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MT 15 July 2018

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7 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 15 JULY 2018 NEWS The Ambassador will bring love into peoples lives. This is your chance to become a professional in the matchmaking industry, working with one of the world's most elite matchmakers. No previous professional matchmaking experience necessary. We do expect you to have a passion for helping connect people and the drive to succeed is vital. Our team of world-class matchmakers, we call them hearthunters, act as guides and mentors by hand- selecting and vetting every potential match before introducing them to our Members. Our hearthunters are known for their empathy, compassion, trustworthiness, and genuine desire to help our Members find love. Generally, everyone who works YOU ARE: • A highly motivated self-starter, positive, ambitious, determined, and confident • Successful at developing rapport with a wide variety of people, not intimidated by powerful or affluent individuals • A good listener and perceptive about people, with strong intuitive skills • Experienced at selling an intangible or personal service or an "affordable luxury" product • Proven in your career, with a track record of success • Passionate and enthusiastic about matchmaking • Extremely organised! If you are interested in talking to Berkeley International about becoming our Brand Ambassador, please get in touch by email with or call 9920 7677. We look forward to seeing the spark in your eyes and discerning the ambition to put love at the centre of your working day. Every day. BERKELEY INTERNATIONAL FRANCE, THE NETHERLANDS, LUXEMBOURG AND MALTA SEEKS A BRAND AMBASSADOR WE ARE LOOKING TO APPOINT A BRAND AMBASSADOR TO REPRESENT BERKELEY INTERNATIONAL IN MALTA. Meet your Match! with our Brand has had a successful corporate career and wants to use their skills to directly have a big impact on people's lives. The chosen Ambassador will help bring people together and represent Berkeley International in a positive light, advocating our offering and networking among their friends and peers. Candidates will reflect the standards, values and qualities of Berkeley International in appearance, demeanour, values and ethics. Your role will be to act as an influencer, spokesperson and networker in Malta and open up new markets. We're passionate about helping people find love, and we absolutely love what we do. of "consolidation" associated with pneumonia, thus leading to the administration of anti- biotics. The NICE guidelines on bronchiolitis warn that find- ings on chest X-rays may "mimic pneumonia" and lead to the unnecessary use of an- tibiotics, thus increasing anti- microbial resistance, without improving outcomes. These guidelines include specific indicators on when to perform chest X-rays. These include fever over 39°C, signs of airway complications and fever in infants aged less than three months. The study concludes that adherence to these guidelines may help to decrease unnec- essary radiation exposure and its adverse effects, reduce the financial burden of bronchioli- tis on the health services and avoid unnecessary administra- tion of antibiotics and the sub- sequent development of anti- biotic resistance. 'guilt by association': "The court insists that pri- vate persons must be pro- tected from excessive interfer- ence and baseless accusations, which attacks are uniquely in- tended at indirectly attacking their spouses in politics, and the courts must protect these private persons in a bid to en- sure others can sacrifice their private life for political duty without fear of dragging their spouses and children in the harsh arena of politics." Depasquale set much store in his decision by criteria first laid down by the European Court of Human Rights in the Axel Springer case, which ar- gued that even public figures and politicians who can expect lower levels of privacy, should still be protected from photos or commentaries with "the sole aim of satisfying the curiosity of a particular readership" or which do not contribute to a debate of general interest. So, the Springer case contin- ued, a rumoured marital dif- ficulty of a politician or the fi- nancial difficulties of a famous singer (arguably part of the bread and butter for rags and quality papers the world over) were not deemed to be matters of general interest. While the magistrate deliv- ered a strong point on the tac- tic of journalists and bloggers to employ 'guilt by association' as a way of attacking politi- cians' loved ones to undermine their personal harmony, his decision raises the question of where these spouses' privacy oversteps the politician's do- main. Helena Dalli was an equal opportunities minister at the time of the reports. Had she been planning minister, would have Patrick Dalli's planning applications on the Zejtun home been more meritorious for journalistic scrutiny? If ministers employ family mem- bers and third parties to apply for permits to the PA on prop- erties they own, are they not hiding their interests behind the 'privacy' of their non-pub- lic relatives? And with spouses, children and even immediate relatives of politicians now considered to be PEPs under new Euro- pean anti-money laundering rules, are not the financial af- fairs and holdings of an MP's spouse a matter of public in- terest – arguably to ensure no MP abuses of his public influ- ence for his family's personal gain? Keen muckrakers under- stand the thin red line be- tween private and public. But sometimes, the most private of affairs can become a legal matter, and once inside a court of law, one of public record – one on which journalists enjoy legal privilege to report upon. Be warned: privacy only exists outside a public forum. "The spouse of a minister does not get to be treated the same way as a politician and with the same fastidious scrutiny"

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