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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 6 JULY 2014 News 9 Land next to Salini park expropriated for new school 17 years in court for libel... and counting JAMES DEBONO AN application has been presented for the expropriation of agricultural land next to the Salini Park where the government intends to build a new primary school, even as resi- dents have started collecting a peti- tion urging the government to find another site. The school will be located in an ar- ea close to the Salini park, identified by the previous administration as a 7,000 square metre extension to the national park opened in 2008. An application to extend the park, which was already on the MEPA board's agenda, was dropped in Feb- ruary. The new school is required be- cause the current one is considered too small for St Paul's Bay's growing population. Since 2005, the population in St Paul's Bay has grown by 23%, making the locality the third most populated in Malta, behind only Birkirkara and Mosta. Asked whether the government had explored other options, such as locating the school on the site in Qawra which was transferred to the government by GO, a spokesperson for the minister insisted that the de- cision was taken after "various op- tions" were considered. The government also quelled speculation that it intends to sell the present school, set in an idyllic loca- tion on the coastline. According to a spokesperson the development of the new school is in- tended to be "an additional school to the existing one". Residents raise health concerns Residents who own houses oppo- site the park are arguing in a petition that continuous exposure to electro magnetic fields from Enemalta's electricity distribution centre poses a danger. But according to a government spokesperson, the Foundation for Tomorrow's Schools (FTS) has al- ready assessed the impact of possible EMF exposures from the distribu- tion centre located in the area with the results showing they are "below the maximum criteria". In their petition the residents claim that locating a school just metres from a distribution centre is objec- tionable, with scientific reports link- ing exposure to electro magnetic ra- diation with leukaemia. While acknowledging that medi- cal data on the subject are not con- clusive, the residents argue that it would be wiser to "take a pragmatic approach" and locate the school else- where. They also refer to a European Council Recommendation of 12 July, 1999 on the limitation of exposure of the public to electromagnetic fields, which recognises possible implica- tions of EMF on human health. They also expressed scepticism about the study conducted by the Foundation for Tomorrow's school. "How can a study conducted in such a brief time conclude that the electricity distribution centre does not pose any threat on human health?" they ask. In their petition residents also refer to the designation of Tal-Wileg as a Special Area of Conservation, which forms part of the Natura 2000 net- work of protected sites, and its agri- cultural value. The Natura 2000 site is located a short distance from the proposed school. They also argue that the school will be located on an arterial road, expos- ing children to pollution from vehi- cles, which they expect to increase due to increased congestion result- ing from the new school. Moreover located far from residential areas, the new school will not serve as a com- munity hub as recommended by the local plan. The case which dates back the fur- thest began on 29 April 1997, and has been awaiting a judgement since 28 January 2004: it involves former Nationalist minister Louis Galea, who accused Etienne St John with defamation, with a judgement now expected to be handed down on 30 October. There are five pending libel cases at the Superior Court of Appeals, 16 at the Inferior Court of Appeals, seven in the First Hall of the Civil Court, and 157 at the Court of Magistrates. Eighty-five of these cases have been deferred. In the Superior Court of Appeals, one case dates back to 15 November 2013 and has yet to be heard, while in the Inferior jurisdiction, a case was opened on 13 November, 2012 and has also since been deferred. The longest pending trial at the Court of Magistrates goes back more than a decade to 23 July. 2003 and it was put off for evidence. Residents raise concern about proximity of proposed school to electricity distribution centre but study concludes the electromagnetic emissions conform to safety norms The development of the new school is intended to be 'an additional school to the existing one' - ministry spokesperson Salini park

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