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44 Events maltatoday, SUNDAY, 12 JUNE 2016 Quality of service and billing issues source of most complaints to MCA A Malta Communications Authority (MCA) report on the complaints received from subscribers of telephony, in- ternet, television and postal services during the second half of 2015, shows that the author- ity received an average of 24 complaints per month, 91% of which were closed within 20 working days. The Authority also received 264 requests for information. As part of its function to pro- tect the interests of end-users, the MCA provides end-users the possibility to lodge a com- plaint with the Authority in cases where they are not satis- fied with the redress provided by their service provider. The extent of the action the MCA can take in relation to a complaint, depends on the na- ture of the complaint and the MCA's relevant legal powers. There are instances where al- though the complaints received relate to the provision of a ser- vice regulated by the MCA, the authority is not empowered at law to intervene and would therefore be required to refer the end-users to other compe- tent entities. Such instances could include for example, cases regarding mis-selling, unsolicited com- munications and other unfair commercial practices. The most common com- plaints received during this period related to quality of service 'QoS', with faults being the most common type of QoS complaint received. In total the MCA received 17 fault reports, 32% less when compared to the first six month of 2015. Faults are generally caused by degradation, misuse, force majeure or third party distur- bance. Faults could also be the result of damages to the ser- vice provider's infrastructure, damages to the subscriber's internal wiring or damages to the physical equipment. In the cases reported to the Author- ity, the MCA monitored the ac- tions undertaken by the service providers to ensure that faults were repaired in the shortest time possible. In those cases where the fault originated from the service providers' infrastructure, sub- scribers were offered compen- sation, as stated in their service contract. Another source of complaint related to billing issues pre- dominantly with respect to in- correct billing. In cases where subscribers were found to be incorrectly billed, the author- ity followed the matter with the concerned service provider until such charges were waived when applicable. The MCA is still monitoring this matter as this remains one of the most recurring com- plaints lodged. It also assisted those subscribers who required information regarding their bill by ensuring that the op- erator provided the necessary clarifications. The Authority recorded a de- crease of 38% in the number of termination and switching complaints received during the second half of 2015 when com- pared to the first half of 2015. In some cases, the Author- ity had to follow up the mat- ter with the concerned service provider until it ensured that the services where effectively terminated in line with the subscriber's request. In some other cases, the Authority pro- vided guidance to subscribers contacting it about the proce- dure they needed to follow to terminate the service/s. The MCA also received claims related to unfair com- mercial practices adopted by service providers over which the MCA has no legal power to intervene. Most commonly these claims related to issues of mis-selling and the MCA directed complainants to the competent Authorities respon- sible to enforce such matters. Complaints of a postal nature received by the MCA remained on the decrease during the second half of 2015 with only two complaints received. The MCA brought these cases to the attention of service provid- er so that it could look into the matter and address any ensu- ing issues accordingly. No complaints regarding eCommerce services were reg- istered during this period. The MCA encourages those end-users who encounter any difficulties with respect to ser- vices regulated by the MCA in the event that their complaint with their service provider has not been addressed to their satisfaction. The public can contact the MCA on 21336840 or by email on customercare@ Honda's NSX Total Airflow Management concept explained SPECIFICALLY created to bring a 'New Sports eXperience' to the supercar segment, the new Honda NSX challenges the status quo, just as the first-generation NSX did so comprehensively over a quarter of a century ago. One core concept employed in the car's development was 'total airflow management', to achieve superior levels of downforce, minimise drag and enhance grip, stability and bal- ance. Thomas Ramsey, NSX Aerody- namics and Cooling Project Leader, explained the concept better. "In many ways, with the design of the all-new Honda NSX, you liter- ally have form following function, so this was a really exciting vehicle to work on as an aerodynamicist," he said. "To meet the challenge of the ambitious performance targets, in- novative packaging design and dra- matic styling, Honda's engineers had to totally re-imagine the exte- rior engineering for this modern supercar. "This new 'total airflow manage- ment' strategy supports component cooling and aerodynamic perfor- mance while also contributing to even more dynamic styling." With the interrelated objectives of superior downforce and effi- cient cooling, Ramsey and his team sought to extract maximum benefit from the flow of air around and through the all-new NSX. Using computational fluid dy- namic (CFD) simulations and test- ing of 40 per cent scale models in Honda's advanced wind tunnel facility in Ohio, the development team optimised the intricate body shapes. Surfaces, intake grilles and ex- haust vents are shaped and pro- portioned to reduce aerodynamic drag, create downforce, maximise cooling and efficiently dissipate unwanted heat. The analysis was verified at Honda's full-scale, moving ground plane wind tunnel in Tochigi, Ja- pan. An exhaustive research and de- velopment programme determined that generating approximately three times as much downforce at the rear relative to the front of the car would provide the optimal downforce distribution for high- performance and day-to-day driv- ing. A rear diffuser works together with the rear spoiler and taillight slots to generate significant down- force and manage effectively the drag created by the aerodynamic wake generated behind the car. The airflow through the car's front-end follows carefully opti- mised exit paths, which take into consideration total airflow, maxi- mum downforce and a low coeffi- cient of drag. This air is then deliberately ma- nipulated when exiting in order to achieve a pre-determined down- stream flow pattern to feed the mid-engine air inlets. As part of the total airflow man- agement approach, the NSX's ex- terior design also provides highly efficient thermal management re- quired by its hybrid powertrain. Openings at the front of the ve- hicle supply cooling airflow across the key heat exchangers located within the front section – front engine radiators, twin motor unit cooler, condenser, transmission gear cooler and hybrid Power Dis- tribution Unit. Air flowing over the roof and down the rear hatch glass is cap- tured to feed the transmission clutch cooler and further facilitate engine bay cooling. This holistic approach signifi- cantly contributes to a supercar that faithfully translates the inputs of the driver with incredible fidelity and zero delay, while minimising the driver's workload. These qualities together define the New Sports eXperience. New KTM motorbike Redefines Riding Experience FAPI Motors, local distributors for KTM motorbikes, announced the arrival of the KTM 1290 Su- per Duke GT, known for its V- twin rocket new performance standard engine with 173 hp. The bike's powerful and culti- vated engine is ideal for either a relaxing ride or a super sporty propulsion giving outstanding riding pleasure in all conditions. With a bigger fuel tank and fully adjustable foot-pegs and handle- bar, the Super Duke GT is specifi- cally tailored to fit every rider's need. What make this bike truly stand out is the number of standard fea- tures found on this bike, includ- ing the MSC Motorcycle Stability Control. Very long service intervals, make this the perfect bike to own, especially in Malta's busy traffic and easy climate. For more information of the KTM 1290 Super Duke GT, visit the Fapi showroom in Attard, through email sales@fapimotors. com or on 2339 3102. HSBC Malta hosts bank's Europe chairman THE chairman of HSBC Europe and non-executive director of HSBC Holdings plc, Jonathan Sy- monds, was in Malta on a two-day visit, during which he met the lo- cal bank's board of directors and executive leadership. He also met customers at the unique setting of Fort St Elmo, where a tour of the National War Museum was organised. While in Malta, Mr Symonds also paid a courtesy visit to the prime minister and the minister for finance. From left to right: Stephen Muscat, Malcolm Booker, HSBC Malta CEO Andrew Beane, Richard Abdilla Castillo, HSBC Europe Chair- man Jonathan Symonds and Tonio Zarb

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