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ILLUM 17 October 2021

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Żgħar bħalna u għandhom Metro: Lausanne, Rennes, Katanja u Brescia PAĠNI 18 u 19 €1.25 IL-ĦADD 17 TA' OTTUBRU 2021 • NRU 783 'Dan Baġit tal-elezzjoni ... lanqas nafu hux se jiġi implimentat f'din il-leġiżlatura' PAĠNI 10 u 11 Start with this. Earn 1.25%*p.a. On a 6-month fixed term rate in Euro Open a fixed-term savings account with MeDirect and start saving with a minimum of €100 for 6 months and get 0.75% p.a. interest plus 0.5% p.a. bonus for new customers. Now, that's banking in your best interest! Best interest rate on the island for a 6-month term deposit. 2557 4400 MeDirect Bank (Malta) plc, is licensed to undertake the business of banking in terms of the Banking Act (Cap. 371). The Bank is a participant in the Depositor Compensation Scheme established under the Maltese laws. Rates are quoted gross of tax on a per annum basis. Accounts can be opened with a minimum of €100 and interest is paid into an easy-access account. Terms and Conditions apply and are available upon request. The bonus shall be paid on the first €50,000 balance in the account and is only available to new customers who apply until 30th November 2021. Bonus will be paid to eligible customers in December 2021 SCAN ME Download our mobile app L-AIR MALTA MINN L-AIR MALTA MINN TAĦT BI €30 MILJUN TAĦT BI €30 MILJUN IL-QAGĦDA FINANZJARJA TAL-AIR MALTA GĦALL-2022 Novembru, Marzu jew Mejju? Id-data tal-elezzjoni u l-effetti tagħha fuq Abela u l-PL Għexet il-kanċer u llum tgħin lil ħaddieħor jgħixu 'Aħna gwardjani imma ma jħalluniex nidħlu Kordin' PAĠNI 6 u 7 PAĠNA 12 u 13 PAĠNA 5 Il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Clyde Caruana jiżvela mal-ILLUM li s-sena d-dieħla l-linja nazzjonali tal-ajru mistennija tagħmel telf ta' bejn €25 miljun u €30 miljun... PAĠNA 12

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