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MW 7 February 2018

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maltatoday WEDNESDAY 7 FEBRUARY 2018 17 Events 11 schools win grants from HSBC Malta in support of Water Explorer 11 schools from Malta and Gozo have won a grant of €500 each for water conservation propos- als they submitted as part of a nationwide competition held under the new Water Explorer programme coordinated in Mal- ta by Eco-Schools programme of Nature Trust – FEE Malta. These funds have been financed by the HSBC Water Programme, the initiative's partner in Malta. The selected schools won the bid after demonstrating the water-saving potential of their proposals. The schools are St Nicholas College Rabat Primary, Gozo College Middle School, St Margaret College Kalkara Primary, St Benedict College Kirkop Secondary, Laura Vicuna School, Maria Regina College Mosta Secondary (Ex-Żokrija), Maria Regina College Second- ary School (Ex-Lily of the Val- ley), St Clare College Pembroke Secondary, St Clare College San Ġwann Primary, Mater Boni Consilii School, and Wardija Resource Centre. The awards ceremony was held during the three-day FEE Fest held at Gio- vanni Curmi Higher Secondary School, Naxxar. Water Explorer is a fun, action- oriented, international online programme that inspires thou- sands of students to become 'water explorers' and lead action in their school communities on water issues. It was launched in Malta in November 2017. Managed by NGO Global Ac- tion Plan, the programme is be- ing followed in France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Poland, South Africa and the UK. Participating schools are encouraged to link up with schools from other countries to share their ideas and top water- saving tips. The online resources are aligned to the United Na- tion's SDGs (Sustainable Devel- opment Goals) and ideal for 8-14 year-olds but can freely be used by younger and older students. In addition to the €500 grants for school projects, there are more prizes to be won by par- ticipating in the programme, including a prize for the best school of the month and the chance for representatives from the best school team in Malta to showcase their efforts dur- ing an international celebration event in October 2018. Other incentives and related events will be taking place in Malta throughout 2018. More details are available at http://www.wa-, on Fa- cebook https://www.facebook. com/waterexplorermalta/ or by contacting project coordinator Marvic Refalo at marvic@na- Further growth in Malta for Berkeley International BERKELEY International France, The Netherlands, Lux- embourg and Malta have an- nounced further growth in the Malta operation which opened late last year to a resounding welcome from a market that contains "tremendous poten- tial", following a very success- ful festive campaign entitled 'Give the Gift of Love'. Berkeley International's be- spoke matchmaking service puts singles on the fast track to high-quality dates, care- fully selected for compatibility based on personality, charac- ter, values, cultural fit and sys- tematic screening. Berkeley International France, The Netherlands, Lux- embourg and Malta is the first of its kind in the matchmaking industry, putting genuine love, elite introductions, exclusive matchmaking and confiden- tiality into a single premium package. Founded by Manag- ing Director, Hilde Watty, the company provides the best top-end hearthunting services to those looking for their ideal life partner. Watty explains that success- ful people increasingly use specialists to help all aspects of their lives run smoothly. She says people are more mo- bile, working abroad or travel- ling long distances and work- ing long hours, particularly those with corporate positions and with little time on their hands. Berkeley International France, The Netherlands, Lux- embourg and Malta vets mem- bers to save time in the dating world and give clients a sense of confidence when meeting someone new. Berkeley International France, The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Malta pro- vides bespoke personal, pri- vate introductions through- out the world, recognising the increasing global nature of business and love. Members of Continental Europe's premier matchmaking and personal introduction agency include business and professional people, who work closely with one of the company's match- makers to match them with other relationship-minded members seeking a meaning- ful connection to a well-suited person. Managing Director Hilde Watty says, "We carefully consider who would be a good fit for a member's comfort level and dating experience. As a high-end matchmak- ing firm we pride ourselves in putting clients first. The customer is the centre of eve- rything for us. We want our clients to feel really taken care of throughout the hearthunt- ing process, bringing time- starved busy members one step closer to the love they've been looking for all their lives. Malta has surprised us with the level of engagement since we launched the service here last year. It's probably be- cause we make romance easy for anyone that can form a lasting relationship based on their emotional depth, values, personality, spirituality and world-view." For further information kindly visit the Malta face- book page @BerkeleyInterna- tional, call on 2546 6742 or email: hilde.watty@berkeley- Berkeley International France, The Netherlands, Luxembourg and Malta, has announced further growth in Malta following a very successful festive campaign entitled 'Give the Gift of Love' A nature trail in Buskett WHEN one hears the name Buskett, one cannot but re- call the variety of shrubs and trees, some of which are also fruit-bearing, that grow in this place. Buskett is usually blooming in spring but as yet offers plenty of shade in sum- mer while providing a recrea- tional place which is so unique and sought for in the harsh Maltese summer sun. Irre- spective of the season, being one of the greenest and most dense forests in Malta, Bus- kett always remains an ideal and picturesque place which can be enjoyed by both locals and tourists planning picnics, sight-seeing and quiet walks in peaceful surroundings. In view of all this, one can- not but mention the Life Sav- ing Buskett Project which is currently underway and whose aim is to maintain and conserve this woodland that may remain a place so much sought after for recreational purposes as well as an attrac- tion for eco-tourists and more specialised botanists and ecologists. Life Saving Bus- kett is a project part financed by the European Union Life+ programme being implement- ed by the PARKS Directorate within the Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Developmentand Climate Change. It was launched in August 2014 and will run un- til May 2018. One cannot but mention that Buskett, besides being beautiful, also serves as a home for numerous f lora and fauna some of which are rare. Flora and fauna include those trees and animals which grow and live in this semi-natural woodland. Up to a while ago, a lot of work was underway through the Life Saving Bus- kett Project to protect the native plants growing in this forest whilst taking the nec- essary measures to control/ eradicate invasive alien spe- cies. Restoration of footpaths and their lining rubble walls has also been the aim of the Life Saving Buskett Project in order to make these paths saf- er keeping in mind that rubble walls serve as an important habitat for wildlife. It is now up to all those who visit this place to appreci- ate all the hard work and ef- fort being done to beautifully and professionally restore this amazingly green and beauti- ful forest into an even nicer and safer one. When visiting Buskett, people are encour- aged to use the now renovated and safe pathways to find their way around and to park their heavy vehicles in designated places to avoid trampling over any f lora and fauna. Visitors are also being en- couraged to refrain from dam- aging the trees which are one of the distinguishing factors in this place, especially the old and tall trees which pro- vide so much shade and which are not fit to be climbed! Al- though this place is avail- able for everyone to enjoy and explore, caution should be taken so as to minimally disturb the whole cycle of life that this woodland provides a home for. When visiting this place everyone is encouraged to keep in mind and respect the several native plants and woodland species that dwell in the soil, trees, rubble walls and in every nook and cranny of this place!

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