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MT 4 February 2018

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maltatoday SUNDAY 4 FEBRUARY 2018 42 This Week TVM 06:20 Teledrammi - Nostalgija u Tifkiriet 06:50 Dwarna 07:50 Fil-Gnien Ma Melo 08:20 Ahbar Tajba 08:30 Hadt L-Ahbar 09:30 Maltarti 09:50 Valletta - Lwien Ta Belt 10:20 Malta U Lil Hinn Minnha 12:00 News 12:15 Hadd Ghalik 15:00 Hbieb U Ghedewwa - Catch Up 16:00 News 16:05 Hbieb U Ghedewwa - Catch Up 17:40 Paq Paq On Test 18:00 News 18:15 Ghawdex Illum 18:45 Ninvestigaw X'Qed Nieklu 19:35 Laparelli Sa Piano 19:40 Pagna Minn Ktieb 20:00 News 20:50 St Mary's 21:50 Skjetti 22:00 Headline News 22:10 Skjetti 23:15 News 23:40 Mixage TVM 2 06:00 Euronews 07:00 TVAM News 08:00 Ani- mal Diaries 08:50 Ahbar Tajba 09:00 Il-Quddiesa tal-Hadd 09:45 Qalb In-Nies 10:15 Mill-Qarcilla sas-Salib 10:45 Umani 11:15 Mafkar 11:30 Cirko- stanzi - Catch Up 13:00 MESC 2018 1 6 : 0 0 BOV Premier League - Valletta vs Balzan 18:00 Mad- agascar, Id-Dinja tal-Annimal 19:00 Valletta - Lwien Ta Belt 19:30 Gadgets 20:00 Venere 20:25 News for the Hearing Impaired 20:30 7 Tijiem 21:00 Kontrat- takk 23:00 Awtokura 23:30 News In English 23:35 Sports News 23:40 Celebrity Night NET TV 07:00 Net News 07:30 Meander Arti u Kultura (repeat) 08:00 Telebejgħ 08:45 Analiżi 09:30 Telebejgħ 09:45 Week & More 11:15 Quddiesa mis-Santwarju Ta' Pinu 12:00 NET News 12:10 Jekk Jogħġobkom (repeat) 13:00 Santa Monika (repeat) 14:30 Telebejgħ 15:00 NET News 15:05 Telebejgħ 16:40 Wheelspin (repeat) 17:30 Flusek (repeat) 18:00 NET News 18:05 Fejn Għexna 18:40 SOS Pets 19:30 NET News 20:30 Viva Malta 21:30 Replay 21:45 NET News 21:50 Replay 23:00 NET News 23:30 Xandiriet ghal matul il-lejl ONE 06:30 ONE News 06:45 Pink Panther 07:25 Pro- mozzjonijiet u Reklami 07:30 ONE News 07:45 Hinek Twiegeb 08:30 Paperscan 10:00 Esperti 10:30 Tabor 11:00 Aroma Kitchen 12:00 Telebejgh 12:25 Promozzjonijiet u Reklami 12:30 ONE News 12:35 In d house 13:35 Promozzjonijiet u Reklami 13:45 Arani Issa 15:30 ONE News 15:35 Arani Issa 16:55 Promozzjonijiet u Reklami 17:00 L-Argument 19:25 Promozzjonijiet u Reklami 19:30 ONE News 20:15 Ieqaf 20 minuta 20:35 Promozz- jonijiet u Reklami 20:40 Attivita Politika 21:15 Road Way 21:40 Fresh Funky 22:15 Il-Gimgha mill-Pjazza 23:30 ONE News 23:50 Trazmissjoni mal-lejl CANALE 5 06:00 Prima Pagina Tg5 07:55 Traffico – Meteo. It 07:59 Tg5 Mattina 08:45 Speciale Tg5 10:25 Baby Animals 11:00 Le Storie Di Melaverde 12:00 Melaverde 13:00 Tg5 – Meteo.It 13:40 L'arca Di Noè 14:00 Domenica Live 18:45 Avanti Un Altro! 19:57 Tg5 Prima Pagina 20:00 Tg5 – Meteo.It 20:40 Paperissima Sprint 21:10 Una Donna Contro Tutti - Renata Fonte 22:04 Tgcom – Meteo.It 23:19 L'isola Dei Famosi 00:30 Supercinema 01:00 Tg5 Notte – Meteo.It 01:40 Striscia La Notizia - La Voce Dell'intraprendenza 02:10 Uomini E Donne ITALIA 1 06:35 Mediashopping 06:50 Dharma & Greg 07:10 I Puffi 07:35 I Puffi 07:58 Titti E Silvestro 08:00 Titti E Silvestro 08:06 Siamo Fatti Così - Esplorando Il Corpo Umano 08:35 Conosciamoci Un Po' 09:05 Tom & Jerry - Avventure Giganti 09:36 Tgcom – Meteo.It 10:15 I Cesaroni 5 12:25 Studio Aperto – Meteo.It 13:00 L'isola Dei Famosi 13:15 Sport Mediaset – Xxl 14:00 Sammy 2 14:50 Tgcom – Meteo.It 15:50 Un Mondo In Miniatura 16:47 Tgcom – Meteo.It 17:45 Two and a Half Men 18:30 Studio Aperto – Meteo.It 19:00 L'isola Dei Famosi 19:30 C.S.I. Miami 21:20 Battleship 22:17 Tgcom – Meteo.It 02:00 Magazine Champions League RETE 4 07:40 Tg4 Night News 08:00 Media Shopping 08:30 Sotto I Ghiacci Della Groenlandia 09:30 La Vita Segreta Degli Animali Domestici 10:00 Santa Messa 10:50 La Vita Segreta Degli Animali Domes- tici 11:30 Tg4 – Meteo.It 12:00 Detective Extralarge 14:00 Donnavventura 15:00 Detective Extralarge 15:40 Tgcom – Meteo.It 17:07 Scansati... A Trinità Arriva Eldorado 17:45 Tgcom – Meteo.It 18:55 Tg4 – Meteo.It 19:50 Tempesta D'amore 20:30 Quarto Grado - La Domenica 21:15 L'ultimo Samurai 21:58 Tgcom – Meteo.It 00:30 Tgcom – Meteo.It 01:35 Tg4 Night News 01:57 Media Shopping RAI UNO 06:00 A Sua Immagine 06:30 Unomattina In Famiglia 07:00 Tg1 09:40 Paesi Che Vai - Luoghi, Detti, Comuni 10:30 A Sua Immagine 10:55 Santa Messa 12:00 Recita Dell'angelus 12:20 Linea Verde 13:30 Tg1 14:00 Domenica In 17:00 Tg1 - Che Tempo Fa 17:05 Prigionieri In Paradiso 18:45 Insoliti Ignoti 20:00 Tg1 20:35 Che Tempo Che Fa 23:30 Tg1 60 Secondi 00:40 S'è Fatta Notte 01:10 Tg1 Notte - Che Tempo Fa 01:45 Sottovoce Speciale Sanremo RAI DUE 06:45 Rai Cultura Memex – Sperimentiamo! 07:10 Un Diavolo Di Angelo 07:50 Guardia Costiera - Viaggio Nel Nulla 08:35 Heartland 09:15 Tg2 Dos- sier 10:00 Morning Voyager 11:00 Mezzogiorno In Famiglia 13:00 Tg2 Giorno 13:30 Tg2 Motori 13:40 Meteo 2 13:45 Quelli Che Aspettano 15:30 Quelli Che Il Calcio 17:00 90° Minuto - Zona Mista 18:00 Rai Sport 90° Minuto 18:55 90° Minuto - Tempi Supplementari 19:30 Tg2 Flash L.I.S. 19:35 Squadra Speciale Cobra 11 20:30 Tg2 – 20.30 21:05 Lol ;-) 21:20 N.C.I.S. 22:10 S.W.A.T. 23:00 La Domenica Sportiva RAI TRE 06:00 Rainews24 - Meteo – Traffico 06:30 Rasseg- na Stampa Italiana E Internazionale 08:00 Sembra Ieri 08:30 Domenica Geo 10:30 Provincia Capitale 11:10 Tgr Estovest 11:30 Tgr Regioneuropa 12:00 Tg3 12:05 Tg3 Fuori Linea 12:20 Meteo 3 12:25 Tgr Mediterraneo 12:55 Tg3 L.I.S. 13:00 Il Posto Giusto 13:00 Il Posto Giusto 14:00 Tg Regione - Tg Regione Meteo 14:15 Tg3 14:30 1/2 H In Più 15:30 Kilimangiaro 18:55 Meteo 3 – Tg3 19:30 Tg Regione 20:00 Blob 20:05 Grazie Dei Fiori 20:35 Le Ragazze Del '68 21:30 Amore Criminale. Storie Di Femminicidio 23:30 Tg3 - Meteo 3 23:50 Tg Re- gione 23:50 1/2 H In Più 23:55 Tv Storia 00:00 Tg3 Linea Notte 00:10 Tg Regione - Meteo 3 01:05 Rainews TELEVISION BBC ENTERTAINMENT 300 06:00 Bargain Hunt 06:45 Bargain Hunt 07:30 Bargain Hunt 08:15 Doctors 08:45 Doctors 09:15 Doctors 09:45 Doctors 10:15 EastEnders 10:45 EastEnders 11:15 EastEnders 11:45 East- Enders 12:15 Bargain Hunt 13:00 Bargain Hunt 13:45 Atlantis 14:30 Atlantis 15:15 New Tricks 16:10 Antiques Roadshow 17:00 Antiques Road- show 17:50 Father Figure 18:20 Father Figure 18:50 Father Figure 19:20 Father Brown 20:05 Call the Midwife 21:00 New Tricks 21:50 DCI Banks 22:35 DCI Banks 23:25 Father Brown E! ENTERTAINMENT 306 06:00 Botched: It's Called Bimbofication 07:00 Botched: B... Trains and Big B.... 08:00 E! News 09:00 The Platinum Life: Gold Chains and Grow- ing Pains 10:00 The Platinum Life: The Elephant in the Room 11:00 The Platinum Life: Trouble in Paradise 12:00 The Platinum Life: Comeback Queens 13:00 E! News 14:00 Revenge Body With Khloé Kardashian: Web Of Lies & Mommy Issues 15:00 Revenge Body With Khloé Kardashian: The Invisible Girl & Living A Lie 16:00 Revenge Body With Khloé Kardashian: Model, Interrupted & The Basic B.... 17:00 Keeping Up With the Kar- dashians: My Mother's Keeper 18:00 Keeping Up With the Kardashians: Mime Over Matter 19:00 Keeping Up with the Kardashians: Bun in the Oven 20:00 Keeping Up With the Kardashians: Diamonds Are Forever 21:00 Revenge Body With Khloé Kardashian: Lost Identity & Never Been Kissed 22:00 Keeping Up With the Kardashians: Diamonds Are Forever 23:00 E! News FINE LIVING NETWORK 307 06:00 House Hunters 06:30 House Hunters 07:00 Giada at Home 07:30 Giada at Home 08:00 Desperate Landscapes 08:30 Desperate Landscapes 09:00 Cousins on Call 09:30 Cousins on Call 10:00 Flea Market Flip 10:30 Flea Mar- ket Flip 11:00 Tiny House, Big Living 11:30 Tiny House, Big Living 12:00 House Hunters 12:30 House Hunters 13:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt 13:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt 14:00 The High Low Project 14:30 The High Low Project 15:00 Renovation Raiders 16:00 Going Yard 16:30 Go- ing Yard 17:00 Italiana TV Magazine 17:30 Giada in Italy 18:00 Spice of Life With Bal Arneson 18:30 Spice of Life With Bal Arneson 19:00 Giada Enter tains 19:30 Giada Enter tains 20:00 House Hunters 20:30 House Hunters 21:00 We Bought the Farm 21:30 We Bought the Farm 22:00 Vaca- tion House for Free 23:00 The High Low Project 23:30 The High Low Project CBS REALITY 308 06:00 Judge Judy 06:25 Judge Judy 06:50 Operation Repo 07:15 Operation Repo 07:40 Operation Repo 08:05 Operation Repo 08:30 High Aler t 09:20 Babies: Special Deliver y 10:10 Extraordinar y Medicine 10:35 Extraordinar y Medicine 11:00 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 11:50 Medical Emergency 12:15 Medical Emergency 12:40 Deal Makers 13:30 Judge Judy 13:55 Judge Judy 14:20 Judge Judy 14:45 Judge Judy 15:10 Judge Judy 15:35 Robbed, Raided, Reunited 16:00 Caught Red Handed 16:25 Caught Red Handed 16:50 Caught Red Handed 17:15 Caught Red Handed 17:40 Police Women of Cincinnati 18:30 Medical Emergency 18:55 Medical Emergency 19:20 High Aler t 20:10 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 21:00 A Stran- ger in My Home 21:50 A Stranger in My Home 22:40 48 Hours 23:30 Cheaters TCM 310 06:00 Singin' in the Rain 07:40 Rebel Without a Cause 09:30 The Treasure of the Sierra Madre 11:30 Valley of the Kings 13:00 Son of Lassie 14:40 Some Came Running 16:50 Shaft in Africa 18:30 TCM Presents Under the Influence 19:00 A Star Is Born 21:55 The Oklahoma Kid 23:15 A Star Is Born AMC CHANNEL 312 07:25 Outback 08:55 The Mouse on the Moon 10:20 Godzilla 12:35 Princess Kaiulani 14:10 Elvira's Haunted Hills 15:40 The Scapegoat 17:25 Sword of the Conqueror 19:00 The Dark Half 21:00 Hamburger Hill 22:40 Made in USA FOOD NETWORK HD 372 06:00 Roadtrip With G. Gar vin 06:25 Road- trip With G. Gar vin 06:50 Man Fire Food 07:15 Chopped 08:05 Barefoot Contessa 08:30 Bare- foot Contessa 08:55 The Pioneer Woman 09:20 The Pioneer Woman 09:50 Siba's Table 10:20 Siba's Table 10:50 Bake With Anna Olson 11:20 Chopped 12:10 Man Fire Food 12:35 Man Fire Food 13:05 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 13:30 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 14:00 Chopped 15:00 Barefoot Contessa: Back to Basics 15:30 Barefoot Contessa: Back to Basics 16:00 The Pioneer Woman 16:30 The Pioneer Woman 17:00 Siba's Table 17:30 Siba's Table 18:00 Bake With Anna Olson 18:30 Bake With Anna Olson 19:00 Man Fire Food 19:30 Man Fire Food 20:00 Din- ers, Drive-Ins and Dives 20:30 Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives 21:00 Tia Mowr y at Home 21:30 Tia Mowr y at Home 22:00 The Big Eat 22:30 The Big Eat 23:00 Chopped DISCOVERY CHANNEL 400 06:00 How Do They Do It?: Speeding Car/Water Display/White Wash 06:30 Yukon Men: From the Ashes 07:30 Railroad Alaska: Trapped in Ice 08:30 Misfit Garage: Muddy Payday 09:30 How It's Made: Horseshoes/Dishwashers/Frozen Piz- zas 10:00 Outback Truckers 11:00 British Treas- ure, American Gold: Spor t and Recreation 12:00 Container Wars: Big Guns 12:30 Container Wars: Fur Play 13:00 Storage Hunters UK: Essex 13:30 Storage Hunters UK: Poplar 14:00 Storage Hunt- ers 14:30 Storage Hunters: Going Fishing 15:00 Proper ty Wars: New Girl in Town 15:30 Proper ty Wars: Hazmat House 16:00 Railroad Australia 17:00 Wheeler Dealers: Mitsubishi 3000GT VR-4 18:00 Gear Dogs: Six Figure Dog: Par t 1 19:00 Alaskan Bush People: Winter Watch 20:00 Ed Stafford: Left for Dead: Laos: The Annamite Mountains 21:00 Finding Escobar's Millions: The Good Life 22:00 Tesla's Death Ray: A Murder De- classified 23:00 Gold Rush: Lost Gold DISCOVERY SCIENCE 402 06:00 How Do They Do It? 06:26 NextWorld 07:14 NextWorld 08:02 NextWorld 08:50 Nex- tWorld 09:38 NextWorld 10:26 MythBusters: The Search 11:14 MythBusters: The Search 12:02 MythBusters: The Search 12:50 MythBusters: The Search 13:38 MythBusters: The Search 14:26 Food Factor y 14:50 Food Factor y 15:14 Food Factor y 15:38 Food Factor y 16:02 Food Factor y 16:26 How Do They Do It? 16:50 How Do They Do It? 17:15 How Do They Do It? 17:40 How Do They Do It? 18:05 How Do They Do It? 18:30 Secret Space Escapes 19:20 Secret Space Escapes 20:10 Secret Space Escapes 21:00 Dangerman 21:50 Storm Chasers 22:40 Storm Chasers 23:30 Storm Chasers TLC 403 06:00 Sister Wives 06:45 Sister Wives 07:30 Little People, Big World 08:15 Tor te in corso con Renato 08:40 Tor te in corso con Renato 09:05 Your Style in His Hands 10:00 Say Yes to the Dress: Bridesmaids 10:25 Say Yes to the Dress: Bridesmaids 10:55 Say Yes to the Dress 11:20 Say Yes to the Dress 11:50 Ultimate Shopper 12:45 Baby Changes Ever ything 13:40 90 Days to Wed 14:35 90 Days to Wed 15:30 Say Yes to the Dress 15:55 Say Yes to the Dress 16:25 Extraordinar y Weddings 17:20 Say Yes to the Dress: The Big Day 18:15 Say Yes to the Dress: Bridesmaids 18:40 Say Yes to the Dress: Bridesmaids 19:10 My Tiny Terror 20:05 My Fat Pet 21:00 Celebrity Fat Fight- ers 21:55 Hair Goddess 22:50 Separated At Bir th 23:45 My Tiny Terror ANIMAL PLANET 405 06:00 Night 06:25 Whale Wars 07:15 Mutant Planet 08:10 Mutant Planet 09:05 Mutant Plan- et 10:00 Mutant Planet 10:55 Mutant Planet 11:50 My Fat Pet 12:45 Keeping Up With the Kruger 13:40 The Lion Queen 14:35 Escape to Chimp Eden 15:03 Escape to Chimp Eden 15:30 Escape to Chimp Eden 15:58 Escape to Chimp Eden 16:25 Snake Sheila 16:53 Snake Sheila 17:20 Shark Attack Files III 18:15 Man-Eating Super Squid 19:10 Monster Croc Invasion 20:05 Man-Eating Super Snake 21:00 Sharks of the Shadowlands 21:55 Lone Star Law 22:50 Lone Star Law 23:45 Treehouse Masters NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 406 06:00 Titanic: Case Closed 08:00 Atlantis Rising 10:00 Titanic's Fatal Fire 11:00 Titanic: The Fi- nal Word with James Cameron 13:00 Titanic: 20 Years Later With James Cameron 14:00 Drain the Titanic 15:00 Drain the Sunken Pirate City 16:00 Drain the Ocean: Deep Sea Mysteries 17:00 Drain the Great Lakes 18:00 Drain the Bermuda Trian- gle 19:00 Drain Alcatraz 20:00 The Stor y of Us With Morgan Freeman: Us and Them 21:00 Drain the Ocean: WWII 22:00 Japan's Secret Weapon 23:00 The Stor y of Us With Morgan Freeman: Us and Them NAT GEO WILD 407 06:00 Wild Menu 06:24 Wild Menu 06:50 Wild Indonesia 07:37 Wild Canada 08:26 Wild Indo- nesia 09:16 Wild Indonesia 10:05 Wild Indonesia 10:53 Wild Canada 11:42 Wild Canada 12:26 Wild Canada 13:17 Wild Canada 14:04 The Liv- ing Edens 14:51 Wild Scotland: Highlands 15:37 Wild Scotland: Highlands 16:24 Wild Scotland: Highlands 17:11 Wild Scotland: Highlands 18:00 America the Beautiful: Wild Frontier 18:48 Wild Hawaii 19:37 Night Stalkers 20:26 America the Beautiful: Wild Frontier 21:15 The Rise of Black Wolf 22:03 Night Stalkers 22:52 Wild Canada 23:41 The Living Edens TRAVEL CHANNEL 410 06:00 House Hunters International 06:30 House Hunters International 07:00 House Hunters In- ternational 07:30 House Hunters International 08:00 Salvage Dawgs 08:30 Salvage Dawgs 09:00 Hotel Impossible 10:00 Texas Flip and Move 11:00 Building Off the Grid: Alaska Range 12:00 Building Alaska 13:00 Building Alaska 14:00 Salvage Dawgs 14:30 Salvage Dawgs 15:00 Bizarre Foods 16:00 Bizarre Foods: Deli- cious Destinations 17:00 Food Paradise Interna- tional 18:00 Man v Food With Casey Webb 19:00 Olly Smith: Ale Trails 19:30 Olly Smith: Ale Trails 20:00 Durban Beach Rescue 20:30 Durban Beach Rescue 21:00 Expedition Unknown: Hunt for Ex- traterrestrials 22:00 Ghost Hunters International 23:00 Ghost Hunters International LIFETIME 411 10:00 Judge Judy: When Unwed Parents Fight! 10:30 Judge Judy: Minor's DUI Alcohol Run!; Brother-Sister Squabble; Pool Table Comes Be- tween Exes 11:00 The Real Housewives of Sydney: Jatz Crackers 12:00 The Real Housewives of Syd- ney: Branch of Olive 13:00 The Real Housewives of Sydney: Greek Goddess 14:00 Project Runway: Season 15 Reunion 15:00 Project Runway: Road to the Runway Season 16 16:00 Project Runway: One Size Does Not Fit All 17:00 Project Runway All Stars: Damsels in Distress 18:00 Judge Judy: Real Estate Runaround; Entrapment? 18:30 Judge Judy: Grooming Gone Wrong; Father-Daughter Car Dispute 19:00 Judge Judy: Ladies' Night Out Limo Disaster; Harassing Car Deal? 19:30 Judge Judy: Mother Daughter Mayhem; Family Fight Over Home 20:00 Judge Judy: Bicyclist Lands on Head!; Chicken Coop Massacre!; Kicked Out Before Moving In? 20:30 Judge Judy: Neighborly Plant Destruction?; Facebook Furniture?; Follow the Money! 21:00 Project Runway All Stars: Damsels in Distress 22:00 Little Women: Couples Retreat: Express Yourself 23:00 Girl in the Box HISTORY 412 06:00 Pawn Stars: Megawatt Money 06:20 Pawn Stars: Seven Barreled Pawn 06:40 Pawn Stars: Crossing Chum 07:00 Pawn Stars: Cutting Edge Pawn 07:20 Pawn Stars: Wound Up Rick 07:45 Pawn Stars: Penny for Your Pawn 08:10 Pawn Stars: Pawnfamous 08:35 Pawn Stars: The Pawn- shine State 09:00 Pawn Stars: La La Land 10:00 Heroes of War: Silent and Unseen 11:00 WWII's Most Daring Raids: Easy Company's First Assault 12:00 Combat Trains: Precious Cargo 13:00 Com- bat Ships: Torpedo Boats At War 14:00 Battle 360: 19:30 – C.S.I. Miami – Italia 1

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