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45 Events maltatoday, SUNDAY, 12 JUNE 2016 Social Impact Awards launched in Malta THE Gasan Foundation together with Inspirasia Foundation are launching a new initiative for social change in Malta. The So- cial Impact Awards will create a platform for new philanthropic ideas and an opportunity to receive financial and non-fi- nancial support. The awards will recognize non-profit or- ganisations, social enterprises and individuals who submit in- novative, social projects that can have a sustainable positive impact and scalable change for Malta. The primary aim behind these awards is to bring together the private and non-profit sectors and to offer opportunities for NGOs and individuals to receive both financial and non-financial support to develop and materi- alise a project that could have a positive social impact on Malta. Together the two foundations and other businesses have al- ready amassed over €50, 000 to donate as grants to the best and most effective submissions. "The idea behind these awards is to inspire business commu- nity and corporate foundations to support this initiative and to give more and give well," Mark Weingard founder of Inspirasia Foundation, said. "With these awards we hope to bring the non-profit sec- tor closer to philanthropists and businesses in order to have more social impact in Malta. It is about time we all start taking our impact as seriously as our profits, with efficiency and pro- fessionalism at our core," Joseph Gasan, Chairman of The Gasan Foundation, said. Following an intensive selec- tion process once all applica- tions have been submitted, the finalists will have a chance to pitch their projects in front of a panel of judges made up of busi- ness leaders and philanthro- pists, for a chance to win at an event which will take place in October, 2016. Contact Inspirasia assistant director on louisa@inspirasia. org for more information and guidelines. The deadline for sub- missions of expression of inter- est is July 11. Applications open next week Grant Thornton Malta appointed corporate advisors for prospects by the MSE GRANT Thornton Malta has been appointed as a corporate adviser by the Malta Stock Ex- change for Malta's new SME listing product, Prospects. Prospects was launched last February to offer a cost-effective alternative source of raising fi- nance for SMEs who need up to €5 million in financing. According to Cliff Pace, busi- ness development head at the Malta Stock Exchange, "The corporate adviser has a very critical role and is a make or break for this particular prod- uct. They are the ones who will ensure we have the right compa- nies coming on board, with the right levels of corporate govern- ance and due diligence." To list on AIM, – the closest thing to Prospects on the Lon- don Stock Exchange one would have to pay €400,000, which does not justify the means for organisations looking at raising a few million. With Malta's Prospect financ- ing option, the cost for compa- nies to come to market is esti- mated to be around €50,000 to €60,000. "For a successful f lotation on Prospects, you'll need more than a company with high po- tential. Just as crucial will be your ability to recruit the right advisers," said George Vella, Ad- visory Partner at Grant Thorn- ton Malta. As one of Malta's leading ac- countancy and advisory com- panies, Grant Thornton is able to offer such service, which will cover not only all the require- ments set out by the Malta Stock Exchange, but would also follow the process through from origi- nation, to listing and subsequent ongoing compliance so as to ad- here to the Prospects' rules. Grant Thornton can also sup- plement its services by offering assistance with all taxation, legal and accounting require- ments. Prospects is available to both local and foreign companies and interest in the new financ- ing option is very positive. It is as an important alternative for investors, particularly because the corporate adviser would be there to ensure that the SME complies with requirements in terms of corporate governance, transparency, and continuing obligations. For more information on how to raise finance through Pros- pects one can email George. or grant- or call on 21320134. Make every day World Environment Day MALTA joins many countries this week in celebrating World Environment Day, the biggest and most widely celebrated glob- al day for positive environmental action. This day acts as an outreach initiative to do something that contributes to the Earth's well- being and to commit towards be- coming an agent of change, plac- ing emphasis on efficient waste management. Given the small size of our country, as well as the extensive degree of urbanization, open spaces that support biodiversity, open countryside and relaxation spaces are at a premium. Maltese society should be even more sensitive to such con- straints and act accordingly to ensure that, through positive waste management practices, the need for landfill space that takes up virgin land is kept to its bare minimum. The government has already in- vested tens of millions of Euros in infrastructural developments at the Malta North waste treat- ment facility, the Gozo waste transfer station, the autoclave facility for animal waste and the new pilot project for the separate collection of organic waste. The recently launched national information campaign Don't Waste Waste is a call to action to make small yet determining steps towards more sustainable waste management. From buying loose fruit and vegetables to reduce packag- ing waste to reusing an item that would normally get thrown away, and by separating waste in order to adhere to Local Council collection schedules that pro- mote recycling, everyone can help make a radical difference in the way waste is managed. For more information visit Valletta Ferry Services start summer schedule VALLETTA Ferry Services begin- ning on June 1, introduced the Night Schedule for the summer season. The last ferry from Val- letta to Sliema will leave at 00:45 and the last ferry from Valletta to the Three Cities will leave at mid- night. The new summer schedule can be found on www.vallettafer- or on Facebook w w ryServices.