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MALTATODAY 27 October 2019

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NEWS JAMES DEBONO THE yacht marina in Kalkara is set to expand to the whole creek, Transport Malta has confirmed after filing a plan- ning application of which the only detail available to the pub- lic is the extent of the marine area it is expected to cover. The Planning Authority's geo- server indicates that the plans will cover around 35,000sq.m along Triq Sally Port and Triq ix-Xatt. TM has not yet issued a call for tenders for the marina's management, which will com- mand majestic views of the Grand Harbour, presently en- joyed by pedestrians strolling around the creek. A spokesperson for TM confirmed that the author- ity is presently preparing the "groundwork" to "potentially" issue a request for proposal "for an extension to the marina in the area". The present yacht marina, ap- proved in 2011, is limited to a smaller area (21,000sq.m) in front of a boatyard in the vicin- ity of Bighi. Despite the presen- tation of a planning application the proposal is still described as "works in progress". When asked whether the pro- ject will accommodate existing sea craft in the bay, the spokes- person replied that the project "will, at least, cater for the cur- rent number of boats and will possibly increase the capacity, through additional pontoons and further infrastructural in- vestment". While the current marina is already protected from pre- vailing winds by a floating breakwater pontoon, the new operator will have to invest in providing better shelter for the vessels berthed in the expanded facility. One of the conditions which will be included in any public call will be that of ensuring that current public access to the foreshore will not be restrained. "The general public's access to the foreshore of the area will re- main free and unhindered," the spokesperson said. According to TM, over the past years Malta has experi- enced a considerable increase in yacht ownership and activ- ity, increasing the demand for more and better facilities. "In view of this the government and TM are continuously work- ing towards better streamlining the space we have available, to help sustain a healthy growth for this thriving industry," the authority said. The authority has also issued a request for proposals for a new marina in Pietà and is also finalising the privatisation of the Gzira Gardens Marina with a private investment of €7.5 million. Last year, TM issued a call for bids for the design, construction and operation of a yacht marina in Marsaskala Bay. Another request for pro- posals "for a new marina in Marsaskala" is expected to be reissued in the "near future". "These new developments will make more space available for yachts, generate more econom- ic activity and better embellish the specific areas," TM said. maltatoday | SUNDAY • 27 OCTOBER 2019 JAMES DEBONO THE government has stepped in to apply for the construction of a restaurant on top of the Birgu regatta club, despite previous objections by the Superintend- ence for Cultural Heritage with regard to its negative impact on the bastions. The club wants to add an ex- tra storey to its premises, which is located on government land, and increase heights by 3.2 me- tres. A small service room is also being proposed on top of the roof. The application envisages the demolition of an illegal exten- sion at ground level and a small reduction in the height of the existing ground floor. The application was presented by Nadia Gatt Curmi, the direc- tor of the project design and en- gineering unit within the Infra- structure Ministry. In 2015, the Birgu local council withdrew an application to add a new storey to the club after its application was shot down by the heritage watchdog. Ac- cording to the Superintendence, the proposed increase in height and volume in the immediate vicinity of the harbour fortifi- cations would have resulted in a high visual impact "that will negatively impact the existing landscape value of the harbour fortification area." In 2016 the Planning Author- ity approved a small one-metre increase to create space for a conference hall proposed by the local council. This limited in- crease in height was deemed ac- ceptable by the Superintendence for Cultural Heritage which had objected to earlier plans. Government seeks permit for Birgu regatta's restaurant Kalkara yacht marina set to expand over the whole creek

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