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MALTATODAY 17 February 2019

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11 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 17 FEBRUARY 2019 NEWS MALTATODAY SURVEY Minister • Dalli Jose Herrera Joe Mizzi SILVIO Schembri's job to turn Malta in- to the blockchain island appears to have earned him plaudits with people ranking him as the top performing parliamentary secretary. Schembri was appointed parliamentary secretary for the first time after the 2017 election. He ranked first in a MaltaToday survey with 9.3% of people selecting him as the best performing parliamentary sec- retary. Next in line came newcomer Julia Far- rugia Portelli with 7.1%. Elected for the first time to parliament in the last election from the fifth district, she was immedi- ately appointed parliamentary secretary responsible for reforms. She is responsible for Identity Malta and is currently captaining the reforms linked to cannabis legalisation and parliamen- tary quotas for women. Both Schembri and Farrugia Portelli are parliamentary secretaries within the Of- fice of the Prime Minister. Third in line came Valletta doctor Deo Debattista with 4.9%, followed by former Paola mayor Silvio Parnis with 4.3%. Debattista and Parnis are both parlia- mentary secretaries within the Justice and Local Government Ministry responsible for cleansing and local councils respec- tively. Clifton Grima, the sports parliamentary secretary within the Education Ministry, comes in fifth with 4.1%. More than half of voters (51.7%) did not know who the best performing junior minister was. Women choose Farrugia Portelli, the young prefer Schembri Farrugia Portelli took the top post among women voters. She was deemed to be the best performing parliamentary secretary by 10.1% of women. Schembri came sec- ond with 6.8% and Parnis third with 5.6%. Schembri regained the top spot among male voters with 11.2%, followed by Gri- ma with 6.1% and Debattista with 5.3%. Farrugia Portelli was pushed to fourth place with 4.7%. Schembri emerged as the best performer (10.5%) among voters aged between 18 and 35, followed by Gozitan Clint Camill- eri and Grima, who each received the sup- port of 5.6% of young voters. Camilleri is parliamentary secretary re- sponsible for animal rights, hunting, fish- eries and agriculture within the Environ- ment Ministry. Debattista came in fourth with 5.4%, fol- lowed by Farrugia Portelli with 4.8%. Schembri retained the top spot among voters aged 36 and 50 with 12.4%, fol- lowed by Farrugia Portelli with 7.2%. In the 51-65 age bracket, Farrugia Por- telli took the top spot with 10.5%, fol- lowed by Parnis with 7.6% and Aaron Far- rugia with 6.1%. Aaron Farrugia is responsible for EU funds within the European Affairs Minis- try. Schembri came in at fifth with 5.3%. Nationalists opt for Clifton Grima Among the elderly, as expected, Antho- ny Agius Decelis took the top spot with 10%, followed by Schembri with 9.4%. Agius Decelis is parliamentary secretary for the elderly within the Social Solidarity Ministry. Interestingly, Agius Decelis also emerged as the top choice in Gozo, pip- ping Gozitan Clint Camilleri. Schembri emerged as the top choice for Labour voters with 13.6%, followed by Farrugia Portelli with 11.6% and Aaron Farrugia with 6.6%. Among Nationalist voters, Clifton Gri- ma took the top spot with 6.1%, followed by Schembri with 5.6%. Methodology The survey was carried out between Thursday, 21 January and Thursday, 28 January. 597 respondents opted to com- plete the survey. Stratified random sam- pling based on gender, region and age was used to replicate the Maltese demograph- ics. The estimated margin of error is 5% for a confidence interval of 95%. The MaltaToday survey also asked people to indicate who of the parliamentary secretaries they believed was doing the best job. Kurt Sansone reports Best ranked parliamentary secretaries are in Castille MaltaToday Survey | Rate the Minister • November 2016 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Ian Borg Chris Fearne Konrad Mizzi None Michael Falzon Edward Scicluna Evarist Bartolo Michael Farrugia Justyne Caruana Owen Bonnici Christian Cardona Helena Dalli Jose Herrera Joe Mizzi ALL PL 2017 PN 2017 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Silvio Schembri None Julia Farrugia Deo Debattista Silvio Parnis Clifton Grima Aaron Farrugia Tony Agius Decelis Clint Camilleri Chris Agius Roderick Galdes ALL PL 2017 PN 2017 Silvio Schembri, Julia Farrugia Portelli, and Deo Debattista are the top three performing junior ministers Names were not prompted: foreign minister Carmelo Abela, the minister with the least deliverables, was not mentioned by respondents

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