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MW 6 May 2015

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maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 6 MAY 2015 Sport 23 Answers to the MaltaToday crossword will be published next Wednesday WEATHER: Fine with some high clouds in the evening VISIBILITY: Good WIND: South to Southwest force 2 to 3, locally force 3 to 4, becoming West Northwest force 3 to 4 overnight SEA: Slight SWELL: Negligible SEA TEMP: 18°C A B C D E F G H 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 White to play and mate in four moves A B C D E F G H 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Last week's solution Sudoku rules are extremely easy: Fill all empty squares so that the numbers 1 to 9 appear once in each row, column and 9x9 box. SUNNY 30 º C / 18 º C UV INDEX: 7 Today's Weather Chess Sudoku Pursuits TRIATHLON Across 1. Attends the bride (10) 8. Donkeys (5) 9. Approaches (5) 10. Kitchen utensils (4) 12. Tiny (6) 14. Pertaining to the post office (6) 17. The Orient (4) 21. Begin (5) 22. Faint (5) 23. Very powerful nation (10) Down 2. Ascended (5) 3. Partial darkness (4) 4. From that time (5) 5. Once more (5) 6. Covered with dust (5) 7. Group of tents (4) 11. Become firm (3) 13. Evening (3) 14. Mexican money (5) 15. Acute (5) 16. Participant (5) 18. Worship (5) 19. Very small (4) 20. Capital of Norway (4) Qf6+ Kh5 Rxh4+ Kxh4 Qxg5+ Kh3 Qg3# Vella Wood & Galea claim the National Duathlon Championships THE Malta National Duathlon Championships held on Friday saw the confirmation of the Keith Galea and the regaining of the title by Michelle Vella Wood in a hotly fought race on the new course in Mtarfa, under perfect weather con- ditions. Keith Galea was infront from start to finish as he executed his race-plan to perfection winning his third Na- tional Duathlon crown comfortably over previous-champion Fabio Spiteri who consistently claims a podium place every year in this race. Third place was gained by Steve Chetcuti as he is returning to the sport after almost a year out due to injuries. In the female race, Michelle Vella Wood was building up the pressure on Danica Bonello Spiteri, but it was the latter who entered first after Run 1 with a 33 second. However, Vella Wood's recent focus on cycling paid its dividend as she stormed a two and a half minute advantage over Bonello-Spiteri during the cycling segment. During the final run, the lead was halved, but Vella Wood hold strong till the finish to claim the title, with Bonello-Spiteri in second and Hannah Pace in third place. Vella Wood stated that 'This race turned out to be an amazing, bru- tal race that required me to give my utmost to compete against my very capable competitors. I am ecstatic to have managed to retake the title I won two years ago'. Continuing on the same line of thought, Galea com- mented that ' I am very pleased with my performance. Winning the du- athlon title for the third time in my career is simply a great feeling. Al- though being the favourite, no race is easy. For me this performance con- firms that my form is great and that am ready for my future challenges i have soon.' The race was also very positive for Shaun Galea, an up and coming triathlete who at only 17 years of age claimed a 6th overall finish as well as the Under 17 category, and Der- mot Galea who returned a National Championship race with a very con- vincing 7th overall spot. Nina Zammit gained the Under 17 category, with Neil Markham and Lara Buttigieg topping the Under 23 grouping. In the Masters Cat- egory, Kelvin John Goodwin, Kevin Muscat, Jude Zammit Joseph Cortis, Claudia Zammit and Marian Belsten all claimed their Age-Category, while Matthaeus Sciberras was the first athlete from the Malta Youth Triath- lon Academy -MYTA to partecipate and successfully complete this Na- tional Championship. The trophies for the winners were presented by Hon. Chris Agius, Par- liamentary Secretary for Research Innovation, Youth and Sport and Mr Mario Micallef, Director of Sport at the Maltese Olympic Committee. A kids' duathlon race and a fun-run for younger kids were organised by the Malta Triathlon Federation and the Malta Youth Triathlon Academy -MYTA immediately afterwards. The Malta Triathlon Federation would like to extend it heartfelt thanks its main sponsors, N.M. Ar- rigo, agents in Malta of Perskindol. The MTF would also like to thank the Mtarfa Local Council for the great support and cooperation, the Rabat Local Council, the Malta Po- lice Force, in particular the Traf- fic Section and the Rabat District, Transport Malta, The Parliamentary Secretary for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport, and the committed group of volunteers and helpers who made this race possible. PHOTOGRAPHY BY WALLY GALEA

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