be found from: www. The site also has a link to an Indigogo site where the cal- endar may be purchased Thousands walk and run in aid of MCCF THOUSANDS flooded the main thoroughfares from Paola, Santa Venera, Msida and San Anton, to converge in Blata l-Bajda and move together to the Grandmaster's Pal- ace in Valletta in a celebration of solidarity. The President's Solidarity Fun Run, sponsored once again by Banif Bank, is now part of Malta's annual calendar of events and this sixth edition marks another success. Walkers and runners from all parts of the Island and from all walks of life created a wave of indigo, led by the President of Malta H.E. Marie- Louise Coleiro Preca. Organised by the Malta Com- munity Chest Fund with the help of Kunsill Malti għall-Isport in aid of L-Istrina, this year's edition in- troduced new routes and a host of celebrities, in addition to the usual festive atmosphere. Sports organisations and NGOs as well as teams from different companies joined the fray, to make the event a truly memorable one. Students and deans left from the University Campus while Members of Parliament and other dignitaries showed their support at different points along the way. Participants were given a commemorative t- shirt and a bib, against a donation of €10. Led by Banif Bank Chairman Dr Michael Frendo and Chief Execu- tive Officer Joaquim F. Silva Pinto, a large group of Banif employees and their families got involved in different ways, both in the run up to the event as well as during the Fun Run. "There is no other event that ex- presses the notion of national soli- darity more than the President's Solidarity Fun Run!" said Silva Pinto. 'One Nation, One Heartbeat' highlights the spirit of the Maltese community and the generosity that is regularly shown by the public. Banif Bank is proud to have sup- ported this noble event for a sixth consecutive year." Valuation of property by government architects Cat Calendar to raise funds for CSAF An evening with Speri Wines ON Thursday 27 November at 20:00hrs, CassarCamilleri will be hosting an event which promises to be a truly special wine and culinary experience. Patrons will have the opportunity to indulge in wines from world-re- nowned Italian winery - Speri, mak- ing one of the most respectable Am- arone Della Valpolicella available on the market. The event will be held at Zeri's restaurant, Portomaso, who have put together an exquisite array of dishes each tailor made to match the wines to be served. Present on the night will be Speri winemaker and owner Giuseppe Speri, who will be giving a presen- tation on each wine being served with each course. The Speri's began working as vine growers in Valpoli- cella seven generations ago. Times change but the old values endure, as does the Speri's pride in being part of an extraordinary area like the Valpolicella classica zone and the moral duty they feel to express its characteristics in their wines. The price for this event is of €65 per person which includes a four- course meal and wines served on the night. Complimentary parking at Portomaso will also be available. For bookings please call Zeri's res- taurant on 2135 9559. The food & wine menu can be viewed on The Master Cellar Facebook page www.

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