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GOZOTODAY 5 July 2024

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10 gozotoday | FRIDAY • 5 JULY 2024 NEWS Student Summer Programme fun washing upon Gozo's shores too! FIVE exciting events from this year's Heritage Malta Student Summer Programme will take place on the island of Gozo, each promising its participants a unique and enriching adven- ture. This annual initiative offers a golden opportunity to all Her- itage Malta Student Passport holders, meaning all students from 3 up till 16 years of age, to make the most of their school holidays and have fun whilst still learning exciting new things about their islands. Running from July to Sep- tember, all of this year's pro- gramme events center around the theme of the sea. In align- ment with the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, the Agency is aiming to raise awareness among the younger generation about the impor- tance of protecting our oceans and seas. The first event taking place in Gozo, titled 'Treasures from Under the Sea', is scheduled for Saturday 6th of July, kicking off the whole programme. In this exciting treasure hunt partic- ipants will embark on a quest around the Citadel's museums, namely the Gozo Nature Mu- seum, the Gozo Archaeology Museum and the Old Prisons. Each clue intricately weaves together elements of maritime history and the natural envi- ronment, inviting students to explore a diverse array of arti- facts and specimens originat- ing from beneath the waves. From ancient anchors and am- phorae to graffiti, every discov- ery will offer a glimpse into the largest museum in the world – our seas! On the 20th of July, anoth- er Saturday morning, we will shift our focus on one of the fascinating creatures gliding in these azure realms – the turtle! In 'Turtle Tales: Ex- ploring the Lifecycle of Our Shelled Friends', taking place at the Gozo Nature Museum, students will take a close look at these ancient voyageurs of the marine world, learning about their intricate life cycle, marvelling at their remarkable journeys spanning hundreds of miles and their instinctual return to nesting grounds. Par- ticipants will discover the vital role turtles play in the delicate balance of the marine food chain and thus understand better why it's crucial to safe- guard our oceans and refrain from littering. A turtle-themed craft-making session will top the session off, allowing the students to express their new- found knowledge through art. On Friday 13th September, once more at the Gozo Na- ture Museum, 'The Rainbow Fish' will make sure any myth- ical bad luck is dusted off your young ones' day! Participants in this interactive storytelling session will embark on a mes- merizing journey through the shimmering seas, following the captivating tale of a beautiful fish with sparkling scales. This story not only entertains but also teaches important values about sharing and friendship. Young participants will be cap- tivated by the vivid storytelling and engaging activities that bring this intriguing narrative to life. More fun awaits just one day after, on the 14th of Septem- ber, in 'Explore Xlendi Tower', a collaboration event between Heritage Malta's Underwa- ter Cultural Heritage Unit and Munxar's Local Council. Participants will be guided through this historical spot's picturesque landscapes by an expert archaeologist, sharing fun facts and secrets along the way. Once at the tower, they will delve further into the building's rich history and ex- plore the cultural remnants of the area. From tales of fortifi- cation to glimpses of past civ- ilizations, every step reveals another chapter in the island's fascinating heritage. 'Imprints from the Past: Shells, Leaves', taking place on Thursday 19th September at the Gozo Nature Museum, will delight all the young and aspir- ing geologists! Taking participants around the Citadel's streets, with com- plementing activities at the Gozo Nature Museum, this hands-on event offers a cap- tivating journey through time through an in-depth explo- ration of the mighty fortified city's rocks. Participants will unravel the stories of ancient organic materials, from shells to footprints, preserved for millennia within the earth's layers, and explore how these fossils leave lasting imprints, offering glimpses into ecosys- tems long past. Spaces for each activity are limited, and parents are en- couraged to book early to se- cure their child's place. The programme leaflet can be downloaded here: https://herit- chures/, and physical copies will be available in Heritage Malta museums and sites. For more information and to view more details on each event, you can visit: www.heritagemalta. mt/whats-on or Heritage Mal- ta's social media channels. 'Treasures from Under the Sea', scheduled for Saturday 6 July, is an exciting treasure hunt in which participants will embark on a quest around the Citadel's museums, namely the Gozo Nature Museum, the Gozo Archaeology Museum and the Old Prisons

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