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MT 24 December 2016

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38 Events maltatoday, SATURDAY, 24 DECEMBER 2016 'The Ultimate Mindset' for Farsons Group management IN what has now become an annu- al appointment, bringing together members of management of the Farsons Group companies before the year's end, this year's event was themed 'The Ultimate Mindset'. Nathan Farrugia, Founder and CEO of Ultimate Performance, and previously founder and CEO of Inspire, delivered a keynote ad- dress that explored the idea that success is a mindset and that it is our choices that ultimately lead us to become who we deserve to be. He went on to explain how one can 'choose' to be successful and how to recognize the self-limiting beliefs that stall progress or halt growth and go on to attain self- realisation. "Nathan has pushed the bounda- ries of human performance, setting world records in the process. In his address Nathan recounted near death experiences and the learning outcomes that have enabled him to raise his game both in business and in life. His experiences will surely inspire our team to push their lim- its and become ultimate perform- ers in their own right," commented Ms Antoinette Caruana, Group HR Manager and Company Secre- tary for Farsons Group. The keynote address was pre- ceded by a presentation about spe- cialty beers and a beer tasting ses- sion that included the ales from the Farsons Classic Brews range, Blue Label Original Amber Ale, Dou- ble Red Strong Ale and India Pale Ale as well as Cisk Pilsner. Double Red and Blue Label have just been awarded gold and silver respective- ly in this year's edition of the Brus- sels Beer Challenge. EY builds gym for Appogg residence As part of its Corporate Social Re- sponsibility programme, EY Malta has built a gym in one of Agen- zija Appogg's residences. This is a home for young ladies who have behavioral issues, find it difficult to integrate into society, and are effec- tively homeless. Led by Maria Giulia Pace, EY Tax Advisory Services Senior, the EY team, took an unfurnished room and created it into a safe gym, in- cluding three exercise machines. Extremely excited about the gym, the resident girls were would often check on its progress and chat with EY's 20 volunteers. In addition, EY staff also donated cash. The aim of this project was to help these girls express and chan- nel their energy in a different way. Studies prove that physical activ- ity is beneficial and therapeutic for those with social problems. With these exercise machines and an area to do other exercises, the girls have a space to rechannel their anxiety and anger. Evidence of the girls' en- thusiasm for the project is a chart on the door with the fitness goals which each girl expressed a wish to achieve. Alfred Grixti, CEO Agenzija Ap- pogg comments: "Research shows that physical exercise is one of the fundamental tools for helping chil- dren and young people deal with emotional stress. Physical exercise also increases their self-esteem and has a significant positive impact on their physical and mental health. "Having an easily accessible gym in our residence is so essential to help them deal with their strong emotional issues. They can start utilising it freely without the fear of being prejudiced by the outside world, and once they have enough confidence they will be able to search for such facilities within the community. The facility is also helpful for our workers as it is an- other tool which they can use to better engage with our clients and encourage them to adopt a healthy life style." Gabriella Azzopardi, Tax As- sistant, Malta commented: "This project was a satisfying experience for me given that I embarked on it as soon as I joined EY. Through it I also got to know my colleagues much faster. One point I would like to highlight is that volunteering to help those in need is always a re- markable experience." Noelle Cauchi, TAS Senior, Malta commented: "In terms of its inten- sity, this project was the first of its kind undertaken by EY. Although it seemed overwhelming at the be- ginning, breaking it up into smaller tasks and having the help of so many other employees eased the process immensely. The project also helped us grow as a team. Being on site, some of the girls and the workers used to come over and check on the progress or simply just to ask how everything was going. This really kept me motivated, knowing that they were truly interested in what was going on. Little did we know that while we were helping others, they were helping our teams grow as well!" PKF-FPM retain top UK accountancy employer award For the second year running, leading island based accountan- cy practice PKF-FPM Account- ants won the Accountancy Age Top UK Accountancy Employer Award 2016 at the glittering British Accountancy Awards Gala Banquet Ceremony which took place on 29 November 2016 at the Brewery, in London. In addition, the only Northern Ireland firm to be shortlisted for the British Accountancy Awards, PKF-FPM were also highly commended in the pres- tigious Top 50 Tax Team of the year Award The Awards Ceremony, hosted by Jon Culshaw, one of Britain's leading impressionists attracted upwards of 1,000 guests, includ- ing high profile leaders from the UK business and accountancy sectors. On a momentous evening in London, PKF-FPM Managing Director, Feargal McCormack stated that the amazing success in retaining the UK Employer of the Year Award together with the recognition of the firm's spe- cialist tax team concluded an ex- citing journey for the practice in the year it celebrated its 25 year anniversary. Feargal was joined at the pres- entation ceremony by a cross section of members of TEAM PKF-FPM. HSBC Malta entertains colleagues and customers over Christmas HSBC Bank Malta welcomed its colleagues and customers over a num- ber of events in the run up to the Christmas festivities. From left: Dy- lan Fiteni, Odette Gafa, Daniel Grech Avellino, Maria Micallef, Mandy Schembri, Hella Xuereb, Debbie Bonnici, Nicolette Ciantar and Yasmin Pace Feargal McCormack, PKF-FPM managing director (second from right) with members of TEAM PFK-FPM Farsons management members at The Ultimate Mindset annual meeting

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