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MALTATODAY 27 October 2019

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MATTHEW VELLA NEMEA Bank has been re- fused a request to stay pro- ceedings in a complaint they filed in the Financial Services Tribunal, against the Malta Financial Services Authority. The online-only bank went under administration in 2016 when the European Central Bank instructed the MFSA to place the bank's assets under controllership. At the time, the bank's directors also in- cluded former prime minis- ters Lawrence Gonzi and fi- nancier Joseph F.X. Zahra. Its owners, Heikki Niemela and Mika Lehto, have now been refused a request for stay on the FST proceedings until such time as their bank direc- tors are granted access to the bank files, IT systems and fi- nancial resources so that the bank can pay for representa- tion by its legal counsel. Nemea's owner insisted that since an Appeals Court decision in November 2018 had recognised them as hav- ing juridical interest to file a complaint in the FST, they should be reinstated in their positions at the bank so as to carry out their responsibili- ties. The request was opposed by the MFSA. Neimela and Lehto have also instituted proceedings before the General Court of the EU, challenging the ECB's decision and contesting the revocation of its licence as a European credit institution. In a preliminary decision, the General Court stayed pro- ceedings until a decision is taken in a similar case being head by the European Court of Justice. Nemea is demand- ing €10 million in damages in its appeal before ECJ. The FST said the present appeal and those before the General Court of the EU were different and the proceedings at the General Court outside the scope of the tribunal's competence. Nemea had €68 million in assets, composed mainly of €30 million in loans and ad- vances to customers and €22 million in loans and advances to banks when it was taken under control. According to the unaudited financial posi- tion in March 2016, the bank owed €61 million to custom- 8 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 27 OCTOBER 2019 NEWS COURT NOTICE The Registrar, Civil Courts and Tribunals notifies that the First Hall of the Civil Court ordered the sale by Judicial Auction of the following property to be held in room numbered 78, nearby the Courts Archives, Level -1, Courts of Justice, Republic Street, Valletta. Date Time Judicial Sale No Property 29 th Ottubru, 2019 12.00pm 104/98 - JGL Azzopardi Joseph pro et noe vs Zammit Ray Dr noe et The tenements numbered from 245 till 252 in Triq San Pawl, San Pawl il-Baħar valued together at €550,000. The tenements numbered 245,246 and 247 situated in higher open air entry level from the street and accessible through an open staircase, the tenement numbered 245 consists of a ground floor underlying the first floor numbered 246, the tenement numbered 246 consists of first floor overlying the ground floor numbered 245 and the tenement numbered 247 is overlying the tenements numbered 248 and 249 as well as small part of tenement numbered 250. The tenement numbered 248 is accessible from a street and partially underlies tenement numbered 247. The tenement numbered 249 is accessible from a street and partially underlies on the other part of tenement numbered 247. The tenement 250 consists of a ground floor overlies almost totally tenement numbered 251, with entrance on the ground floor underlies a small part tenement numbered 247. The tenement numbered 251 is a groundfloor tenement underlying the first floor number 250. The tenement 252 consists of a house on two floor originally from a adjacent room, used a sitting room that had another door numbered 253 in the street and was change to a window. 05 th November, 2019 10.30am 45/19 - EM Martinelli Marcella (ID151575M) noe et vs Fenech Caterina The undivided share of 22/180 on tenant numbered 126 in Triq l-Oratorju, Bormla, unknown boundaries, starting from a minimum price of €15,300 with the admission of extraneous bidders. 05 th November, 2019 11.00am 14/17 - EGL DeBono Edward Av (ID592758M) noe vs Hili Paul (ID501758M) et Villa named 'Is-Sienja' formely named "Casa Sant Manduca" without official number in Triq Ras il-Wardija formerly known as Triq San Gorg in Wardija, limits of San Pawl il- Baħar together with the adjacent lands which form an integral part of it with approxiamate measurement of 15,800 sqm. The said villa and the adjacent lands are bounded by North with the said street and on the South and West by property of John Dei Conti Sant Manduca or his successors in title, which property is free and unencumbered, with all its rights and enjoyments, valued at €13,600,000. 07 th November, 2019 10.30am 32/16 - JGL Bank of Valletta p.l.c. (C2833) vs Merger Enterprises Limited (C7066) Ununumbered garage named 'Elia' in Cannon Road, Qormi other times referred to as Santa Venera. The said garage is bounded on East by Cannon Road, North by property of Emanuel Galea and on the south by property of Carmelo Dingli or his successors in title and subject to annual and sub perpetual ground rent of €41.05 payable directly to the subdirectors, payable annually in advance, free and unencumbered with all its right and appurtenances, tale quale and with vacant possession valued at €235,000. 12 th November, 2019 11.30am 31/18 - EGL Vella Renato (ID497581M) et vs Mamo Lorranie (ID398164M) Garage internally marked number 5 forming part of a complex of five garages on street level, underlying the block known as "Gretel Court", in Triq il-Klarissi in Saint Julians with a common entrance from the same street, which garage is bounded from the West by the said street, South and North by property of Henry Caruana or his successors in title, valued at €25,000 IDI668044M) et Vs Barjola (Real Estate) Limited (C17670) garage rather a store with an office, and overlaying offices, which property is all found built on a divided share of land known as plot numbered 4, measuring approxiametely 141 sqm, forming part of the territory known as "Tal-Mithna", known as "Ta' Mensiva", known as "Ta' Don Angelo" and bounding North with property of Carmelo Cassar Limited, with East with property of C.A.E.J.A. Abela Brothers and West by the said Triq Barjola. The garage, free and unencumbered, with all its rights and enjoyments, is valued at €253,000. Further details can be obtained from the website: The bidders taking part in the auction must present their identity card Marvic Farrugia For the Registrar of Civil Courts and Tribunals Tribunal turns down Nemea request for stay on proceedings €13 million Wardija villa court auction over Swiss loan call-in A Wardija villa with land of over 15,000 square metres will go under the hammer of a court auction at an esti- mated value of €13.6 million, a court has declared. The villa, formerly 'Casa Sant Manduca', originated as a country hunting lodge used by the Knights of St John and the Maltese nobil- ity around the early 1600s, when Wardija was a densely forested area used for hunt- ing grounds. The land in the area is still partly the property of the Manduca Piscopo Macedo- nia Zamit noble family, hold- ers of the Mont'Alto and Buleben barony, which in- cludes the small church of Our Lady of the Forsaken. The villa is expected to be auctioned by court order, as part of the execution of a Swiss decision that called in a loan by UCB Suisse, A Knights-era hunting lodge and over 15,000 square metres of land will go under the hammer

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