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MT 15 February 2015

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Isabel dos Santos, daughter of Angola's president, is Africa's richest woman at $3 billion, which Forbes says is wealth of kleptocratic origins • In Malta her shell companies hold her major interests in state-owned diamonds, banking, and telecoms FULL STORY by Matthew Vella PAGE 4 Win two Virtù Ferries tickets with our photo competition PAGE 16 Newspaper post YOUR FIRST READ AND FIRST CLICK OF THE DAY WWW.MALTATODAY.COM.MT FIMBank p.l.c. is a licensed credit institution regulated by the Malta Financial Services Authority and listed on the Malta Stock Exchange. The Bank is a participant in the Depositor Compensation Scheme in Malta. Terms and conditions apply. 2132 2102 2132 2102 2132 2102 No Hidden Fees or Bank Charges Easy, Flexible and Secure Visit our website, open your online bank account and start beneting from superior interest rates on your savings and xed term deposit accounts. 3 year: 3.00% 2 year: 2.85% 1 year: 2.50% Euro Fixed Term Deposit Minimum Deposit €1,000 Rates of interest are on a gross per annum basis Euro Savings Account Minimum Deposit €50 1.75 % ARMS to pay GWU €62,000 annually, union pays state €801 ground rent Africa's top billionaire uses Malta shell companies to hold diamonds 'conflict' Mark Sultana Fighting fear with facts on spring hunting maltatoday SUNDAY • 15 FEBRUARY 2015 • ISSUE 797 • PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY MIRIAM DALLI THE Automated Revenue Management Services has got itself a deal: it will rent space for its regional office in Valletta from the General Workers Union at €62,000 annually. Selected by a call for offers, the GWU's offer was by far the cheapest, 50% less than the next offer. But the five-year deal has thrown an important financial lifeline to the union. To this day, the GWU pays the State just €801 in annual ground rent for the land given in 1957 to built its headquar- ters. But the Opposition is raising a red f lag: the public deed that gave the union the land on which it is leasing out its offices to ARMSs, forbids any sub-let in which the union does not have a 51% owner- ship in. CONTINUES PAGE 3 UN intervention 'only hope for Libya' - PM Peace talks between fractious Libyan parties 'not going far', Muscat admits as he warns of threat that terrorist strangehold in Libya could have on Europe MIRIAM DALLI THE rapidly deteriorating situa- tion in Libya can only be resolved through an "organised intervention led by the United Nations", Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said. "Europe and the whole world cannot expect things to fall into place. Libya alone cannot make it," he told MaltaToday when asked. The Prime Minister bluntly ad- mitted that the UN-mediated Ge- neva peace talks between factions in Libya were not going very far. The Prime Minister's comments were made only shortly before it was learned that the situation in Libya had deteriorated to the point that Castille directed the St James hospital group to shutter their clinic in Tripoli. CONTINUES PAGE 7 File photo shows the alleged pledge of allegiance by the Tripoli Province to ISIS €1.40 INTERVIEW PAGES 14-15

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