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MT 26 August 2018

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17 COMMERCIAL maltatoday | SUNDAY • 26 AUGUST 2018 Kristal supports the Zejtun National Heritage Treasure Hunt organised by ZOEY THE Żejtun National Heritage Treasure Hunt organised by the local NGO - Żejtun Organ- isation to Empower You, was a huge success and a fun learning activity for children and youths alike. It included a search for diverse facts regarding the cul- ture and lifestyle on the periph- ery of Żejtun. ''GSD Marketing Ltd continu- ously supports local initiatives and is proud to have supported the Żejtun National Heritage Treasure Hunt organised by ŻOEY for the second year run- ning. Apart from providing a bottle of Kristal water to every participant, we also provided official Coca-Cola merchandise for the winning teams including the Coca-Cola Limited Edition Bottles which celebrate Malta's culture. We at GSD Marketing Ltd look forward to continuing our support towards the lo- cal communities'', said George Douglas Saliba, PAC Manager at GSD Marketing Ltd. The activity started from Ġnien l-Għannejja Żwieten where all the participants were provided with a heritage map of the area, a pack full of infor- mation about Żejtun's history and a bottle of Kristal Water. This year's edition saw more than 200 participants which were divided into 35 groups in the adults section and 25 groups in the Teens & Youths Section. This event was held under the patronage of the Val- letta 18 Foundation. JMV celebrate 10th anniversary with ISOMAT JM Vassallo Vibro Steel Ltd (JMV), hosted an event to cel- ebrate their collaboration with the ISOMAT brand on the Mal- tese Islands by holding a train- ing seminar at the JMV Building Solutions premises in the Vibro Complex at Ħaż-Żebbuġ. ISOMAT is a producer of building chemicals and mortars with a multinational perspec- tive. It was founded in 1980 and currently has three production plants and export sales in more than 50 countries, including Malta. The company produces and distributes a wide range of products in 6 product categories: waterproofing materials, paints and renders, tile adhesives and grouts, repairing materials, ad- mixtures and floorings. ISOMAT is committed to in- novation and owns a fully organ- ised R&D department, equipped with specialised scientific per- sonnel working in five different chemistry labs, where new prod- ucts are developed every year in keeping with changing market needs and with the latest tech- nological developments in the building sector. The training topics covered had been chosen according to the feedback received from cli- ents over the previous months, and apart from the main two subjects of waterproofing sys- tems and microcement coat- ings, a session was also dedi- cated to new products released on the market. Apart from focusing on a sound theoreti- cal background, the sessions were also supplemented by live demonstrations. The contrac- tors were also encouraged to participate in applying prod- ucts themselves throughout the training. During the reception at Hil- ton Malta, Dimitris Lolos, ISO- MAT Export Director said "We thank Raymond Vassallo for initiating the 10th anniversary event. Over the last 10 years both partners, ISOMAT and JMV, have served the mission in a professional way to develop strong relations with Malta's construction industry market. The value-added is that we do not just supply materials, but also the technical solutions and applications. JMV is the sole entity in Malta that can give the construction industry this package of services. We look forward to another event like this one with JMV in 10 years". Theodoros Yfantidis, ISOMAT Area Export Manager com- mented "When I started with ISOMAT I made my first trip to Malta and this was when I first met Vassallo and JMV. I felt that we could do things really well together. I could see that there was a lot to be done in the con- struction sector. I could see the potential. So, now after 10 years I am happy to see that my first feeling was true. In this way, we could manage to do a bit in mak- ing Malta shine even more and show what a lovely place it is." Managing Director of JMV, Raymond Vassallo, gave an ac- count of the ISOMAT brand's progress in Malta, saying that the decision to collaborate had been positive from the outset. EMPLOYEES of MAPFRE Middlesea and MAPFRE MSV Life participated in an event aimed to raise funds for Dr Klown Malta. In a lighthearted event during August, em- ployees sold ice-creams to their fellow em- ployees and other people in the neighbour- hood, with all proceeds going towards the NGO. "These clown doctors give their free time to try and put a smile on the faces of children going through hardships. We wanted to show our appreciation towards the work they do through an event that also shares smiles," President and CEO Felipe Navarro said. Dr Klown is a non-governmental organisa- tion dedicated to provide clown doctor ser- vices at Mater Dei Hospital. Clown doctors are not doctors but volunteers from every walk of life that are artistically and psycholog- ically trained to entertain children in hospital. Clown doctors visit children in their beds, or stay with them while they are having treat- ment. They improvise around each child's situation and interests. Throughout the year, MAPFRE Malta or- ganises a number of activities aimed at raising awareness and raising funds for different non- governmental entities around the island. MAPFRE Group raises funds for Dr Klown From left: Theodoros Yfantidis, ISOMAT Area Export Manager and Dimitris Lolos, Export Director together with Raymond Vassallo, Managing Director of JMV, at ISOMAT's 10th anniversary reception at The Hilton Malta President and CEO of MAPFRE Middlesea Felipe Navarro participates in the CSR Event

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