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47 Events maltatoday SUNDAY 11 FEBRUARY 2018 Konnekt was originally set up in 2007. Last year marked their 10th anniversary. This year brought an update to give their image a more contemporary style, with the introduction of a new logo for 2018. What brought you to Konnekt? I applied with Konnekt to help me find an internship position while I was still in my final year at University. I had heard of the company because the university organisation I was in at the time had collaborated with them on an activity, so I naturally thought they might be best placed to help me out at the time. After a few in- terviews (4 to be exact) I was so in- trigued by their work ethic, differ- ent interview styles and questions that when they offered me the job it was a no brainer to accept. What made you stay? I would definitely say that, apart from the fact that I love recruit- ment in and of itself, the people made me stay. We have such an great team here, and it's been a great experience, firstly being able to grow as an individual but even more so, watching the company grow. When I started in 2013, we were a team of 7 and total staff of 22; we now have a headcount of about 51 people and it's been such an amazing journey since. The market we operate in is very competitive and volatile and this required us to specialize as an agency in order to provide our cli- ents a more focused and tailored services. Which is why we set up two specialised teams in 2015, in IT & iGaming and Finance & Le- gal. What in your opinion sets Konnekt apart from other recruitment agencies? Konnekt prides itself in going against the grain when it comes to stereotypical agency mentality and modus operandi. Most re- cruitment companies will tell you that they have a team made up of professionals. Well we really do. Speaking on behalf of the Finance & Legal team, we have a robust team of individuals hailing from diverse professional backgrounds such as a banking and insurance, audit and legal as well as individu- als with years of recruitment ex- perience. So the knowledge and exposure we have as a team ena- bles us to provide clients with a more holistic service. Konnekt was established in 2007 and has evolved into Malta's larg- est and most innovative recruit- ment agency. Konnekt grew into what it is today thanks to the ef- forts of its passionate team mem- bers, and the candidates and com- panies it has brought together since then. Today, Konnekt is proud to launch an updated branding in line with the developments of the time and the company's our jour- ney. The new company branding is the externalisation of the compa- ny's decade long internal process of growth. Lara Camilleri is Recruitment Manager managing the Finance & Legal Team within Konnekt PKF welcomes 2018 with art exhibition in aid of ALS AS part of its corporate social responsibility com- mitment, PKF Malta host- ed an art exhibition and a reception in aid of ALS. The event was held on Fri- day, 19 January at the Ca- sino Maltese in Valletta. This is the second time that PKF is hosting an art exhibition for a philan- thropic cause. Last year PKF organised similar event in aid of the Muscu- lar Dystrophy Group with over ten local artists who offered a number of paint- ings for sale. During the exhibition guests were invited to purchase the artworks on exhibit courtesy of some of Malta's most distin- guished artists namely Ed Schembri, Clemens H a s e n g s c h w a n d t n e r , Mark Mallia, Samuel Sul- tana and Arpadosso & Dag Art in an effort to raise funds for ALS. A to- tal of €3,500 was collected from the sale of the paint- ings. Whilst thanking PKF Malta for hosting this event ALS Chairman, Bjorn Formosa said that, "In the past couple of years we have been work- ing thoroughly, to provide cure, care and services to thousands of patients. We have also invested in research projects and launched a new scholar- ship which will be availa- ble in the coming months. As you may know in No- vember we opened the ALS Residential home in Qormi. This home is al- ready full, so plans are in hand to open a new place for other neurologi- cal conditions. The funds from tonight's event will go towards addressing more social problems and medical situations that are present on this island." HSBC Premier customers off to enjoy a Mastercard Priceless Experience FOLLOWING the launch of the HSBC Premier World Contact- less Mastercard in Malta, HSBC hosted a number of its customers at the Hilton Quarterdeck Bar, where the evening turned into something extra special for two HSBC Premier customers. Following a draw held during the event, Herald Bonnici and Renald Theuma each won a Mastercard Priceless Experience complements of Mastercard. The winners, to- gether with a guest, will enjoy a four-day holiday which includes flights, luxury accommodation, transport, a private tour of the host city, exclusive meals in top end restaurants, a €150 pre-paid Mastercard card and tickets to a Champions' League semi-final. Senior officials from Mastercard Europe, HSBC Malta and other invited guests were present for the event. HSBC was the first major bank to launch contactless cards in Malta and HSBC Premier customers were the first of HSBC's custom- ers to benefit from this technolo- gy. The bank will roll out contact- less cards to all their customers in the near future. Contactless technology allows customers a faster, more convenient way to pay for just about anything under €25 simply by tapping their card on a point of sale machine. The new Premier World Mas- tercard gives cardholders access to the Mastercard World pro- gramme through which they can enjoy enhanced travel experienc- es, rewards, protection and assis- tance in the event of losing their card. "Whether you are a frequent traveller or prefer the luxuries available at home, the Mastercard World card is an excellent benefit to HSBC Malta's Premier custom- ers," said Aspa Palimeri, Coun- try Manager Greece, Cyprus and Malta, Mastercard Europe. Sergio Bellizzi, HSBC Head of Customer Value Management, said: "HSBC's relationship with Mastercard is a long-standing one and enabled us to be the first major bank in Malta to roll out contactless technology for our Premier Customers. Through Mastercard's World Programme we are able to offer our Premier customers a credit card that pro- vides enhanced travel experiences and rewards worldwide." HSBC Premier is an exclusive banking service, tailored to indi- vidual financial needs and pro- viding internationally minded customers with access to global banking and expertise in over 40 countries and territories. More information about HSBC Premier and HSBC Premier Mastercard World can be obtained by calling the dedicated contact centre on (from left) Aspa Palimeri, Herald Bonnici, Nathalie Ellul, Renald Theuma, and HSBC Malta CEO Andrew Beane MaltaToday meets Lara Camilleri from Konnekt

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