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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 10 MAY 2015 News 7 Labour's promise to the south The Labour deputy mayor against ODZ construction in Marsaskala JAMES DEBONO LABOUR'S popular deputy mayor in Marsaskala, Desiree Attard, has declared her princi- pled opposition to the proposed development of a private univer- sity campus outside development boundaries at iz-Zonqor in Mar- saskala. "I can never agree with building anything on this location, espe- cially because it is an ODZ area," Attard told MaltaToday. She also claimed that opposi- tion to the development was widespread in the locality. "Many residents have spoken to me over the past days, expressing disagreement with this develop- ment," she said. The budding politician was elected with 935 first-count votes in local elections in 2013, coming second after mayor Mario Calle- ja, who has shown his support for the university, describing it as "the kind of project nobody can be against." While Calleja emphasised the economic benefits of the project, his deputy mayor – who insists that she is speaking in her own personal capacity – is unfazed. "While I welcome wholeheart- edly the interest shown in our locality, building up yet another plot of land is not the solution to Marsaskala's problems," she said. Attard contends there are oth- er areas in which the university could be located. "Taking up even more land on this small island of ours is ridiculous." She also lamented that nei- ther residents nor council were consulted prior to the Prime Minister's announcement of the project on 1 May. "In my opin- ion, what Marsaskala desperately needs is solid investment in its weak infrastructure and traffic management, as well as putting full pressure on the former Jerma hotel's owners to develop the now dangerous area. It is unten- able and a huge eyesore for locals and tourists alike." The government has so far sent mixed messages, with the La- bour media repeatedly referring to Marsaskala as the site for the university's development, while environment minister Leo Brin- cat insisting that the government was willing to consider alterna- tive sites. MEPA has made it clear that only one other site was consid- ered: the fields around St Leon- ard Fort. But the site was not ac- cepted because the development would have ruined the setting of the fort. A coordination unit under MEPA's chief executive Johann Buttigieg made a preliminary as- sessment in a desktop study to find the site. The Opposition has cried foul at the role of the CEO's office in finding the land for the foreign university, saying that MEPA should not act as a "can- vasser for Labour", owing to the fact that it falls under the respon- sibility of the Office of the Prime Minister. One-tenth of the land con- sists of private parcels of land, amongst them owned by devel- oper Michael Axisa, the director of Lay Lay Company Ltd, who was on the receiving end of a planning enforcement in 1997 against an illegal and uncomplet- ed dwelling. Axisa had claimed he was given the permit on 4 May, 1987, just five days before the 1987 general election that removed Labour from power. The actual applica- tion for this permit was never traced and the illegal building was eventually removed. Another enforcement was is- sued in 1997 against an illegal restaurant, built in 1982. Axisa applied to develop the restau- rant in 1984 but the application was turned down. The illegal development was removed after an appeal against the planning enforcement order was turned down in 2003. Marsaskala deputy mayor Desiree Attard says there is widespread opposition to the siting of the American University at Zonqor United schools of America American University of Beirut [Lebanon] Founded 1866 Students over 8,000 Originally the Syrian Protestant College, the regents at the University of the State of New York changed the name of the institution to the American University of Beirut in 1920. American University of Cairo [Eygpt] Founded 1919 Students over 6,500 Founded by a Protestant mission sponsored by the United Presbyterian Church of North America, today enjoying accreditation from the United States' Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, its trustees include American venture capitalists and corporate leaders. American University in Dubai [UAE] Founded 1955 Students over 3,000 AUD is accredited by the United States' Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and serves UAE nationals and international students from all over the world with an American-style education. American University of Rome [Italy] Founded 1969 Students 500 Liberal arts college accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, the school was created by American journalist David Conlin and Italian George Tesoro, who left Italy in protest at Mussolini's fascist regime, incorporated the college in Washington DC with its academic headquarters located in Rome. American University of Paris [France] Founded 1962 Students 1,000 Not-for-profit liberal arts college incorporated in Delaware, USA, founded by Lloyd DeLamater, a 40-year old US Foreign Service officer. American University of Sharjah [UAE] Founded 1997 Students over 5,000 Not-for-profit established by Sharjah ruler Sultan Bin Mohammad Al Qassimi, it is accredited in the USA by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. Other 'American Universities' American University of Afghanistan • American University of Antigua College of Medicine • American University of Armenia • American University of Asia • American University of Bosnia and Herzegovina • American University in Bulgaria • American University of the Caribbean • American University of the Caribbean (Haiti) • American University of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan • American University of Iraq • American University in Kosovo, part of the Rochester Institute of Technology • American University of Kuwait • American University in London American University of London • American University of Madaba • American University (Nicaragua) • American University of Paris • American University of Phnom Penh • American University of Puerto Rico • American University of Rome American University of Science and Technology, Beirut, Lebanon • American University of Technology, Byblos, Lebanon The various institutions dubbed 'American University', and their ownership

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