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maltatoday, WEDNESDAY, 18 JANUARY 2017 12 Regular market closed –17/1/2017 Symbol Code Volume Traded Value Traded Trades High Price Low Price Open Price Close Price Change s BOV 45,975 100,312.44 20 2.188 2.160 2.180 2.180 0.020 t FIM 7,120 6,052.00 1 0.850 0.850 0.850 0.850 -0.050 t HSB 7,875 15,473.25 3 1.970 1.950 1.970 1.950 -0.028 t IHI 8,100 5,022.00 3 0.620 0.620 0.620 0.620 -0.001 t MDI 5,987 1,975.71 1 0.330 0.330 0.330 0.330 -0.020 t MLT 34,900 29,665.00 3 0.850 0.850 0.850 0.850 -0.008 l MPC 17,278 9,502.90 5 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.550 0.000 s RS2 26,000 46,425.60 5 1.800 1.779 1.779 1.800 0.010 s SFC 800 5,840.00 1 7.300 7.300 7.300 7.300 0.040 t G19C 50,000 54,020.00 1 108.040 108.040 108.040 108.040 -0.030 s G21A 6,600 8,091.60 1 122.600 122.600 122.600 122.600 0.110 s G22B 13,500 16,422.75 2 121.650 121.650 121.650 121.650 0.120 s G28B 175,500 234,393.95 9 133.580 133.520 133.580 133.520 0.270 s G29A 5,000 7,087.50 1 141.750 141.750 141.750 141.750 0.290 s G29B 31,500 34,486.20 4 109.480 109.480 109.480 109.480 0.250 s G30A 34,800 50,366.04 2 144.730 144.730 144.730 144.730 0.440 s G31A 10,000 14,596.00 1 145.960 145.960 145.960 145.960 0.520 s G32A 37,000 51,870.30 3 140.190 140.190 140.190 140.190 0.530 s G32B 66,200 90,952.18 3 137.390 137.390 137.390 137.390 0.530 s G33A 13,000 17,709.90 1 136.230 136.230 136.230 136.230 0.500 s G34A 50,000 66,800.00 1 133.600 133.600 133.600 133.600 0.580 s G36A 103,000 109,497.80 5 106.310 106.260 106.310 106.260 0.490 s G39AA 74,700 74,729.99 7 100.050 100.020 100.020 100.050 0.020 s G40A 34,600 39,627.38 4 114.530 114.530 114.530 114.530 0.600 s G41AA 148,200 151,447.60 10 102.260 102.000 102.000 102.260 0.590 s BV19B 2,000 2,050.20 1 102.510 102.510 102.510 102.510 0.010 l GP23A 49,500 50,355.00 5 102.000 101.500 101.750 101.500 0.000 s HM24A 20,000 20,801.00 3 104.010 104.000 104.010 104.000 0.250 l HP25A 2,200 2,315.50 1 105.250 105.250 105.250 105.250 0.000 t IH23A 7,100 7,632.50 1 107.500 107.500 107.500 107.500 -0.010 s IH26A 13,900 14,214.50 5 102.500 102.000 102.000 102.500 0.500 l MD26A 31,900 33,495.00 3 105.000 105.000 105.000 105.000 0.000 t MM26A 3,000 3,120.00 1 104.000 104.000 104.000 104.000 -1.000 l PC26A 3,600 3,708.00 1 103.000 103.000 103.000 103.000 0.000 t PT24A 26,500 27,935.50 4 105.600 105.100 105.100 105.450 -0.150 Market Summary as at January 17, 2017 Equity Official List Session State ................................................................... Market Closed Number of trades ............................................................. 122 Volume Traded ................................................................. 1,167,335 Value of € denominated securities .................................... 1,401,943.29 Value of US$ denominated securities ................................ 6,052.00 Value of GBP£ denominated securities .............................. 0.00 Current Index ................................................................... - Previous Index ................................................................. - Change in Index (%) ......................................................... - 6pm Holdings plc .......................... 0.800 0.00% MaltaPost plc ................................. 2.000 0.00% Bank of Valletta plc ........................ 2.180 0.93% Medserv plc .................................. 1.660 0.00% FIMBank plc .................................. 0.850 -5.56% Mapfre Middlesea plc .................... 2.250 0.00% GlobalCapital plc ........................... 0.410 0.00% MIDI plc ........................................ 0.330 -5.71% GO plc ........................................... 3.300 0.00% Plaza Centres plc ........................... 1.060 0.00% Grand Harbour Marina plc ............. 0.899 0.00% RS2 Software plc............................ 1.800 0.56% HSBC Bank Malta plc ..................... 1.950 -1.42% Simonds Farsons Cisk plc ............... 7.300 0.55% International Hotel Investments plc 0.620 -0.16% Tigné Mall plc ................................ 1.120 0.00% Island Hotels Group Holdings plc ... 1.101 0.00% Pefaco International plc ................. 2.240 0.00% Lombard Bank Malta plc ................ 2.275 0.00% Santumas Shareholdings plc ......... 1.260 0.00% Malita Investments plc ................... 0.860 -0.92% Malta Properties Company plc ........ 0.550 0.00% Malta International Airport plc ....... 4.100 0.00% MSE Index Business Today Chinese President Xi warns against trade wars Offering a defence of globalisa- tion at the World Economic Forum on Tuesday, China's President, Xi Jinping, delivered a strong critique of the protectionist movement en- dorsed by US President-elect Don- ald Trump. "No one will emerge as a winner in a trade war," Xi said, to applause from the international audience of corporate leaders, heads of state and other dignitaries. "It is true that economic globaliza- tion has created new problems, but this is no justification to write off economic globalization altogether," Xi said, speaking through a transla- tor. "We must remain committed to developing free trade and invest- ment, promoting liberalization and facilitation through opening up, and saying no to protectionism." Trump, who will be inaugurated as president in Washington on Friday, has argued that US interests must come first in its foreign policy. "Our plan will put America first. Ameri- canism, not globalism, will be our credo," he said in his speech accept- ing the Republican nomination for president. Xi offered what might have been a criticism of that point of view, though he did so without mention- ing Trump by name. Countries, he said, "should view their own inter- ests in their broader context and re- frain from pursuing their own inter- ests at the expense of others." China was one of Trump's chief an- tagonists on the stump, and the New York businessman has threatened tariffs of as much as 45 percent on goods imported from China. Reacting to Xi's speech, Trump ad- viser Anthony Scaramucci, a New York financier, said the new admin- istration would support free trade, but he argued that existing agree- ments put the United States at an unfair disadvantage. "We allowed goods and services to flow freely into the United States, but we allowed our goods and ser- vices to be embargoed in other countries," Scaramucci said. "All we're asking for now is to create more symmetry in these free trade agreements." Scaramucci warned that if China chose to retaliate when the Trump administration imposed tariffs on imports, it would cost them "way more" than it would cost the US. He added the current trade relation- ship was "more favourable to China than us". Scaramucci, a Goldman Sachs alumnus who spent three decades on Wall Street, insisted Donald Trump is a fan of free trade, and that his policies, including the renegotiation of longstanding trade agreements, do not amount to protectionism. "If you are running eight or nine hundred billion dollar trade deficits, some of that is based on demand, but some of that is systemic related to the trade deals. "There's an unfairness in the sys- tem," he added. "That has borne a deleterious outcome for working- class families and middle-class peo- ple that Mr Trump identified." One of the trade deals the new US president has repeatedly con- demned is Nafta, which connects Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The agreement, which Trump called "the single worst trade deal ever ap- proved [in the US]", fundamentally reshaped North American economic relations, most notably by many car manufacturers moving their plants to Mexico. This, Scaramucci argued, has led to a "lopsided" relationship. "We signed Nafta in 1993, and in the 24 years from then you have lost 70,000 factories, and you had every 24 months a reviewal process for Nafta that the US never did, we never went through the reviewal process, never made any changes to potentially create more of an equi- librium in the deal, then we would have an issue, and I think we do." China's President Xi Jinping defended globalisation in his speech in Davos

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