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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 3 MAY 2015 6 News CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Alternat- tiva Demokratika yesterday said that they agreed with the idea of a university in the south but disa- greed with the location, an outside- development zone close to a belt of areas of ecological importance. Environmental groups contacted by MaltaToday also strongly voiced their displeasure. "The needs for development can be infinite, whether for the com- munity or for speculation, but our open spaces and virgin land are not and soon the whole of Malta will be built up," Din l-Art Helwa president Simone Mizzi said. "While we welcome the setting up of an internationally-renowned university in Malta, this is a small island and the few ODZs that re- main need to be left unbuilt," Flim- kien ghal Ambjent Ahjar president Astrid Vella said. "The university should be built in an area that is in need of regeneration." "ODZs are important areas which should remain free of develop- ment," BirdLife Malta president Geoffrey Saliba said. "Furthermore, the south lacks open spaces as well as protected nature areas, mak- ing development of any such areas of social, as well as environmental concern." Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has been quick to anticipate the con- trary reaction and has scheduled a meeting with environmental NGOs for tomorrow afternoon. An olive branch to environmentalists As a sop to the environmental groups, the government has also proposed a national natural park of 450 tumoli adjacent to the Ameri- can University. Astrid Vella welcomed the park proposal with open arms, both as a recreational zone for residents and as a magnet for nature-loving TEODOR RELJIC WHILE Alterattiva Demokratika, the Green Party, welcomed any in- vestment that could be beneficial to the country's economy, this should be done in an environmentally sen- sitive manner, representatives of the party told a news conference in Marsaskala yesterday. AD was reacting to an announce- ment by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat on Friday, in which the PM said that the south of Malta will be benefiting from a major education- al project involving the American University, which has been ear- marked for the south, along with a nearby 'national park'. AD claimed that the proposed area for the project, which has not yet been officially announced, would encroach on areas in the south of Malta described as "sites of scientific and ecological impor- tance proposed for scheduling" by the Malta Environment and Plan- ning Authority in the South Malta Local Plan. In a reaction, the government said that the new University would be developed on land that the Univer- sity of Malta had identified as being "abandoned agricultural land". It added that it will occupy un- der 100,000 square metres of land and will incorporate several open spaces. It noted that the South Malta Lo- cal Plan had recommended that parts of coastal areas be classified as zones of scientific importance. "We will take all possible meas- ures to ensure that this zone will be affected as little as possible," the government said. The government is proceeding with informal consultations before formally announcing the project. The proposed university will also undergo an environmental impact study as well as a public consulta- tion process. Justice Minister Owen Bonnici tweeted that Marsaskala would benefit from this economic boost, giving credence to AD's claims that the American University site will encroach on Marsaskala. While stressing that AD is not against the project itself, but the location for which it has been ear- marked, party deputy chairman Carmel Cacopardo claimed that according to "various sources", the project will begin from the area behind the waterpolo pitch in Mar- saskala and progress forward. "While details of the proposal have not been made public to date, it is understood that a substantial area of land between Xghajra, Zab- bar and Zonqor Point in Marsas- kala will be taken up. AD estimates that the uptake of land could be in the region of 20 hectares and this excludes additional virgin land which will be taken up for the de- velopment of roads and services. "Even at this early stage, the so- cial and environmental impacts of such a project have to be carefully considered," Cacopardo said, add- ing that AD is willing to collaborate with the government to help locate alternative sites suitable for the project. "There are a large number of al- ternative areas that would be suita- ble for the project and which would not lead to the environmental dam- age that the project, as it is, augurs. AD is more than willing to work hand in hand with the government to help locate these suitable alter- natives," Cacopardo added. Prime Minister over ODZ development Greens say new university threatens green belt, Govt says land is 'abandoned' farmland NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ITV Teleshopping Channel has now been taken over by Ambriel Media Solutions Ltd, a company led by Mr Arnold Vella owner and operator of Fairdeal Furniture (Malta) Ltd. The station is not associated to other TV stations and is not associated in any way with Mr Karl Bonaci or other previous owners and operators. Ambriel Media Solutions Ltd. - Mdina Road, Zebbug. Telephone: (+356) 2755 0071 - Mobile: (+356) 7728 2828 - E-mail: Alternattiva Demokratika (from left): Ralph Cassar, Arnold Cassola and Carmel Cacopardo (Photo: Virginia Monteforte) Quick to react: Joseph Muscat will be discussing the project with green NGOs tomorrow afternoon PHOTOGRAPHY BY VIRGINIA MONTEFORTE The area earmarked for development of the American University at Zonqor Point, Marsaskala

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