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MT 20 April 2016

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maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 20 APRIL 2016 23 Sport Answers to the MaltaToday crossword will be published next Wednesday WEATHER: Partly to rather cloudy becoming fine VISIBILITY: Generally good WIND: East Northeast force 4 locally force 4 to 5 becoming locally force 5 to 6 for some time SEA: Moderate becoming moderate to rough SWELL: Low Northwest becoming East to Northeast Sea Temp.: 17°C A B C D E F G H 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 White to play and mate in four moves A B C D E F G H 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Last week's solution Sudoku rules are extremely easy: Fill all empty squares so that the numbers 1 to 9 appear once in each row, column and 9x9 box. PARTLY CLOUDY 23 º C / 17 º C UV INDEX: 8 Today's Weather Chess Sudoku Pursuits Across 1. Invaluable (9) 8. Smith's block (5) 9. Punctuation mark (5) 10. Breathe out (6) 12. Make indistinct (4) 14. Belonging to us (4) 15. Pines for (6) 17. Directed a light (5) 18. Gaze fixedly (5) 20. Principal angel (9) Down 2. Revolution (3) 3. Icily (6) 4. Good fortune (4) 5. Having a resemblance (7) 6. Horse bred for racing (9) 7. Lawyer (9) 11. Place of shelter (7) 13. Individual (6) 16. Yes (4) 19. Part of verb to be (3) Kg3+ Ke8 exd6+ Be7 d7+ Kd8 dxc8=Q# BOXING Nick Blackwell set to retire Nick Blackwell has revealed he is resigned to retirement, because he "cannot put my friends and family through that again" THE former British middleweight champion has made encouraging progress since being placed in an induced coma having collapsed shortly after be- ing stopped in the 10th round of last month's fight with Chris Eubank Jnr. He was found to have suffered a bleed on the skull but woke a fortnight ago without requiring an operation and has been pictured looking well and enjoying the company of loved ones from his hospital bed. Asked, however, about a potential ring return - one that would be extremely doubtful even if he did want to fight again, given the British Boxing Board of Control would be highly unlikely to li- cence him - Blackwell responded negatively. "No, that's me done," he wrote on Twitter. "I can't put my friends and family and self through that again but I'll still be involved (in the sport)." Blackwell won the vacant British title by stopping the promising John Ryder in 2015, and twice suc- cessfully defended it before defeat by Eubank Jnr. Nick Blackwell: Will hang up his boxing gloves

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