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58 maltatoday, SUNDAY, 28 JUNE 2015 FOOTBALL (+356) 800 737 70 Freephone: cabs t minivans t vip transport t luxury coaches t vintage buses 2138 9575 / 9921 5286 w w w . c a b s . c o m . m t Sport I'm happy at Real Madrid - Cristiano Ronaldo World Player of the Year Cristiano Ronaldo has broken several months of near-silence to rebuff media reports he is unhappy at Real Madrid and might be seeking an exit THE Portugal forward has bare- ly made any public statements since he gruffly told reporters af- ter the Champions League defeat to Schalke in March he would not speak to the media until the end of the season. Despite the prolific Ronaldo's goal-scoring efforts, Real ended the campaign without major sil- verware and coach Carlo Ance- lotti was sacked and Rafa Benitez brought in. The former Manchester Unit- ed player went out of his way to show support for Ancelotti be- fore he was dismissed and Be- nitez's appointment prompted speculation Ronaldo had fallen out with the club and with presi- dent Florentino Perez. "I would sincerely like the false reports to stop and to be left a lit- tle in peace," said Ronaldo, who is on holiday in Miami. "Reports that I have sought to create conflicts between myself and Real Madrid are absolutely false," the 30-year-old was quot- ed as saying in Portuguese sports newspaper A Bola on Saturday. "I am very happy at the best club in the world and very fo- cused and confident of a new season full of successes." Cristiano Ronaldo Armstrong still plans to ride part of Tour route DISGRACED cyclist Lance Armstrong is still planning to court controversy by riding part of the Tour de France route next month for charity, according to a BBC report. The American will join former England footballer Geoff Tho- mas and a team of amateurs, who are aiming to raise one million pounds ($1.57 million) for Cure Leukaemia, by cycling in two stages, a day before the official peloton goes through. Armstrong is to go ahead with his plans, said Thomas, even though he was advised not to proceed by UCI (International Cycling Union) president Brian Cookson in March. "We know Lance's involve- ment has split opinion so we've tried to be as respectful as pos- sible," Thomas told the BBC on Friday. "The stages Lance will be rid- ing come towards the end of week two when I know all the (charity) riders will need some support. "I know his arrival will give them the encouragement they will need to carry on with this gruelling challenge and in turn raise as much money as possible for blood cancer patients." Armstrong is due to ride stag- es 13 and 14 on July 16 and 17 but Cookson said earlier this year that his involvement would be unwise. "Lance would be well advised not to take part in that," he said. "I'm sure Geoff Thomas means well but frankly I think that's completely inappropriate." Armstrong was stripped by the UCI, cycling's governing body, of his seven Tour victories in 2012 because of systematic doping. YOUR FIRST CLICK OF THE DAY

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