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MOTORING & BOATING M6 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 17 JUNE 2018 AS part of its Express Road Safety Cam- paign launched last month, Express Trail- ers recently hosted its first school visit to promote Road Safety among schoolchil- dren. This first school visit was hosted at St Edwards College in Vittoriosa and was organised in collaboration with the Malta Road Safety Council. During this event, an Express Trailers truck and trailer was parked inside the school's grounds and served as a back- drop to a number of sessions with kinder school children who also had the oppor- tunity to climb up into the truck's cabin to enjoy the view from the driver's seat! Pierre Vella, from the Malta Road Safety Council, delivered the sessions and ex- plained to the children the importance of sitting at the back, of wearing their seatbelt, of not distracting their parents when they are driving and to also encour- age their respective parents to be careful when driving. The event also included tips on how best to cross the road and how to ap- proach traffic lights and pedestrian cross- ings, thanks to a zebra crossing which the school painted prior to the event, pur- posely to teach road safety to students. "When we think of safety on the road, we immediately think of cars, trucks and oth- er vehicles and we forget that on the road, everyone is responsible. We recognise this and given our very heavy presence on the road, we felt we have a role in promoting road safety. This is why Express Trailers launched the Express Road Safety cam- paign to promote more responsible road sharing," Franco Azzopardi, Chairman and CEO of Express Trailers, said. "It is never too early to start educating people about road safety and children are a great opportunity to address if we want to hope that the next generations will be educated and conscious about road safe- ty," he added. Express Trailers plans to organise more school visits as from the next scholastic year. Interested schools who would be interested in this event may visit the cam- paign's website www.expressroadsafety. com to get in touch and request more in- formation. Express Trailers takes road safety to St Edwards College