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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 JUNE 2016 41 MARC CASOLANI IF you have ventured into Bali and thought that this was a majestic place with such a spiritual aura and ancient feel, wait until you hop on that ferry and step off with a big smile onto her sister island, Lom- bok. Although not entirely Hindu as Bali, Lombok is mixed between in- digenous tribes, Hindus and Mus- lims, with Muslims making up most of the community. However they have learnt to get along very well considering the past tensions that they once had between themselves. Because of this the culture found on Lombok will differ in a way that the integration creates an unfounded sense of tranquil and positive vibes throughout the island which will surprise you in a way that you will wonder to yourself, "yes this makes sense, this is how it should be". The locals stick to their beliefs, however there are also times that everything is intertwined and the celebrations are shared together. The island is filled with ancient Hindu temples, modern mosques, old Dutch colonial architecture that needs refurbishing but boasts potential in creating a unique mix of cultural blends to blind visitors with a colourful sight. The island itself is slightly smaller than Bali and boasts all the sights that Bali has to offer, however Lom- bok is just less touristic and the lo- cals are not as spoilt as in the main visited areas of Bali. Hence being screwed over is less frequent. Don't get me wrong, if you look up my article on Bali you will see that it is not all like that, but here in Lombok it is easier to move around and get lost and find yourself being invited into a stranger's home for lunch or dinner. Like Bali the key areas that Lombok has to offer are amazing rice paddy terraces, a grand volca- no, amazing surf, clear water scuba diving and a very adventurous boat trip to the island of Flores via the National Park of Komodo. Needless to say there are some fine beaches and beach towns to take a break in. On the cultural side, apart from the ancient Hindu temples, mosques and Dutch colo- nial structures it also has a couple of indigenous villages spread across its land. You may walk into one of these villages and find yourself be- ing given a tour by a village elder or his son where they explain what they do for a living and how they go about their daily life by taking care of the livestock, cultivating rice, making pottery and weaving exqui- site designs for sarongs, tenun ikat and other clothing. All hand woven and a traditional talent that has been passed down through the generations. This how- ever would in my opinion be the most touristic activity of them all, unfortunately. For the village to get by in the new world and since all Lombok has picked up on modern economics, this is their only means of keeping a tradition alive and making a sufficient living not to be kicked off their land. When it comes to the rest of the activities and things to do and see, you will more than likely not be dis- appointed as they have a lot to offer. Mount Rinjani itself is not only an arduous trek but also an amazing experience for those of you who ap- preciate geology and bird life. You get to spend between two to six days trekking around the moun- tain volcano and its turquoise lake, and your individual experience will depend upon what you are looking for. In my opinion, this is most defi- nitely one of the biggest highlights that Lombok offers. The rice paddies are plentiful and the best ones can be found on the slopes of Rinjani overlooking the east coast. In every major town you will find remnants of old Hindu temples and most of all, Dutch co- lonial buildings, all of which will give you a better understanding of the history of Lombok and how the island was developed through the ages. Exploring the island is best done in a hired car or a scooter, but whichever mode of transport you choose, you will come across Kuta. Found in the south of the island and as famous as its namesake in Bali, just for different reasons, this area particularly popular with for- eign surfers, hippies and those who just want to enjoy the simple life surrounded by locals, jungle and a lovely stretches of beach upon beach that offer great surf. If you go around the corner to the West you will stumble upon Banko Banko, a tranquil village with a few beach shacks for rent and a great beach with stunning views to stare upon. Jump into the water here with your scuba gear and I can guarantee you will have a positive dive with a lot of marine life and coral colours to gaze at. Locals also say that there is a wreck around here but only daring, experienced divers can go there as local compa- nies do not offer it as a dive site. Getting here is fairly easy, just hop onto the countless ferries that come from Bali and make sure you make the right choice. Your lug- gage may get lost or your boat may never show up, or even worse you may capsize but this is rare and not as bad as what you read on the pa- pers once you see the odds. Flying here is also possible and not that costly. Always respect the culture and abide by the ways of the land. The people of Lombok are kind, how- ever if disrespect is shown you will have a lot to answer for. How to get there Emirates offer regular flights be- tween Malta and Bali. Flights de- parting from Malta on 7 July and returning on 21 July were priced at €1,148 including tax at the time of going to print. Once in Bali simply hop on a ferry to Lombok. Travel PROVISION OF MARKETING & COMMUNICATION SERVICES PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARIAT FOR THE EU PRESIDENCY 2017 AND EU FUNDS of the Council of the 2017 Maltese Presidency European Union 2017 MALTESE PRESIDENCY OF THE COUNCIL OF THE EU The documents are available to download online from The Parliamentary Secretariat for EU Presidency 2017 and EU Funds, within the Ministry for European Aairs and Implementation of the Electoral Manifesto, noties that a call for the provision of marketing and communication services in relation to Malta's Presidency of the Council of the EU 2017 has been issued. CALL FOR TENDERS FOR THE LEASING OF MULTIFUNCATIONAL PRINTERS PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARIAT FOR THE EU PRESIDENCY 2017 AND EU FUNDS of the Council of the 2017 Maltese Presidency European Union 2017 MALTESE PRESIDENCY OF THE COUNCIL OF THE EU The tender documents are available to download online from The Parliamentary Secretariat for EU Presidency 2017 and EU Funds, within the Ministry for European Affairs and Implementation of the Electoral Manifesto, notifies that a call for tenders for the leasing of multifunctional printers to be used in relation to Malta's Presidency of the Council of the EU 2017 has been issued. Lombok Bali's enchanting sister

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