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MT 12 June 2016

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maltatoday, SUNDAY, 12 JUNE 2016 38 This Week TVM 06:00 News Loop 07:30 Qalb in-nies 08:00 Paq Paq on Test 08:15 Madwarna 08:45 Hadt l-Ahbar 10:00 Malta u lil hinn minnha 11:30 Hadd Gha- lik 12:00 News 12:10 Hadd Ghalik 14:30 Euro 2016 Prematch Progamme 15:00 Euro 2016 – Turkey vs Croatia 17:00 Euro 2016 – Highlights Programme 18:00 News 18:15 Ghawdex Illum 18:45 L-ordni 19:15 Il-vjaggatur 20:00 News 20:45 Euro 2016 Prematch Progamme 21:00 Euro 2016 – Germany vs Ukraine 22:45 High- lights Programme 23:45 News – Smack Down WWE TVM 2 06:00 Euronews 07:00 News Loop 08:30 Paq Paq on Test 08:40 Kelma ghall-hajja 09:00 Quddiesa tal-Hadd 09:45 Vatican Magazine 10:15 Qalb in- nies 10:45 Dot EU 11:00 L-ordni 11:30 Awtokura 12:00 New Rooms 12:30 Il-Vjaggatur 13:00 Paq Paq Lifestyles 13:30 Gadgets 14:00 Malta u lil hinn minnha 15:30 Animal Diaries 16:30 Ninves- tigaw x 'qed nieklu 17:30 Pre-match programme 18:00 Euro 2016 – Poland vs Northern Ire- land 20:00 Highlights Programme 20:45 News for the hearing impaired 20:50 Ghawdex Illum 21:20 Dwarna 22:20 Awtokura 22:50 Madwarna 23:00 Sports News 23:15 News in English NET TV 07:00 Net News 08:45 Telebejgħ 10:15 Ghalkul- hadd 11:15 Quddiesa mis-Santwarju Ta' Pinu 12:00 L-Arkivji 12:45 Telebejgħ 13:00 Road Trip (repeat) 14:00 Net News 14:05 Telebejgħ 15:20 Iswed fuq l-Abjad (repeat) 16:40 Wheelspin (repeat) 17:30 Flusek (repeat) 18:00 Net News 18:05 What's for Dinner 18:45 Newsfeed 19:30 Net News 20:10 Replay Kampjonat Ewropew 20:30 Vittmi 21:30 NET News 21:35 Replay 23:15 Net News ONE 06:50 Flimkien ma' Nancy (repeat) 07:45 Sejjaħtli helpline (repeat) 08:30 Paperscan 10:05 Aroma Kitchen (repeat) 11:25 Mad-daqqa t'ghajn (repeat) 12:30 ONE News 12:35 Kyrios 12:45 Telebejgħ 13:00 In d House (repeat) 17:30 ONE News 17:35 Telebejgh 17:50 ONE 18:45 At- tivita' Politika 19:30 ONE News 20:05 Zona Ewro- pea 20:35 Andrew & Sue 21:35 On D Road 22:15 Il-Patt (repeat) 23:30 ONE News 23:50 Ilsien in- nisa 01:15 Mad-daqqa t'għajn CANALE 5 06:00 Prima Pagina Tg5 07:55 Traffico – Me- teo.It 07:59 Tg5 Mattina 09:10 Shark – Oltre L'apparenza 10:50 La Ricetta Per fetta 12:00 Mel- averde 13:00 Tg5 – Meteo.It 13:40 L'Arca Di Noè 14:01 Something New 14:54 Tgcom - Meteo.It 16:15 Domenica Rewind 18:45 Ricaduta Libera 19:57 Tg5 Prima Pagina 20:00 Tg5 – Meteo.It 20:40 Paperissima Sprint 21:11 Il Segreto 23:11 L'altra Donna Del Re 00:00 X-Style 00:30 Segreti 01:24 Tgcom – Meteo.It ITALIA 1 06:50 The Middle 07:10 Mototopo Autogatto 07:17 Mototopo Autogatto 07:25 Pixie & Dixie 07:40 Scooby Doo 08:30 I Flinstones 09:25 Pippi Calzelunghe 10:35 Una Mamma Per Amica 12:25 Studio Aperto 13:05 Sport Mediaset 13:45 Mi Fido Di Te 14:26 Tgcom 16:05 La Terza Stella 16:42 Tgcom - Meteo.It 18:05 Friends 18:30 Studio Aperto 19:00 Hazzard 19:57 Tgcom - Me- teo.It 21:20 Una Notte Da Leoni 3 22:12 Tgcom - Meteo.It 23:25 Italian Pro Sur fer 01:01 Amnèsia 01:28 Tgcom - Meteo.It RETE 4 07:23 Tg4 Night News 07:43 Mediashopping 08:13 Confessione Reporter 09:20 I Viaggi Del Cuore 10:00 S. Messa 10:50 I Viaggi Del Cuore 11:30 Tg4 - Meteo.It 12:02 Perr y Mason 12:57 Tgcom - Meteo.It 13:56 Italian Secret Ser vice 14:34 Tgcom - Meteo.It 16:09 Capitan Newman 16:47 Tgcom - Meteo.It 18:55 Tg4 19:36 Dentro La Notizia - Meteo.It 19:55 Tempesta D'amore 21:15 Maurizio Costanzo Show 00:33 Tg4 Night News - Meteo.It 02:20 Modamania RAI UNO 06:00 Rai Parlamento Punto Europa 06:30 Sem- bra Ieri 07:00 Tg1 07:05 L'Italia Della Repubblica 08:00 Tg1 08:20 Passaggio A Nord Ovest 09:00 Tg1 09:05 Dreams Road 09:50 Tg1 L.I.S. 09:55 A Sua Immagine 10:25 Santa Messa 12:00 Recita Dell'Angelus 12:10 A Sua Immagine 12:20 Linea Verde Estate 13:30 Tg1 14:00 Una Domenica Da Leoni 15:05 Tiziano Ferro – Lo Stadio 16:30 Tg1 17:15 Vendemmia D'amore 18:45 Reazione A Catena 20:00 Tg1 20:35 UEFA Euro: Germania - Ucraina 2016 22:45 Tg1 60 Secondi 23:20 Il Grande Match 00:40 Tg1 Notte 01:15 UEFA Euro: Belgio – Italia RAI DUE 06:00 Lena, Amore Della Mia Vita 06:30 Rai Cultura Memex 07:00 Sea Patrol 08:30 Heart- land 09:55 Dream Hotel: Mauritius 11:20 La Nave Dei Sogni - Bora Bora 13:00 Tg2 13:30 Il Caffè Degli Europei 14:00 Meteo 2 14:05 Sereno Variabile Estate 14:45 Viaggi Da Record 15:15 Delitti In Paradiso 17:15 Squadra Speciale Stoc- carda 17:15 Reckless - Alle Spalle 18:00 Tg2 L.I.S. 18:05 61a Regata Delle Antiche Repubbliche Marinare 18:50 Squadra Speciale Cobra 20:30 Tg2 - 20.30 21:00 LOL ;-) 21:10 Hawaii Five-0 21:55 CSI: Cyber 22:50 Mondiale Formula 1 2016 RAI TRE 06:00 Fuori Orario. Cose (Mai) Viste 06:50 Zorro – Tornado È Sparito 07:15 Maurizio, Peppino E Le Indossatrici 08:45 Le Massaggiatrici 10:15 Spe- ciale Camera Con Vista 11:10 Attenti A Quei Due - Un Carico Di Lingotti 12:00 Tg3 12:05 Tg3 Fuori Linea 12:10 Tg3 Persone 12:15 Meteo 3 12:25 Geo 12:55 Ritratti 14:00 Tg Regione 14:15 Tg3 14:30 In 1/2 H 15:00 Tg3 L.I.S. 15:05 La Bandera - Marcia O Muori 16:35 L'amore Inatteso 18:05 Kilimangiaro Magazine 18:55 Meteo 3 19:00 Tg3 19:30 Tg Regione 20:00 Blob 20:10 Che Tempo Che Fa 21:45 REC 23:35 Tg3 – Tg Regione 23:50 Nemico Pubblico Live 00:00 Tg3 Linea Notte 00:10 Tg Regione 01:00 Meteo 3 TELEVISION BBC ENTERTAINMENT 300 06:00 Nuzzle and Scratch: Frock and Roll 06:20 Show Me Show Me 06:40 Mr Bloom's Nursery 07:00 Nuzzle and Scratch: Frock and Roll 07:20 Jollywobbles 07:30 Doctors 08:00 Doctors 08:25 Doctors 08:55 Doctors 09:25 EastEnders 09:55 EastEnders 10:25 EastEnders 10:55 EastEnders 11:25 EastEnders 11:55 Dad's Army 12:30 Dad's Army 13:00 Dad's Army 13:30 Bargain Hunt 14:15 Bargain Hunt 15:00 Bargain Hunt 15:45 Atlantis 16:30 Atlantis 17:15 BBC Proms 2011: Human Planet Prom 18:35 The Lady Vanishes 20:05 Our Zoo 21:00 Mad Dogs 21:45 What Remains 22:35 What Remains 23:25 Sherlock AXN 301 06:00 Torta di riso 06:25 Torta di riso 06:50 Torta di riso 07:15 Torta di riso 07:45 Last Cop 08:35 Last Cop 09:25 Hawaii Five-0 10:15 Hawaii Five-0 11:05 Hawaii Five-0 11:55 Hawaii Five-0 12:45 Hawaii Five-0 13:40 Torta di riso 14:10 Torta di riso 14:40 Fast e Furious: Solo parti originali 16:35 The Transporter 18:20 Scorpion 19:15 CSI: Cyber 20:10 NCIS: New Orleans 21:10 XXX 23:20 Sexcetera E! ENTERTAINMENT 306 06:00 Rich Kids of Beverly Hills: Bridezilla 07:00 Rich Kids of Beverly Hills: MaidofDishonor 08:00 Rich Kids of Beverly Hills: GossipGirl 09:00 Rich Kids of Beverly Hills: WakingUpinVegas 10:00 Rich Kids of Beverly Hills: Skel- etonsintheCloset 11:00 L.A. Clippers Dance Squad: L.A. Women 12:00 L.A. Clippers Dance Squad: Last Dance, Last Chance 13:00 Botched: Foreign Bodies 14:00 Botched: Man Boobs 15:00 Botched: Pinched Perfect 16:00 Keeping Up With the Kardashians: Out With the Old, In With the New 17:00 Keeping Up With the Kar- dashians: A New York Family Affair 18:00 Keeping Up With the Kardashians: Significant Others and Significant Brothers 19:00 Keeping Up With the Kardashians: All About Meme 20:00 Keeping Up With the Kardashians 21:00 Botched: Double D-isaster 22:00 Rich Kids of Beverly Hills: SkeletonsintheCloset 23:00 Keeping Up With the Kardashians FINE LIVING NETWORK 307 06:00 House Hunters 06:25 House Hunters 06:50 Car- ibbean Life 07:15 Hawaii Life 07:40 Healthy Gourmet 08:05 Healthy Gourmet 08:30 Beachfront Bargain Hunt 09:00 Beachfront Bargain Hunt 09:25 Caribbean Life 09:50 Hawaii Life 10:15 Rehab Addict 10:40 Rehab Addict 11:10 Curb Appeal 11:35 Curb Appeal 12:00 House Hunters 12:25 House Hunters 12:50 Fixer Up- per 13:45 Platinum Weddings 14:10 Platinum Wed- dings 14:35 Tiny House, Big Living 15:00 Tiny House, Big Living 15:25 Fixer Upper 16:15 Restoration SOS Victoria 16:40 Restoration SOS Victoria 17:05 Platinum Weddings 17:30 Platinum Weddings 18:00 Million Dollar Contractor 18:25 Million Dollar Contractor 18:55 House Hunters 19:20 House Hunters 19:45 Hawaii Life 20:10 Caribbean Life 20:35 Rehab Addict 21:00 Rachel Hunter's Tour of Beauty 21:30 Rachel Hunter's Tour of Beauty 21:55 Tiny House, Big Living 22:20 Tiny House, Big Living 22:45 Caribbean Life 23:10 Hawaii Life 23:35 World's Most Extreme Homes CBS REALITY 308 06:00 Judge Judy 06:25 Judge Judy 06:50 U.S. Bounty Hunters 07:15 U.S. Bounty Hunters 07:40 U.S. Bounty Hunters 08:05 U.S. Bounty Hunters 08:30 Paramed- ics 09:20 Super Surgery 10:10 Deal Makers 11:00 Deal Makers 11:50 Cheaters 12:40 Robbed, Raided, Reunited 13:05 Robbed, Raided, Reunited 13:30 Judge Judy 13:55 Judge Judy 14:20 Judge Judy 14:45 Judge Judy 15:10 Judge Judy 15:35 Body of Evidence 16:00 Speeders 16:25 Speeders 16:50 Speeders 17:15 Speed- ers 17:40 Close Calls: On Camera 18:05 Close Calls: On Camera 18:30 Medical Detectives 18:55 Medical Detec- tives 19:20 Paramedics 20:10 Robbed, Raided, Reunited 20:35 Robbed, Raided, Reunited 21:00 Killer In The Family 21:50 Cheaters 22:40 The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door 23:30 Cold Blood ITV CHOICE 309 07:00 Catchphrase 07:40 Mr Selfridge 08:55 Mr Selfridge 09:45 Mr Selfridge 10:35 Mr Selfridge 11:25 Mr Selfridge 12:15 Endeavour 14:00 Tonight at the London Palladium 14:55 Doctor Thorne 15:50 Lewis 16:40 Doc Martin 17:30 Catchphrase 18:00 Tonight at the London Palladium 18:50 Autopsy: The Last Hours Of... 19:40 The Jonathan Ross Show 20:30 Midsomer Murders 22:15 Mr Selfridge 23:10 Catchphrase 23:40 James Nesbitt's Ireland TCM 310 07:10 The Last Time I Saw Paris 09:05 TCM Presents Un- der the Influence 09:35 Now, Voyager 11:28 TCM Pre- sents Under the Influence 11:56 Mr. Skeffington 14:00 An American in Paris 15:50 Kismet 17:45 Some Came Running 20:00 Ocean's Eleven 22:05 Adventures of Don Juan 23:55 Ocean's Eleven AMC CHANNEL 312 06:30 Bound for Glory 08:55 It Runs in the Family 10:20 Big Screen 10:35 The Beautiful Country 12:35 Ground- hog Day 14:20 Crimes and Misdemeanors 16:05 Big Screen 16:20 The Kentuckian 18:05 If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium 19:45 Big Screen 20:00 Restoration 21:55 The Limey 23:25 Dead Men Can't Dance FOOD NETWORK HD 372 06:00 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 06:30 Roadtrip With G. Garvin 07:00 Chopped 08:00 Amazing Wedding Cakes 09:00 The Pioneer Woman 09:30 The Pioneer Woman 10:00 Siba's Table 10:30 Siba's Table 11:00 Ching's Amazing Asia 11:30 Ching's Amazing Asia 12:00 Man Finds Food 12:30 Man Finds Food 13:00 Man Finds Food 13:30 Man Finds Food 14:00 Chopped 15:00 Guy's Grocery Games 16:00 Amazing Wedding Cakes 17:00 Siba's Table 17:30 Siba's Table 18:00 Valerie's Home Cooking 18:30 Valerie's Home Cooking 19:00 Chopped 20:00 Cutthroat Kitchen 21:00 Man v Food 21:30 Man v Food 22:00 Mystery Diners 22:30 Mystery Diners 23:00 Chopped DISCOVERY CHANNEL 400 06:00 How Do They Do It?: Titan Tires; Espresso; Diamond Cutting 06:25 Fat N' Furious: Rolling Thunder: Hellcat Challenger 07:15 Fast N' Loud: Killer COPO Camaro 08:10 Wheeler Dealers: Mazda RX7 09:05 Extreme Car Hoard- ers: Bird Up 09:55 Classic Car Rescue: Porsche 928 10:50 Salvage Hunters 11:40 Storage Hunters UK: Hampshire 12:05 Storage Hunters UK: Preston 12:35 Property Wars: Wipe Out 13:00 Property Wars: Puzzling Addition 13:30 The Liquidator: The Irregulars 13:55 The Liquida- tor: Belly Up 14:25 Dallas Car Sharks 14:50 Dallas Car Sharks: You Suck Defender 15:20 Diesel Brothers: Tows Before Bros... 16:15 Extreme Car Hoarders: Lords of the Zephyr 17:10 How It's Made: Dream Cars: Porsche Pan- amera 17:35 How It's Made: Dream Cars: Peugeot RCZ R 18:05 Driving Wild: Mexican Lowriders 19:00 Kings Of The Wild: Bulgaria - Mountains 20:00 Free Ride 21:00 Boy to Man 22:00 The Tallest Tower: Building the Shard 23:00 Killing Fields: Buried Secrets DISCOVERY WORLD 401 06:00 Chasing Classic Cars 06:25 Chasing Classic Cars 06:45 Chasing Classic Cars 07:10 Chasing Classic Cars 07:30 Chasing Classic Cars 07:55 Origins 08:15 Origins 08:35 Origins 09:00 Origins 09:20 Origins 09:45 Ex- treme Engineering 10:30 Extreme Engineering 11:15 Extreme Engineering 12:00 Extreme Engineering 12:45 Extreme Engineering 13:30 Anthony Bourdain: No Res- ervations 14:15 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations 15:00 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations 15:45 Antho- ny Bourdain: No Reservations 16:30 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations 17:15 Gunslingers 18:00 Gunslingers 18:45 Gunslingers 19:30 Gunslingers 20:15 Mega Beasts 21:00 Inside Planet Earth 22:30 Secrets of the Arsenal 23:15 Crashes That Changed Flying DISCOVERY SCIENCE 402 06:00 Food Factory USA 06:25 Food Factory USA 06:50 Food Factory USA 07:15 Food Factory USA 07:40 Food Factory USA 08:05 Food Factory USA 08:30 Food Fac- tory USA 08:55 Food Factory USA 09:20 Food Factory USA 09:45 Food Factory USA 10:10 How Do They Do It? 10:35 How Do They Do It? 11:00 How It's Made 11:25 How It's Made 11:50 How It's Made 12:15 How It's Made 12:40 How It's Made 13:05 How It's Made 13:30 How It's Made 13:55 How It's Made 14:20 Mighty Ships 15:10 Mighty Ships 16:00 Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman 16:50 Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman 17:40 Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman 18:30 Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman 19:20 Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman 20:10 How the Universe Works 21:00 How It's Made 21:25 How It's Made 21:50 Uncovering Aliens 22:40 Food Factory USA 23:05 How the Universe Works 23:55 How the Universe Works TLC 403 06:00 Toddlers & Tiaras 06:50 Toddlers & Tiaras 07:40 Cake Boss 08:10 Cake Boss 08:35 Buddy's Family Vaca- tion 09:05 Buddy's Family Vacation 09:30 Little People, Big World 10:00 Little People, Big World 10:25 Little People, Big World 10:55 Little People, Big World 11:20 Little People, Big World 12:15 Two in a Million 13:10 I Still Didn't Know I Was Pregnant 14:05 Buddy's Family Vacation 14:35 Buddy's Family Vacation 15:00 Bride by Design 15:30 Say Yes to the Dress 15:55 Say Yes to the Dress: Bridesmaids 16:25 Say Yes to the Dress: Randy Knows Best 16:50 Curvy Brides 17:20 Something Bor- rowed, Something New 17:50 Happily Ever Laughter 18:15 Say Yes to the Dress Canada 18:45 Say Yes to the Dress: Randy Knows Best 19:10 Say Yes to the Dress: The Big Day 20:05 Psychic Matchmaker 20:30 Psychic Matchmaker 21:00 Say Yes to the Dress: The Big Day 21:55 My 600-Lb. Life: Where Are They Now? 22:50 My Extreme Excess Skin 23:45 Sex Sent Me to the E.R. ANIMAL PLANET 405 06:00 Call of the Wildman 06:25 DogTV 07:15 Res- toration Wild 08:10 Backcountry Justice 09:05 Austin Stevens: Most Dangerous 10:00 DogTV 10:55 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 11:20 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 11:50 Bahama Blue 12:45 Wildest Middle East 13:40 Untamed China with Nigel Marven 14:35 Biggest & Baddest 15:30 Killer IQ: Lion vs Hyena 16:25 Wild Expectations 17:20 Restoration Wild 18:15 Back- country Justice 19:10 Austin Stevens: Most Dangerous 20:05 Village Vets 20:35 Village Vets 21:00 Restoration Wild 21:55 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 22:20 Snake Crusader with Bruce George 22:50 Gator Boys 23:45 Gator Boys NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 406 06:00 The Lost Ships of Rome 07:00 The 400 Million Dollar Emerald 08:00 Mine Kings: Colombian Emeralds 09:00 Mine Kings: Seven Sapphires 10:00 Million Dol- lar Moon Rock Heist 11:00 Nasca Lines Decoded 12:00 Nazi Megastructures: Pacific Megaships 13:00 Nazi Megastructures: Hitler's Island Megafortress 14:00 Nazi Megastructures: The Eagle's Nest 15:00 Survive the Tribe: Desert Hunters 16:00 Survive the Tribe: Solomon Shark Hunters 17:00 Lawless Island: The Devil's Club 18:00 Lawless Island: Looking for Blood 19:00 Science of Stu- pid 19:30 Science of Stupid 20:00 Genius by Stephen Hawking: What Are We? 21:00 Explorer: Warlords of Ivory 22:00 Inside: Cocaine Sub Hunt 23:00 Science of Stupid 23:30 Science of Stupid NAT GEO WILD 407 06:00 Race of Life 06:24 Race of Life 06:50 Deadly Instincts 07:37 Deadly Game 08:26 The Lakeshore Kill- ers 09:16 The World's Deadliest Animals 10:05 Deadly Instincts 10:53 Deadly Instincts 11:42 Deadly Instincts 12:26 Deadly Instincts 13:17 Deadly Game 14:04 Dead- ly Game 14:51 Deadly Game 15:37 Predator Fail 16:24 Predator Fail 17:11 Predator Fail 18:00 Extraordinary Africa 18:30 Extraordinary Africa 18:48 Wildest Islands 19:37 Wild Antarctica 20:26 Extraordinary Africa 20:58 Extraordinary Africa 21:15 Wildest Islands 22:03 Amaz- ing Animal Selfies 22:52 Wild Botswana: Lion Brother- hood 23:41 Extraordinary Africa TRAVEL CHANNEL 410 06:00 House Hunters International 06:25 House Hunt- 21:10 – Hawaii Five-0 – Rai Due

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