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MALTATODAY 17 February 2019

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10 maltatoday | SUNDAY • 17 FEBRUARY 2019 NEWS MALTATODAY SURVEY CONTINNUED FROM PAGE 1 Borg was deemed to be the best performing minister by 25.5% of people who voted for the Labour Party in 2017 and 19.5% of Nationalist Party vot- ers. Among Labour voters, Kon- rad Mizzi pipped district rival Chris Fearne to second place. The tourism minister was deemed to be the best perform- ing minister by 14.5% of PL voters, while Fearne came in third with 12.9%. Fourth in line among PL voters was Finance Minister Edward Scicluna with 5.8%, followed by Social Solidar- ity Minister Michael Falzon (5.4%). Borg retained top post among Nationalist voters while Fearne placed second with 13.9%. Surprisingly, despite the PN's criticism over what it says is a breakdown in law and order, Home Affairs Minister Michael Farrugia came in third among PN voters with 4.6%. Falzon scooped up fourth place with 4.2%. Reviled by the Opposition, Mizzi's standing crashed among PN voters with only 1.8% mentioning him as Cabi- net's best performer. There was no difference be- tween men and women in the top three spots of the rankings, although Borg received more plaudits from men. Among women, the infra- structure minister topped the list with 15.3%, followed by Fearne with 13.4% and Konrad Mizzi with 6.9%. Among men, Borg's approval stood at 26.4%, followed by Fearne with 12.5% and Konrad Mizzi with 9.2%. The infrastructure minister also ranked top among all age groups, followed by Fearne. Borg's strongest results was among those aged between 18 and 35 where he scored 31.9%, and his weakest among the el- derly, where he topped the list with 14.2%. Fearne placed second in all MaltaToday Survey | Rate the Minister November 2016 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Ian Borg Chris Fearne Konrad Mizzi None Michael Falzon Edward Scicluna Evarist Bartolo Michael Farrugia Justyne Caruana Owen Bonnici Christian Cardona Helena Dalli ALL PL 2017 PN 2017 16 14 12 10 8 Ian Borg is ranked top performing minister by Labourites and Nationalists age groups except the 51-65 cohort, where he was sur- passed by Konrad Mizzi. Borg tops rankings in four of six regions Borg ran ahead of his Cabi- net colleagues in four regions – the Northern, South East- ern, Southern and Western. His strongest showing was in the Western region, which largely coincides with his electoral district, where Borg was ranked top by 30.5% of people. In this region, at a distant second and third came Gozo Minister Justyne Caruana and Fearne with 4.2% and 4.1% re- spectively. In the Northern region, Borg (22.3%) was followed by Konrad Mizzi (16.2%) and Michael Farrugia (7.8%). In each of the two southern re- gions, the ranking reflected the overall result with Borg, Fearne and Konrad Mizzi placing first, second and third respectively. In Gozo, as expected, Caru- ana pipped Borg to the top spot. Caruana was selected as the best performer by 17.8% of Gozitans, while Borg came in behind her with 17.4%. Fearne placed a distant third with 4.7%. In the Northern Harbour, Fearne took the top spot with 20.1% followed by Borg with 18.6%. Falzon placed third with 9.5%. Borg was deemed to be the best performing minister by 25.5% of people who voted for the Labour Party in 2017 and 19.5% of Nationalist Party voters While Fearne is the second most popular minister, his district rival Konrad Mizzi pips him to second place among Labour voters (14.5% Mizzi, 12.9% Fearne) Roads minister Ian Borg is highly rated by all categories of voters

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