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MW 20 June 2018

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maltatoday | WEDNESDAY • 20 JUNE 2018 4 NEWS YANNICK PACE BINANCE, the world's larg- est cryptocurrency exchange which recently relocated to Malta, is joining forces with the Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) to launch the MSX FinTech Ac- celerator Programme, which is intended to offer support to FinTech start-ups and entre- preneurs. The programme, which is based at the Malta Stock Ex- change, will establish an eco- system to "nurture and sup- port companies, including a mentoring scheme which will match international technol- ogy and media leader with Fin- Tech and crypto start-ups". In addition to Binance, the MSE said that Thomson Re- uters had also signed up as mentors in the programme. "MSE, will offer start-ups access to professional busi- ness services and facilities, in-house accounting services and pay-roll, as well as office space, state of the art commu- nication, conference rooms and training centre," MSE said. The Accelerator Centre will capitalise on Malta's growing prominence as a global hub for crypto and Blockchain in- novation, MSE said. The proposed regulatory framework will offer legal cer- tainty in a space that is cur- rently unregulated, providing certification of DLT platforms and related smart contracts; a regime for the approval of ICOs and the service providers. "It is clear that Malta is be- coming a FinTech and Block- chain centre of excellence and we want to allow local and for- eign companies the ability to bring their ideas to the market faster," the Chairman of the Malta Stock Exchange, Joseph Portelli, said. "This programme offers for- eign entrepreneurs easy ac- cess to a readymade so-lution at one of Malta's most pres- tigious addresses – the Malta Stock Exchange." A Binance spokesman said that they moved their opera- tions to Malta because it has demonstrated its progressive approach to supporting and developing the crypto and Blockchain industry. "Malta is creating a safe and legislated environment for the industry to become reputable, attracting companies like ours and many others. The Malta Stock Exchange reflects these values, providing the infra- structure for entrepreneurs and start-ups to flourish in what is otherwise a highly competitive industry," he said. Binance partners with Malta Stock Exchange on FinTech Accelerator Programme MATTHEW VELLA A petition to the European Par- liament calling for an investiga- tion as to whether the Maltese government is violating the rights of journalists will remain open after a decision taken by MEPs in the petitions commit- tee. The decision stood after MEPs voted seven to five, not to close the petition despite Labour MEPs' insistence that the pe- tition's spirit was already en- dorsed by the work on rule of law being undertaken by MEPs from the civil liberties (LIBE) committee. The petition claims that the as- sassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia was "one of many 'executions' over the past decade" that calls into question Maltese democracy, and sug- gests Malta was "no longer a democratic state as required un- der EU law" due to its problems with corruption. According to Labour MEP Miriam Dalli, the petition was filed four days after the assas- sination of Caruana Galizia "by someone of UK nationality liv- ing in the United States." Nationalist MEP Roberta Met- sola insisted the petition should remain open because although various committees sought to associate themselves with LIBE's own work on rule of law in Malta, the PETI committee "truly represents what citizens want" and should therefore forge ahead with the petition. On her part, Labour MEP Miriam Dalli argued for the pe- tition to be closed, saying LIBE's work on rule of law had already advanced considerably, with a working group dealing with rule of law in Malta that will prob- ably send another mission to Malta. A resolution and a report, as well as two debates in the EP, have already taken place on the subject of rule of law in Malta. "The investigations are ongoing and this House is looking into the matter thoroughly." Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi said the work by the LIBE com- mittee should not be multiplied. "All action has already been tak- en either by the LIBE committee or the Maltese authorities… the government is leaving no stone unturned." Petition requesting new MEPs' investigation on Malta to remain open

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