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XIII maltatoday, SUNDAY, 3 MAY 2015 This Week Virtù Ferries This week's winner is DAVID BUTTIGIEG who collected his two tickets from Virtù Ferries MaltaToday and Virtù Ferries have teamed up to take one lucky winner and a companion every week to Sicily, with two tickets to be won every week in our photography competition. Already been on holiday? Good: we're sending you back if your best photograph from your holidays and travels makes the cut. That's right: send us a good quality image of your holidays and we'll send the best one to the gateway of Italy with Virtù Ferries. Malta - Sicily Express Ferries For more information visit or contact by telephone 23491000 RULES OF THE COMPETITION maltatoday Conditions apply: 1. Tickets for each week's competition can only be won by one person who submits one entry of a high-res image with description. Entrants with more than one entry WILL NOT be considered. Entrants must send a description of photo. 2. Winners will be informed before the end of the week, and then announced on and MaltaToday on Sunday. 3. By entering this offer, entrants consent to their photos being published and owned by Mediatoday Co Ltd. 4. The entrant with the best photograph will be awarded two (2) return tickets, valid for travel to any Virtù Ferries destination. Mediatoday's decision is final. 5. Tickets are issued free of charge, excluding port charges, and in accordance with Virtù Ferries' rules and regulations. All taxes and charges are to be paid accordingly by the winning entrant upon the issuance of tickets. 6. This offer is closed to employees and contributors of Mediatoday Co. Ltd and Virtù Ferries, or their family members. This week's theme: Travel SEND US PHOTOS FROM YOUR FAVOURITE HOLIDAY PHOTO COMPETITION Photos should be a hi-res image (one per individual entry) with a sentence or two about what inspired you to take your photo. Entrants are kindly reminded not to send in personal family pictures that might be unrelated to theme subjects unless expressly requested. If sending a photo by post, address it to: 'MaltaToday photo competition', Mediatoday, Vjal ir- Rihan, San Gwann, SGN9016 Please supply your daytime telephone number, your name, your home address and an email address. Send the photo via email on [SUBJECT HEADING: MaltaToday photo competition] by next Friday at 9am. Themes may change from one week to the other Dragon-slayer legend gets Maltese translation St George is one of the most revered saints in the Maltese islands, and the legend of St George slaying the dragon has been recounted to gen- eration after generation. Yet, to date there was no local retelling of the story in Maltese. To fill this lacuna, Merlin Publish- ers have just published a Maltese translation of the legend of St George and the dragon: Il-leġġenda ta' San Ġorġ u d-Dragun. Perhaps not eve- ryone knows that St George is hugely popular also in Spain, specifically in the Catalonia region where World Book Day originated. Indeed, the legend goes that drops of blood from the slain dragon transformed into roses, and that people began to give a rose and a book on April 23. From Catalonia, this tradition spread across the world – although in most places the association with roses has falled by the wayside and the focus is nowadays on books – giving rise to World Book Day. This new translation, by award- winning author Pierre J. Mejlak, retells in Maltese the story of St George in language accessible to younger children. Fully illustrated throughout, this is a stunning book that will have children aged 6 upwards enjoying the breathless adventure of the princess saved by the knight. Publication of Il-leġġenda ta' San Ġorġ u d-Dragun was made possible with the assistance of the Catalan in- stitute promoting Catalan culture in the world, the Institut Ramon Llull. Merlin Publishers formally launched this new children's book on World Book Day at Qormi San Ġorġ Primary School, under the auspices of President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca. Following a dramatisation and retelling of the story, the President was presented with a book and a rose, in line with the tradition, by a student from the school. Il-leġġenda ta' San Ġorġ u d-Dragun is available from all bookshops, or online directly from Maltese-British author releases novel as digital ebook on Amazon Maltese-British author Tyler Willis has just released a new novel, The Burden of Truth, as a digital ebook on Amazon. It is available to purchase as a digital download for Kindle, by searching for 'Burden of Truth' at the Kindle store. Recently retired and with a penchant for first edi- tions, Peter Grainger finds a battered journal amongst a purchase of old books – a journal once belonging to a pri- matologist named Richard Beck. Dr Beck's research into com- municating with primates led him to finding a particularly gifted bonobo monkey – the primate version of a savant, with vast knowledge of its species' oral history. Peter Grainger becomes obsessed with Beck's notes, and soon learns a potentially world- changing truth: the origin of and final destiny of man. His naïve investigations uncover a past conspiracy of denial and murder in an attempt to conceal Beck's discoveries, and soon Grainger finds himself on the run with a quest – to bring to the world the truth, and its likely impact on future civilizations. For more information on Tyler Willis, log on to https://www.face- or YOUR FIRST CLICK OF THE DAY

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