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MALTATODAY 17 February 2019

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21 COMMERCIAL maltatoday | SUNDAY • 17 FEBRUARY 2019 MALTA'S real estate giant RE/MAX Malta has topped several categories in a recent survey commissioned on the local real estate market. The Insight Omnibus Survey, which interviewed a national- ly-representative sample of the local population, focused on key areas associated with the real estate market, such as reliability, branding, pricing and experience. In the survey RE/MAX Malta ranked first in a number of key categories. It was in fact rec- ognised as the agency with the most competitive prices on the island, as the agency that un- derstands their clients best, the agency with the strongest brand reputation, and as the most reliable and trustworthy real estate company available. RE/MAX also took the top spot as the agency with the most professionally trained agents – particularly note- worthy as 61 per cent of re- spondents specified in anoth- er section of the survey that professionalism of agents is of highest importance when choosing a real estate agency. While over 64 per cent of re- spondents chose RE/MAX as the 'first real estate agency to come to mind' in Malta, the survey also highlighted that RE/MAX is the real estate company with the most prop- erties on its books. Ultimately, the survey high- lighted that clients were most motivated to use a real estate agency if it is client-orient- ed, with highly-experienced agents who listen to clients' needs and are honest and helpful. RE/MAX leads real estate market in survey TODAY senior citizens have a different outlook on life and when the time comes to move into a retirement home to have daily assistance and care, they primarily look out for a home that can also offer a range of so- cial amenities. Casa Antonia is a residential and nursing home in Balzan that offers such a high level of service and ensures that residents enjoy the vari- ous social activities organised throughout the week. Outings to entertaining venues complimented with dining op- tions are organised on a weekly basis. The locations vary as the choice of venue depends entire- ly on accessibility of wheelchair- bound residents. Special visits to museums, theatres, churches, Gozo or even celebratory occa- sions are also organised from time to time. "We tailor outings according to residents wishes and inter- ests. ''Sometimes we organise small groups to attend a football match at Ta' Qali Stadium or the annual concert by Maltese tenor Joseph Calleja. Last month, a group of residents, including those on wheel-chairs, attended the Malta Philharmonic Or- chestral concert 'The Romantic Symphony' at the Mediterra- nean Conference Centre," said Claire Busuttil, activities coor- dinator at Casa Antonia, who organises these events. "Residents enjoy socialising with fellow residents during these outings which also serve as occasions to share their expe- riences, interests and different cultures." During these outings, resi- dents are accompanied by a qualified nurse. Depending on number of residents and their necessities, three or four carers and the activities organiser are also involved. Residents with serious medi- cal conditions, like dementia, Parkinson's and similar, can also join the group outings. A special carer is always assigned with the group. Carers help the residents dress up for the occasion and help ladies who would like to have make-up on. They also check that male residents are well groomed too. Overlooking San Anton Gar- dens and nestled in a quiet cul- de-sac, Casa Antonia Nursing and Residential Home is a dis- tinguished yet affordable home for the elderly. The home offers an ideal, central location where privacy and tranquillity are felt the minute one walks in. For enquiries at Casa Anto- nia, one can call on 2149 6277 or send an email to info@casa- Casa Antonia hosts regular social outings for residents Casa Antonia's residents enjoying Christmas breakfast at the Corinthia Palace MCDONALD'S customers and local celebrities includ- ing Ira Losco, Andrea Cassar, Jean Claude Micallef and Ron Briffa helped to set a new re- cord for funds raised for Mc- Donald's favourite charity, the Ronald McDonald House Charities (Malta), during McHappy Day. More than €25,000 was raised at the recent McHappy Day fund-raiser with all pro- ceeds going towards RMHC (Malta)'s learning centre in Qawra which is nearing com- pletion. Throughout the week- long activities, customers were encouraged to drop silver and notes in the coin boxes at all McDonald's outlets. The main McHappy Day event was held at McDonald's in Sliema where local music, TV and radio personalities greeted customers, served guests at the counter and helped to collect donations. There was a friendly competi- tion between the teams to de- termine which could raise the most funds on the day. It was a close call and the winning team featured singers Marile- na Gauci and Amber Bondin along with Xarabank's Mark Laurence Zammit. They fin- ished just ahead of the VIBE FM Drive team with Nate Darmanin, Frank Zammit and Valentina Rossi. Paul Dragan, General Man- ager of Premier Restaurants Malta, the operator of Mc- Donald's in Malta, said the company was grateful to our generous customers and all the personalities who came to support this great cause. "McHappy Day was great fun and it was very special to see everyone come together to raise funds for the RMHC project in Qawra which is very close to our hearts," he said. "We are delighted to be able to help RMHC get this project off the ground very soon as it will carry out important work to benefit children who need support." RMHC's Learning Centre in Qawra will run specialist pro- grammes to support children suffering the effects of pov- erty, disability or learning dif- ficulties. The programmes aim to help children obtain the core skills and competencies that are es- sential for their future quality of life. McDonald's raises record funds in aid of RMHC during McHappy Day Local celebrities helped raise more than €25,000 during McHappy Day

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