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44 Events maltatoday, SUNDAY, 26 JUNE 2016 Protecting yourself from the sun has never tasted better With a UV index of 10 through- out the month of June, it seems to be that as we are rapidly ap- proaching the peak season, the UV won't be going down anytime soon. Putting on sunblock every- day before leaving your doorstep is one way of protecting your skin from the burning rays of the sun, but wouldn't it be better if there was an easier and more natural way of making sure you are less likely to get sunburnt? Lycopene is the pigment that gives tomatoes their bright red colour and is also known for nat- urally providing the body with its own SPF thus protecting you from the sun. Now given that tomatoes are noticeably red, you can imagine how much Lycopene one tomato contains. Take that and double it, that is the amount of Lycopene found within one of Fruitland Com- pany's Guava fruit, a tropical superfruit that has an SPF of 6 within just one fruit. If that alone doesn't impress you, the Guava contains five times as much Vi- tamin C and 70 times more fibre than found within one orange, giving you a 600% of your daily recommendation of Vitamin C intake. It is also the least chemically treated fruit in the world to date, as its tough exterior does not need any pesticides to protect it. Fruitland Company is situated in Pitklali Road, Attard. For more information about where you can find the Guava, send an email on info@Fruitland.Company GasanMamo insurance supports local talent abroad GasanMamo sponsors MYSC Calypso for the 2017 J/70 World Championships A big part of GasanMamo Insur- ance's philosophy is Corporate Social Responsibility—the sim- ple notion that by giving back to individuals, companies are enriching lives and building a better community. So, in an ef- fort to support local talent and promote Malta abroad, Gasan- Mamo will be sponsoring the MYSC Calypso in the J/70 World Championships. The J/70 keelboat is a yacht that is steadily conquering the globe. Built for all sailors, with an eleven-foot long cockpit and an adequate boom height, the J/70 allows for easy crew move- ment whilst tacking and jibing. Over the past years, its appear- ance on the competitive sailing scene has risen, culminating in the J/70 World Championships. Named after the sea nymph daughter of Atlas, the MYSC Calypso will be steered by skip- per Sebastian Ripard and tacti- cian Benji Borg. With a passion of boats and the water from a young age, Sebastian and Benji, first teamed-up in the Malta Young Sailors Club, sailing op- timists. Their partnership saw them run a campaign for the London 2012 Olympic Games. "GasanMamo are proud to sup- port Sebastian and Benji in their sailing endeavour at next year's J/70 World Championships" said Julian J. Mamo, Managing Di- rector at GasanMamo. "This is a wonderful venture to get behind, which nurtures our home-grown talent on an international stage". Hosted by the Costa Smeralda Yacht Club and taking place over four-days, the fourth edition of the J/70 World Championship will kick-off on 12 September 2017, in scenic Porto Cervo, Italy. More than a beautiful lo- cation, Porto Cervo will offer competitors a technical racing field with great sailing waters, and the hospitality of the Costa Smeralda Yacht Club, which will also be celebrating its fiftieth anniversary. For more information, log on to Dutch Ambassador pays courtesy visit to Gasco Energy In an effort to foster stronger developmental ties between The Netherlands and Malta, Joop Ni- jssen, Ambassador of The Neth- erlands, visited Gasco Energy offices in Bengħisa. The Ambas- sador was welcomed by Gasco Chairman Louis A. Farrugia, Gasco Energy CEO Paul Agius Delicata, Liquigas Malta CEO Roberto Capelluto and Gasco En- ergy Chief Financial Officer Ste- phen Muscat. During the meeting, Agius Delicata thanked the Ambassa- dor for the visit and highlighted the close ties the Gasco Consor- tium has with The Netherlands. "Liquigas's parent company, SHV Group, is based in The Nether- lands and throughout the years we have worked at strengthening the partnership and aligning our company strategies to the mutual benefit of both countries." Capelluto accentuated the ben- efits of cooperation between the two companies, "Through this re- lationship with the major world- wide LPG operator SHV, Gasco and Liquigas Malta can continue to benefit from this international experience and expertise, while improving the business and the safety rules in the Maltese is- lands." The courtesy visit by the Dutch Ambassador ended with a guided tour around the gas bottling and storage facility in Bengħisa. Dutch Ambassador Joop Nijssen visiting the Gasco gas bottling and storage facility in Benghisa HSBC Malta Foundation helping keep Malta free of crime HSBC Malta Foundation has pioneered a new way of helping the society ward off the menace of drugs and crimes by sup- porting the long-term nurturing of dogs at the Police Dog Section. And this is one dog fight, in which every resident is the winner. The ultimate goal behind the Founda- tion's support is to not keep on giving money but to help pioneer a lasting lega- cy where the dog-members of the Police Dog Section not only 'lend a paw' with drug busts but are effectively keeping the streets and schools of the islands safer for those who are prone to take up addictions or indulge in criminal behaviour. Thanks to the dogs' services, Malta has consistently earned a high-ranking in international safety indexes and thereby enhanced its reputation as a great tourism destination and an attraction for foreign students continuing their tertiary studies in Malta. The support to the Police Dog Section dates back to 2013, when HSBC Malta's three year sponsorship helped the Section enlarge its force and take on additional canine recruits. One of the first recruits recently gave birth to seven Belgian Shep- herd puppies who will one day take up the rank of a sergeant. The Malta Police Dog Section includes two divisions: protection and general use dogs that assist in various police duties, and search dogs trained to sniff out explosives or narcotics. "HSBC Malta Foundation is delighted to support the Police Dog Section with their important work which benefits all citi- zens of Malta and visitors alike. We feel this is part of our responsibility as a lead- ing company in the community," CEO Andrew Beane said. "As a canine unit our primary mission is to ensure security to all people living in Malta. Dogs, having developed a highly sensitive olfactory system are very effec- tive in both the prevention and detection of illegal substances," said Superintendent Mario Tonna. "HSBC's financial con- tribution is helping us to widen our dog training opportunities and for our ca- nine unit to obtain more resources. This will eventually increase our protection towards vulnerable people by deterring and detecting illegal substances. Thus, offering higher and better security to the Maltese society." HSBC Malta Foundation's support of the Police Dog Section is helping to keep Malta free of crime

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