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BACK TO SCHOOL S2 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 26 AUGUST 2018 A new learning concept will soon be opening in Malta, aiming to introduce a variety of sports to children of all abilities in a unique after-school activity club. By offering children between the ages of three and 16 the chance to try a range of different team and individual sports, SportsKidz hopes to encourage a more active lifestyle while developing each child's personal growth. "SportsKidz will offer lots of fun and games for children aged 3-16 years, who can try out at least 14 different sports over the course of a scholastic year and take part in weekly themed team activi- ties," said SportsKidz founder Edward Mercieca. He sais this was not just a concept for children who already love sports, but one that will encourage all children to find a sport they love and to be more active. "In fact, besides learning about the ben- efits of an active lifestyle, the children are also encouraged to enjoy playing as part of a team, building self-confidence, com- munication skills, trust, leadership skills, problem-solving, cooperation, and other life proficiencies that will help them in the future," he said. With classes capped at 17 pupils and divided according to age, the length of each class depends on the age of the chil- dren in each group. The youngest group (for those between three and five years of age) will enjoy one-and-a-half hours of physical activity per week. Those aged six years and over work in three separate age groups of six- to-eight years of age, nine-to-11 years and 12+, attending weekly classes lasting three hours. These sessions are structured into three sections, starting with an hour of traditional team sports such as handball, basketball or volleyball, then an hour of individual sports such as gymnastics, athletics or martial arts, before the final hour of team-building activities. The SportsKidz school year has been designed to run concurrently with the normal academic year, divided into three terms and complementing school hours. SportsKidz officially kicks off with its first term-date on Friday 5 October, with classes running from 5pm to 8pm at San- ta Theresa Secondary School in Mriehel. There will also be Saturday morning classes from 10am to 1pm at the Na- tional Sports School in Pembroke, and on Saturday afternoons from 2.30pm to 5.30pm at Mosta Secondary School Zokrija in Mosta. Interested children, parents and guard- ians are invited to call 7942 2054 or visit for more information about the SportsKidz pro- gramme and to register their participa- tion. In a new concept for Malta, SportsKidz will introduce a variety of sporting activities to children aged three to 16, building confidence, having fun and encouraging children to lead a more active and healthier lifestyle New after-hours school brings sports to life for kids

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