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MT 26 August 2018

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19 LETTERS & EDITORIAL maltatoday | SUNDAY • 26 AUGUST 2018 Telemalta shares and workers' corps I read with interest what Francis Paris from Zabbar (Letters, 19 Au- gust 2018) wrote about the Telemalta and Maltacom employees shares. I am one of those employees who took early retirement in 2003. As Paris said, I only received the sum of Lm100 for my shares. Now I know that there are employees who fared much worse, and who got nothing for their shares. Others fared much better than us, and they are still re- ceiving more money in instalments. There was not much difference in the number of units each employee had – around 20 to 22 units for each employee. Now I ask, why should there be this discrimination between an employee and another? Should not the General Workers Union see that these things do not happen on its watch? Another issue on a different matter is about the benefit that the govern- ment is giving to those who worked in the Pijuniri and Dirghajn il-Maltin corps. Now here is another discrimi- nation. This benefit is given by the government to make up for some injustices that these workers had to go through some years ago. Now while we are making up for these injustices, we are creating another injustice because only those who were lucky enough to be transferred to some government department are being rewarded. Those who were transferred to a para-statal company like Telemalta and Enemalta are not being considered – at least for the time being I hope. I used to work with the British naval forces as a technician. I lost my job when the British left the island and had no choice but to join Dir- ghajn il-Maltin. It was not my choice or fault that I was not transferred to a government department but was sent to a para-statal company. There are others like me that are in this situation. I trust that whoever is responsible will realise that while making up for the injustices of yes- teryear, this will not create another injustice. Armando Buttigieg Paola Clarification THE company PaySec has submitted a clarification with respect to the MaltaTo- day court report 'Malta company accused of fraud in €35 million Bitcoin theft'. MaltaToday has already acquiesced to various changes in its report, and has now added a new reply by PaySec to the original report, which can be accessed at court_and_police/88526/malta_com- pany_accused_of_fraud_in_35_mil- lion_bitcoin_theft). PaySec has denied any involvement in an alleged 'hack' with respect to claims by UK firm Dooga. In May 2017, PaySec entered into an agreement with Dooga, which operates an online Bitcoin exchange. In January 2018, three of Dooga's Chinese custom- ers purchased Bitcoins totalling some €27.7 million. These sums were held by financial institutions in China. In February 2018, the accounts of these three customers were 'hacked', and their Bitcoins removed. As a result, the sums held by the financial institutions were frozen. Although PaySec does not have access to these funds, Dooga is pursuing Paysec for payment of such funds. At the time, PaySec was holding some €6.7 million awaiting settlement on Dooga. Upon learning of the 'hack', PaySec exercised its right under the contract to withhold these sums until an investigation into what had transpired could be completed. As set out in the Counter-Warrant Application, in the arbitration proceed- ings, PaySec is seeking compensation from Dooga for damages and losses it has suffered and may continue to suffer as a result of Dooga's breaches of the Merchant Contract. Given the confi- dentiality of the arbitration, PaySec is not at liberty to set out the detail of its claims against Dooga. Mikiel Galea Letters & Clarifications

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