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4 NEWS maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 11 SEPTEMBER 2019 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Dalli said following the an- nouncement that she was hon- oured and humbled to have been handed the equality portfolio. She thanked von der Leyen and said she was looking forward to getting to work. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said that Dalli was the "perfect choice" to implement an "ambi- tious equality agenda". "Thanks to Helena's resolve and Malta's positive track record in this area an EU Commission with gender parity will only be the start- ing point," Muscat said. Nationalist Party leader Adrian Delia said the party welcomed von der Leyen's "gender-balance target for the new Commission". "We will support Helena Dalli to become Commissioner for Equality. Steps ahead have been made but EU needs to take further concrete measures to strengthen equality," Delia tweeted. Former Opposition leader Simon Busuttil was also quick to con- gratulate Dalli. "Good portfolio for Helena Dalli who has a positive track record on equality issues that she can share at European level," Busuttil said. "Certainly better than on justice," he added. In a statement, the Maltese gov- ernment said that Dalli's selection was a testament to Malta's positive change over recent years, adding that the country is now considered as a "beacon of hope, as described by several respected international institutions". Who is Helena Dalli? Helena Dalli stepped down as Eu- ropean affairs and equality minis- ter the moment her nomination to the commission was made known. Between 2013 and 2017 she held the role of minister for social dia- logue, consumer affairs and civil liberties. The European affairs portfolio was added after the 2017 election. Since 2013, Dalli spearheaded wide-ranging reforms, from the historic introduction of civil un- ions in 2014 to the banning of gay conversion therapy. Malta rose to the top of the ILGA-Europe rankings for gay rights, a position it has retained for four consecutive years. Dalli holds a PhD in political so- ciology and lectures in economic and political sociology, public policy, and sociology of law at the University of Malta. One of the veterans within the Labour parliamentary group, Dalli was first elected to the House in 1996 and was appointed parlia- mentary secretary for Women's Rights within the Office of the Prime Minister. The MP from Zabbar has been elected to parliament in every elec- tion since. In the last election she was elected on two districts. Commission based on tasks not hierarchies Before announcing the full list of Commissioners, von der Leyen said she had selected a diverse group from across the EU's differ- ent member states. "A team that brings together diversity of expe- rience and competence," von der Leyen said. She said she wanted to have a commission that is "focused on the issues at hand and that can provide answers". The new commission would have a structure based on tasks not hi- erarchies, von der Leyen said. "We need to be able to deliver on the is- sues that matter the most, rapidly and with determination." The new College of Commission- ers will have eight Vice-Presidents, three of whom will have the role of Executive Vice-President and they will be responsible for the EU's top priorities. Vice-Presidents, Von der Leyen said, will steer the Commission's work on the most important "overarching issues", including the European Green Deal, a Europe fit for the digital age, an economy that works for people, protecting our European way of life, a strong- er Europe in the world and a new push for European democracy. The full College of Commissioners will be as follows: Ursula von der Leyen (Germany) President Executive Vice-Presidents Frans Timmermans (the Netherlands): Will coordinate work on the European Green Deal. He will also manage cli- mate action policy, supported by the Directorate-General for Climate Action. Margrethe Vestager (Denmark): Will coordinate the Commission's agenda on a Europe fit for the digital age and will also serve as the Commissioner for Competition, sup- ported by the Directorate General for Competition. Valdis Dombrovskis (Latvia): Will coordinate the work on an Economy that Works for People and be the Commis- sioner for financial services, supported by the Directorate- General for Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capi- tal Markets Union. Vice-Presidents Josep Borrell (Spain): HR/VP-designate, A Stronger Eu- rope in the World Věra Jourová (Czech Republic): Values and Transparency Margaritis Schinas (Greece): Protecting our European Way of Life Maroš Šefčovič (Slovakia): Interinstitutional Relations and Foresight Dubravka Šuica (Croatia): Democracy and Demography Commissioners Johannes Hahn (Austria): Budget and Administration re- porting directly to von der Leyen. Didier Reynders (Belgium): Justice, including the rule of law. Mariya Gabriel (Bulgaria): Innovation and Youth. Stella Kyriakides (Cyprus): Health. Kadri Simson (Estonia): Energy. Jutta Urpilainen (Finland): International Partnerships Sylvie Goulard (France): Internal Marke, including the new Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space. László Trócsányi (Hungary): Neighbourhood and En- largement Phil Hogan (Ireland): Trade Paolo Gentiloni (Italy): Economy Virginijus Sinkevičius (Lithuania): Environment and Oceans Nicolas Schmit (Luxembourg): Jobs Helena Dalli (Malta): Equality Janusz Wojciechowski (Poland): Agriculture Elisa Ferreira (Portugal): Cohesion and Reforms Rovana Plumb (Romania): Transport Janez Lenarčič (Slovenia): Crisis Management Ylva Johansson (Sweden): Home Affairs Dalli 'humbled' to be granted EU equality portfolio JAMES DEBONO A retail and office development is being proposed outside develop- ment boundaries on agricultural land off Sqaq il-Hofra in Attard, down along the alley from the Citroen showroom and petrol station. The area where the devel- opment is proposed has been brought closer to the road net- work by the controversial Cen- tral Link project, which will be directly connected to the alley. The various components of the project, which include a 247 sq.m office block, will be interspersed on 7,879 square metres of ag- ricultural land which was dis- turbed during the construction of storm-water infrastructure. The application refers to the land in question as a "disturbed site" but previous applications on the same site confirm that it con- sisted in agricultural land. The project, proposed by Donit Ltd, a company owned by Gino and Aaron Vella, is set to in- clude a garden centre and pet shop together with conference, office and educational facilities at ground and first-floor levels. An underground car-park for 51 car spaces is alsoproposed. The development will include a nurs- ery, greenhouses and temporary stores for the retail of plants, veg- etables and agricultural produce as well as aquariums and cages for the holding of fish, reptiles and other pets and the sale of garden furniture. Facilities will also include a cafeteria. The area in question is desig- nated in the local plan as an Area of Agricultural Value. According to existing policies only buildings, structures and us- es essential to the needs of arable agriculture can be permitted on such Areas of Agricultural Value. Such development must not ad- versely affect the quality of water resources, soil and landscape. This is the second ODZ pro- ject being proposed at a short distance from the new Central Link project, which also involves the take-up of agricultural land between Triq Oliver Agius and Triq il-Hofra in the vicinity of the proposed garden centre. A roadside cafeteria is also be- ing proposed instead of a derelict rural building that was previously used as a lime factory along the Mriehel bypass, opposite the Fort Business Centre. The site was one of the en- trances to the storm-water tun- nels forming part of the National Flood Relief Project approved in 2011. In 2018 the Planning Au- thority approved the construc- tion of an underground reservoir for collection of storm water ir- rigation for agricultural fields in the area. Central Link: ODZ retail and office centre proposed in Attard Helena Dalli said she was looking forward to getting to work

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