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MW 14 February 2018

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maltatoday WEDNESDAY 14 FEBRUARY 2018 News 3 JAMES DEBONO The Environmental Impact State- ment for a new 113 room hotel devel- opment proposed instead of the Hunt- ers Tower restaurant comes with a dire warning for the entire fishing village, which is expected to be "severely im- pacted by rising sea levels". The study conducted by EIA consult- ants AIS Environmental warns that by 2100, the mean sea level is expected to "rise significantly" submerging the new hotel's ground level and carpark. The study refers to "projections" showing that the coastline is expected to expand "onto the terraced agricul- tural slopes lying to the east of the pro- posed hotel". Severe storms caused by a change in climate may also give rise to flooding within Marsaxlokk, which is particu- larly vulnerable as it encompasses a large water catchment area. Since sea level rise is a "national and global problem", the EIA augurs that a national strategy will be developed to address these concerns. The management plan for the adjacent Natura 2000 site already warned that certain habitats are highly vulnerable to climate change and "sea level rise". It also calls for an extension of the marshland into two neighbouring parcels of land enclosed between the marsh and the road. The carpark, which may suffer the brunt of climate change in the next dec- ades, represents one of the most prob- lematic aspects of the hotel project. The Environment and Resources Authority(ERA) had recommended the removal of the parking from the proposal to avoid significant adverse impact on the adjacent tal-Ballut marshland which is a Natura 2000 site. The EIA acknowledges that downsiz- ing the underground carpark would re- duce the construction impacts on the adjacent marshland. This would re- duce the generation of dust that could adversely affect the marshland would be reduced. However, the elimination of the un- derground carpark is considered to be economically unfeasible and to have repercussions on the availability of parking space in M'Xlokk. The proposed entrance to the carpark is located 60m away from the protected marshland but within its buffer zone. The hotel owner has committed himself to contribute towards the effective management of the Natura 2000 marshland through regular "maintenance of the site and its pro- motion as an educational and eco- touristic hub". EIA's stern 2100 climate change warning for M'Xlokk Rising sea levels set to submerge pro- posed M'Xlokk hotel's ground floor, parking by end of century Union shown confidential document following request CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 "While it appears that pro- gress has been registered in principle, [MAM] is looking forward to the next meeting on Wednesday with the hope that both sides can continue working to reach a satisfactory conclusion," read a brief state- ment from MAM yesterday. Despite both sides stating that talks have been positive, a two-hour meeting between the Government and the doc- tors' union failed to resolve the impasse over the hospitals pri- vatisation. "The meeting was positive but we have not yet reached an agreement," Fearne told Mal- taToday on Monday evening. The minister did not want to say what the unresolved issues were, insisting he did not want to prejudge discussions that will continue later this week. "It would not be prudent for me to point out particu- lar issues because there has been goodwill from all sides and we agreed to meet again on Wednesday or Thursday," Fearne said. Earlier on Monday, MAM said it had been against the hospitals deal since March 2015. It explained that fail- ure to respect the "safety net measures" agreed with the Government had led doctors to the current dispute. Doctors went on a one-day strike this month and MAM's council approved a resolution to proceed with industrial ac- tion this Thursday and Friday should the meeting with the Health Ministry result in a stalemate. Asked whether the Govern- ment has shown MAM the uncensored contract signed with Vitals, Fearne said union officials asked for a particular document on Monday and this was shown to them. He did not elaborate. After a two-hour meeting on Monday failed to result in breakthrough, the union has said it would be putting directives on hold as a gesture of goodwill "The meeting was positive but we have not yet reached an agreement" IN a substantial drug haul for Maltese police, 150kg of can- nabis ready to be trafficked were found on a merchant ship which was travelling through Malta. The Vice Squad and Cus- toms Department, found a large quantity of the drug, which did not appear to be for the local market, wrapped in numerous packages. Duty magistrate Yana Mi- callef Stafrace appointed a number of experts to help in the inquiry on the case. 150kg of cannabis found in merchant ship drug haul Police believe drugs found on ship travelling through Malta were not destined for local market

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