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MT 26 August 2018

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S3 BACK TO SCHOOL maltatoday | SUNDAY • 26 AUGUST 2018 THINKING about our little ones who love running and stepping into anything dirty, and about their 'suffering' mums, Titanitos created a special collection of machine washable school shoes. They go straight into the washing machine, and just like magic, they're clean and good as new. They are expertly hand- crafted using the latest tech- nologies in comfort, design and durability. The shoes are reinforced in the toes and heels to increase their dura- bility and minimise impacts. Visit Gallarija Darmanin and Darmanin Footwear (Paola and Zachary Street, Valletta) to view the full range or find them on face- book. Machine-washable school shoes for active kids Feeding young minds: The importance of healthy school lunches MEALS eaten away from home are often too high in saturated fat and cholesterol and too low in fi- bre and other nutri- ents. Healthy school lunches are essen- tial to reversing the growing trends of chronic disease in children and teens. With the start of the school year right around the corner, it's time to start thinking about your kid's school lunches. You don't want to send them off with a lunchbox full of pretzels or rely on the school's tuck shop. No, you want to be the parent that packs a healthy, fun lunch that will keep your kid satis- fied and alert throughout the day. So here are some tips for successfully planning, prep- ping, and packing healthy school lunches. Meal Planning • Make sure to check any food guidelines provided by your kid's school. They'll clue you in on any allergy con- cerns and foods you need to avoid. • Opt for fun and healthy ideas from food and nutrition experts for keeping your kids' lunches fresh. • Non-sandwich op- tions are great for switching things up a bit • Here are some diet- specific options: vegan, dairy- free, gluten-free What about picky eaters? If you find your kid coming home with a barely-touched lunchbox, you may have a picky eater on your hands. One way to counteract this is to let your kids help with the prepping and packing of their lunches. They're the ones who will be eating it after all, so it's helpful to know ahead of time that what you're taking the time to prepare and pack isn't going to waste. Avoid introducing some- thing brand new to them in their lunch. Keep it familiar, yet fun with new shapes for fruits and veggies, sandwich picks in their favorite colour, or a note or picture to get them excited for lunch. If your child will only eat the same three things and you're desperate for them to branch out, consider a reward sys- tem to get them to try some- thing different. That way you can combine their favourites with one newer item for them to try and consider adding to the normal rotation. This is a great way to create balanced, healthy school lunches. R

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