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MT 5 June 2016

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 5 JUNE 2016 17 MaltaToday Survey Traffic Corruption Panama Papers Low income Immigration The opposition Politicians Cost of living Environment Buses State of the roads Traffic Corruption Panama Papers Low income Immigration The opposition Politicians Cost of living Environment Buses State of the roads Traffic Corruption Panama Papers Low income Immigration Politicians Cost of living Environment Buses State of the roads 17.4% -2.2 30.6% 3.8 18.1% 18.1 7.6% 4.9 5.6% -2.4 5.6% 5.6 9.7% -2.4 6.3% -4.4 3.8% -12.2 3.5% -1 Major concerns according to PN voters in 2013 Major concerns according to PL voters in 2013 Major concerns according to switchers (voted PN in 2008 and PL in 2013) (change from January in pp) (change from January in pp) (change from January in pp) 18.9% -23.2 10.2% 7.8 7.7% 7.7 3.1% -2.5 14.2% -13 18.9% 18.9 7.7% 7.7 4.6% -5.8 3.6% -6.8 6.1% -8.3 4.6% -1.8 25% -0.6 33.3% 13 16.7% 16.7 8.3% 4 16.7% 1.7 4.2% 4.2 16.7% 16.7 4.2% 6.9 4.2% -13.5 0 -11.1 12.5% -4 Major concerns according to respondents who said they won't vote, and those who said they are undecided 25.4% 16.7% 21.6% 8.3% 15.7% 8.3% 11.8% 8.3% 11.8% 13.3% 17.6% 6.7% 11.8% 5% 3.9% 8.3% 2% 5.9% 10% Traffic Corruption Panama Papers Low Income Immigration The opposition Politicians Cost of Living Environment Buses Roads 'Won't vote' Undecided Interestingly 26% of respondents who express a concern on politicians in general said they would not vote in a general election, and 48% are undecided. This could reflect a reaction to the quality of political debate, as government and opposition engage in partisan trench warfare following the Panamagate scandal. The survey shows that traffic and corruption are the major concern of voters who say they will not vote in a forthcoming election. But among undecided voters, corruption falls to third place after traffic and immigration. The rise of corruption as a concern A comparison of surveys conducted in past two years shows that traffic has consistently dominated the list of concerns, with concern on this issue rising from just 7% in March 2014 to 24% in January 2016. Despite a 4-point drop, traffic remains the most pressing concern. Concern on corruption has risen from 0% to 7% after the Gaffarena scandal, rising to 14% just before Panamagate and to 18.4% now. Concern on immigration remained one of the top two concerns in the whole period between March 2014 and January 2016, only to drop to fourth place in May. Concern on low income has surpassed con- cern on jobs. While concern on jobs dropped from 21% in March 2014 to just 3% now, con- cern on low income doubled from 5% in March 2014 to 10% in January, dropping to 8% in May. Interestingly in May, concern on low incomes surpassed concern on price inflation. A comparison with surveys held before the 2013 general election shows a sharp change in the concerns of the public. While concern on utility bills peaked at 50% in February 2010, less than 1% express this concern now. On the other hand concern on corruption which never sur- passed the 3% mark between 2008 and 2013 has now hit the 18% mark. Methodology The survey was held between Monday 23 and Thursday 26 May. The results were weighed to reflect the age and gender balance of the popu- lation. 821 respondents were contacted. 500 respondents accepted to participate in the sur- vey. The survey has a margin of error of +/-4.3 points. Political fatigue 26% of respondents who express a concern on politicians in general said they would not vote in a general election, and 48% are undecided

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